Today's Pisces Horoscope for September 20, 2024
Patience is a virtue, Pisces, but that doesn't mean you have to let people waste your precious time. All you want is a yes or no answer. Instead, you find yourself listening to some dragged-out explanation and long soliloquy. With the Virgo Sun making its annual opposition to your ruler, Neptune, your fuse will be shorter than usual—and that's probably a good thing. Cut people off (as politely as possible) and ask them to get to the point. Avoid giving circuitous explanations yourself. Brevity is the soul of wit!
Pisces Daily Horoscope for September 16, 2024
Today, the almost-full moon in Pisces forms a supportive trine with go-getter Mars, making you feel extra-confident. There’s no need to shy away from the world, not when you have this kind of courage at your disposal (and a lunar eclipse in your sign tomorrow!). Think about what YOU most desire—not what your family, coworkers or friends want. Once you’ve identified that, start talking. Admirers abound, and you could just catch the ear of a VIP who wants nothing more than to support your solo mission. You've got the floor, so dazzle 'em!
Pisces Daily Horoscope for September 17, 2024
Spotlight's on you, Pisces! The full supermoon in your sign fills the skies today, giving you license to fully express yourself. All your hard work over the past six months finally comes to fruition, so expect a standing ovation or two. Enjoy the accolades! This full moon could also trigger an aha moment about your personal desires, pointing you toward a drastically different path. Be prepared to make a major change sometime this month if the urge strikes. The big news, though, is that this is a lunar eclipse, the first in a series that will touch down on the Virgo/Pisces axis between now and February 2027.
Pisces Daily Horoscope for September 18, 2024
Pair up FTW! Mercury is in your cooperative seventh house today, and it’s reaching across the aisle to stabilizing Saturn in your sign. An opportunity to collaborate could materialize out of thin air. Don’t rush to make this partnership official, but do get to know people better by initiating meaningful discussions. You might convene the hivemind to brainstorm or have lunch with a coworker you’re interested in befriending. Explore the synergistic possibilities!
Pisces Daily Horoscope for September 19, 2024
Money may not be the root of all evil, but it can certainly stir up deep-seated issues! Today, a merger of the moon and healing Chiron could drive up financial fears that you've swept under the rug. It's nothing to be embarrassed about—most people have some kind of "money issues," even if they hide them well. Today's stars embolden you to face any core wounds around security and self-esteem. If materialism has become a mask or you've lapsed into a workaholic rut, it's time to seek true stability from within.
Pisces Daily Horoscope for September 21, 2024 - September 22, 2024
Come here, now go away? This weekend's tense square between Venus and Pluto pulls you between competing desires for intimacy and independence. While a little bit of a chase is sexy, you could get sick of wondering whether someone is into you or not. And if you're the one playing those cat-and-mouse games, you might finally tire of the drama. On Sunday, Venus swings into your jet-setting ninth house and cranks up your inborn wanderlust between now and October 17. You need to connect with people from distant locales and diverse cultures—as friends or maybe a lot more. Also on Sunday, the Sun plunges into Libra and your eighth house of merging and passion. Between now and October 22, you’ll be focused on committed connections and the strong emotions that go with them. Don’t let fear get in your way if going all in feels right to you. But don’t lose yourself in the process either, Pisces. If you’re already in a serious relationship, this is a favorable month for combining assets.