Capricorn Monthly Horoscope

Capricorn Monthly Horoscope April 2024

There's no place like home...or is there? April’s stars launch an exploration of your roots, your foundations and what makes you feel emotionally secure. These may not be topics that you spend time pontificating on, Capricorn. But with the Sun, Mercury retrograde and a total solar eclipse in Aries, your domestic fourth house is getting a major blast of energy. From family to your living situation to those pesky feelings, there’s no denying the precedence of your personal life and needs. 
With the Sun in Aries until April 19, you’ve got three solid weeks to attend to that. Hibernation may be over for the rest of the zodiac, but you’ve got planetary permission to hunker down at home base a little longer. You’re probably making up for January anyhow. With go-getter Mars in Capricorn from January 4 to February 13, this year got off to a blazing-fast start for you. Take time now to recharge and regroup.
Another reason to slow down? Mercury, the planet of communication, technology and travel, is in its tricky retrograde cycle from April 1 to 25. With the quicksilver planet backing through Aries, you may need to navigate scrambled signals on the homefront. From bickering with roommates and relatives to home appliances going on the fritz to delays around renovations or a move, you’ll need to lean in to your world-famous Capricorn patience. 
Accept the things you can’t change and focus on what you CAN impact. Here’s an idea: Slip off the radar for self-care and some emotional restoration time. Give yourself permission to ask for support, especially from family and loved ones. You don’t always have to be the rock for everyone else!
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