Pisces Monthly Horoscope

Pisces Monthly Horoscope April 2024

What does stability look and feel like for you, Pisces? Although your nature as a flowy Fish is to seek change, this month could find you a bit fixated on security. With structured Saturn in your sign for the past year, you’ve discovered the upside of being more grounded, committed and decisive. Since March 2023, success has come from sticking to one or two key priorities instead of scattering your energy in a million directions. 
Saturn will be here for almost two more years, so you’ll keep strengthening your foundation one persistent step at a time. And this month, with a plethora of planets in Aries and your second house of security, money and self-worth, you’re extra motivated by the mantra “less is more.”
The Sun is in Aries and your second house of work, money and daily routines until April 19. After lots of new beginnings during Pisces/birthday season, April serves up some stability that allows you to hunker down and start building your ideas into something tangible. This methodical, one-day-at-a-time energy might make you stir-crazy at times, but it's just the right speed for you as the month begins. Make your to-do lists, check things off systematically and focus on what's right in front of you. Working toward your goals a little bit each day will lead to a big milestone.
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