Aquarius Daily Horoscope - Today - Sep 08, 2024, Sunday | AstroTwins

Aquarius Daily Horoscope

Today's Aquarius Horoscope for September 7, 2024 - September 8, 2024

Sorry to inform you, Aquarius, but splurging is NOT the new black. In fact, too much will put you in the RED, an inconvenient truth. But good—if restraining—news arrives with the weekend’s belt-tightening opposition between the indulgent Sun and conservative Saturn across your financial axis. It’s never too late to rein in your spending and get serious about sticking to a budget. Just make sure you aren’t depriving yourself of all pleasure in the process. What you might need more than (or as much as) new fall boots is time with your people. And if you’re in the mood for love, you’ll have no trouble charming potential mates starting Sunday as Mercury glides into your seductive eighth house. But this isn't about racking up the conquests. Reserve your roses for candidates who have true long-term potential. By the time September 26 rolls around, you may have met someone who brings out your best qualities and is excited by your interests. Already attached? If you and your partner are hesitating to take that “next big step,” the amorous momentum of this transit can help you make that commitment. When in doubt, listen to your gut. This starmap also gives your intuition a mystical boost. Keep the tarot deck handy.

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