Leo Weekly Horoscope

Leo Weekly Horoscope From April 22 To April 28

Is your home a haven—or just another four-letter word? If you can’t come back to a peaceful oasis when you need to get away from the hustle and daily grind, you can make some significant shifts starting this week. On Tuesday, April 23, the year's only Scorpio full moon lights up your domestic fourth house, turning your attention in that direction. In general, full moons can bring a project or situation to a completion point—or a turning point—so if you've been considering making some changes to the Leo Lair, get ready to get busy! Whether you’re reorganizing your books and files, painting the bedroom or creating a meditation sanctuary, start by cleaning and decluttering. Once you get rid of the extraneous, you may be surprised by how much relief you’re already starting to feel. From there, you can design anything.
If that feels like “merely rearranging the furniture,” do some soul-searching to see what your soul is really craving. Some Leos may have a desire to move to the country now—or to a totally different country! This lunation will influence the next two weeks most strongly and even stretch over the coming six months. Give yourself time and freedom to make decisions that support your grandest goals. Regardless of your home-focused hopes, this Scorpio full moon can help you get in touch with some deep values around how you live on a day-to-day basis as well as the quality of your life. This can reveal some beliefs that aren’t self-serving, like if you realize that, deep down, you don’t believe you "deserve" a beautiful home or have a fear of moving away from friends and family. Use the penetrating energy of these Scorpionic moonbeams to explore underlying issues that may be preventing you from stepping into your destiny, then take a couple simple steps in that direction. Most important is living in a place that's comfortable AND inspirational.
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