Sagittarius Monthly Career Horoscope

Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope April 2024

We see you, Sagittarius—and we hear you too! This month puts the spotlight on you in a really big way, and you can’t help but attract attention. Ready for your close-up? This month, the Sun, Mercury retrograde and a total solar eclipse will sweep through Aries and your fifth house of passion, fame and self-expression, and you couldn’t hide from the world if you tried.
With el Sol in your festive, flirtatious fifth house until April 19, you’ve got license to prioritize pleasure and live out loud. But pay attention to how high you crank the volume because this passionate cycle comes with a small hitch. Mercury, the planet of communication, technology and travel, is retrograde from April 1 to 25. (April Fool’s? We wish!)
We’re certainly not suggesting that you hit the mute button now. But know this: Just when the cosmos hands you the mic, there’s some feedback. (Um, testing…1,2,3?) During Mercury retrograde phases, which happen three to four times a year, technology, communication and travel can get wonky. The antidote: Back up your data and devices, confirm that your passport is up to date, and choose your words with the utmost care. And make sure your messaging is tight before you DO step up to that proverbial microphone. Practice and preparation are your Mercury-proofing musts!
As a candid Sagittarius, your outspokenness already pushes the envelope. This month, however, you’re at risk of being wildly misunderstood—especially if you drop too many truth bombs. Your usual comedic timing may be off a couple beats. Go easy on the snark and sarcasm, even if the temptation to make a joke is hard to resist.
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