Today's Gemini Horoscope for September 20, 2024
You're oozing optimism and energy today, but what's the best way to channel it? With a foggy face-off between the Sun and Neptune, it's hard to get a clear read on your long-term goals. You've done your homework and understand the options, so now explore the emotional side of things. If certain feelings keep cropping up, pay attention. Talk it out with your go-to sounding board, and then reflect. While you're eager to take action, don't forge ahead until you've cleared up all your doubts. If you've been relying on independent research and Googling, getting a legit professional opinion can also be illuminating.
Gemini Daily Horoscope for September 16, 2024
Career coup: incoming! Professional prospects look bright today as the moon in your ambitious tenth house forms an auspicious trine with go-getter Mars. Not only are you clear on your long-term plan for greatness (whether that’s a raise, a new job or a promotion), but you also can roll up your sleeves and get started today. You’ve got the micro AND macro covered, Gemini. So it could be time to decide: What’s the first (and smartest) step you can take toward realizing the career of your wildest dreams?
Gemini Daily Horoscope for September 17, 2024
Up, up and away! Today’s Pisces full supermoon in your ambitious tenth house gives your goals some extra gusto. All your hard work over the last six months could pay off as you reach a major milestone. Even better? Your meteoric rise is only beginning! This is the maiden eclipse in a series that will last until February 2027, reshuffling your work-life balance. This illuminating full moon spotlights your career trajectory and helps you make an important decision. If you've been feeling like a hamster on a wheel at work, la luna could reveal an exciting new path to pursue. Assist your ascent by investing in a business coach or reaching out to a mentor to fine-tune your strategy.
Gemini Daily Horoscope for September 18, 2024
With your ruler, Mercury, stirring the pot in your sensitive fourth house, you could have a knee-jerk reaction that causes you to lash out at someone today. But try to catch yourself in the act. With composed Saturn sitting across the table from Mercury, do your best to put yourself in their shoes and see this situation from their POV. To err is human, and if this person was doing their best, ease up and give them a break. A middle-of-the-road approach is your best bet under this tricky opposition. Tell them you can see they really tried and you’d like them to keep improving so the results meet your expectations next time.
Gemini Daily Horoscope for September 19, 2024
Is it time to press "eject" on a member of your inner circle? At today's confab of the moon and healer Chiron, someone on Team Gemini might be bringing down morale. But before you extricate this person from your life, make sure you're not shooting the messenger. What irritates you about someone may be a trait you're unwilling to see in yourself. (Mirror, mirror?) Either way, you want to make sure that you're dealing with the real root cause, not just a symptom. This annoying person may just be revealing a larger issue. Perhaps a little compassionate dialogue can increase the peace.
Gemini Daily Horoscope for September 21, 2024 - September 22, 2024
Temptation nation? You could be headed there on a one-way ticket this weekend as love planet Venus locks into a tense square with penetrating Pluto. Flirtatious Venus has you craving attention, but intense Pluto could awaken the green-eyed monster. Keep that suspicious mind in check, especially if your S.O. has a solid track record. And check yourself if you start surfing the edge of appropriateness or drifting toward a clandestine affair. With Venus moving on to Scorpio and your traditional sixth house from Sunday until October 17, you may find that you prefer "healthy but a little boring" to "hot and destabilizing." Also on Sunday, the Sun heads into Libra and your playful fifth house for a month. New priority: Find out what exhibits, concerts and fall festivals will be happening in your area during the month ahead. Find a playmate—or set off romantic sparks with an existing one. Your creative streak is in top form now, so sign up for guitar lessons or drop by a ceramics studio this weekend.