Today's Scorpio Horoscope for September 20, 2024
Should you step onto center stage or scurry behind the scenes? Today, your mysterious side could be at war with the exhibitionistic streak that lives in every Scorpio. With the Sun facing off with enchanting Neptune, you could come out of left field and leave people amazed. Nothing like a sneak attack, right, Scorpio? But don't be vague about your intentions. People could misread your motives if you’re too esoteric.
Scorpio Daily Horoscope for September 16, 2024
H-O-T-T-O-G-O! Today, the moon in your expressive fifth house forms a supportive trine to sultry Mars, making you feel unstoppable and uber-confident, especially in matters of the heart. You could be inspired to make a bold move, perhaps starting an emotionally stirring conversation that clears the air and even leads to a steamy encounter. Or maybe you roll the dice on a sizzling potential connection. One thing is for sure: You are not a wallflower—especially not today—so be bold and direct to get the action started.
Scorpio Daily Horoscope for September 17, 2024
Lights, camera, action! A potent full supermoon in Pisces and your fifth house of fame draws loyal fans and new admirers into your orbit. If you've got a message to share or a creative talent to show off, la luna green-lights your promotional efforts. You're charm personified today, Scorpio, so don't hold back. On the romance front, a percolating connection could reach a full-on boil over the next two weeks. Be bold and get the ball rolling already. And prepare to sign autographs for your adoring fans. This is the kickoff of a two-year eclipse series on the Virgo/Pisces axis that will revolutionize romance and teamwork between now and February 2027.
Scorpio Daily Horoscope for September 18, 2024
Although you don’t want to smother anyone, you do—secretly or not so secretly—expect your core crew to reciprocate your “through thick and thin” brand of loyalty. But you could feel let down by a friend today when dour Saturn opposes Mercury in your community court. Maybe your bestie has to cancel plans that you were looking forward to or a normally reliable service provider is suddenly MIA. Remember that they’re only human and won’t come through for you 100 percent of the time, even if they want to. Go in search of some fresh faces who might be pretty great themselves!
Scorpio Daily Horoscope for September 19, 2024
Is your body trying to tell you something, Scorpio? Today, the moon and "wounded healer" Chiron align in your sixth house of wellness and organization. A lingering ache or a feeling of malaise could be linked to a deeper emotional issue. Is there a toxic pattern you need to break—one that you haven't wanted to see? Maybe you're leaving a part of your life in disrepair, subconsciously hoping someone will come along and "save" you. Today, push yourself to transform this, taking full responsibility for your health and happiness.
Scorpio Daily Horoscope for September 21, 2024 - September 22, 2024
Your point, Scorpio? This weekend's tense clash between Venus and your ruler, domineering Pluto, could make you a veritable font of passive-aggressiveness and mixed messages. One second you're all fired up and clapping back at people, the next minute you're apologizing wildly. Everything feels brighter and sexier starting Sunday as charismatic Venus swings into your sign for her annual tour. From now through October 17, people will flock to you. Think about how you'd like to take advantage of this popularity spike. Is there a creative project or message you'd like to put out in the world? Start working on it in earnest. Your imagination is fertile ground after the Sun dips into Libra and your inspired, intuitive twelfth house on Sunday. Until October 22, when you’re not on your meditation cushion, writing in your dream journal or creating a watercolor masterpiece, focus on finding cathartic closure. Tie up loose ends and attend to unfinished business. If your emotional baggage is over the weight limit, start unpacking it pronto so your spirit will be freer and lighter by the time your birthday season comes around next month.