Today's Libra Horoscope for September 7, 2024 - September 8, 2024
Have you been giving so much you’re starting to feel depleted? That’s always your first clue—or maybe the FINAL one—that something is out of balance with a key connection. Your sign is famously generous, and occasionally you don’t realize when someone in your inner circle is taking advantage of it. This weekend, as the bold Sun forms its annual opposition with structure hound Saturn, you’ll be reminded of the essential value of firm and fair boundaries. Starting Sunday, you’ll be craving solitude as messenger Mercury hunkers down in your twelfth house of healing and completions until September 26. Tie up those loose ends now, whether you’re trying to resolve an issue in your personal life or crushing a major project at work. But you don’t have to wait until you’re done to make room on your calendar for self-care. Try doing a daily meditation (apps like Insight Timer are great for this) and, if the budget allows, book at least one healing treatment, like a massage or a float tank session, before your birthday.
Libra Daily Horoscope for September 2, 2024
Let it go and let it flow, Libra. Today, the year’s only new moon in Virgo triggers a release in your twelfth house of transitions and healing. Heads up: These moonbeams could illuminate a few unresolved issues, and you won’t be able to ignore those rumblings of discontent any longer. Get proactive whether you're cleaning up your diet, unfollowing your nemesis on Instagram or committing to weekly therapy. Start with a baby step if that's all you can handle at the moment. Helpful wizards can appear like guardian angels under this new moon. Put pride to the side and accept their sage guidance.
Libra Daily Horoscope for September 3, 2024
You’re ready to jump in and manifest miracles today, but not so fast! A tricky square between impatient Mars and slippery Neptune could cause you to fumble on the execution. Although the devil is in the details, clarity is playing a game of hide and seek. Pause on the heavy-duty production work and stick to right-brain actions like vision-boarding, journaling and mind-mapping. This is NOT a substitute for fact-finding and number-crunching, but you'll have a much easier time with that once your imagination is firing again.
Libra Daily Horoscope for September 4, 2024
You’re on the fast track to success as go-getter Mars blasts into Cancer and your ambitious tenth house until November 3. This eight-week cycle is prime for supersized goals and connecting with the power players in your field. Heads up: Obsessive Mars can bring out a workaholic streak, so guard against going to extremes. Schedule playtime into your agenda. It won't take anything away from your mission. In fact, kicking back and rejuvenating will make you even more productive, and regular exercise breaks will keep your energy high.
Libra Daily Horoscope for September 5, 2024
Ignore the comments and close the opinion polls. You’ve surveyed almost everyone you trust and now’s the time to make a firm decision. With the moon and your ruler, Venus, in your sign today, you’ve got the green light to forge ahead with a concrete plan. Home in on the best feedback you’ve received and make a move to start building momentum. Focus on identifying the most direct path to your desires, then take the first step. Keep it simple, and you’ll get the energy flowing again in no time.
Libra Daily Horoscope for September 6, 2024
Tune out all the static and listen to what your gut has to say today. You’re not the biggest fan of making snap decisions, but with the moon traveling through your sign and your bold first house, you can hop off the fence without any further ado. You’ve almost certainly been overthinking this. Stop driving yourself nuts and pay attention to what your intuition is telling you. You can always course correct along the way!