Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope by The AstroTwins | Astrostyle
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Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope by The AstroTwins | Astrostyle

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope by The AstroTwins | Astrostyle

Your weekly horoscope, continued 

Even if you’re not quite ready to launch your world tour Sag, this Wednesday could bring some exciting news that expands your global reach. Hump day marks the year’s only Leo full moon, and it happens to land in your nomadic ninth house, the place on the zodiac wheel that maximizes everything. Similarly, it’s time for YOU to raise the ceiling on your ambitions—or just remove the roof altogether—so you can be catapulted to your next level of success. This isn’t random, Archer. You’ve been working diligently to pull this off, so regain your composure and step into your power. Be proactive about how you can wield your influence. Don’t wait for the DMs to come in. Reach out to your network to see where your talents could dovetail neatly with the needs of the community. Or target an area you’re simply dying to explore and see if they could use what you’ve got on offer. If you have to go back to school for an advanced degree or reskilling, you could find the perfect program. There’s no shortcut to true mastery!
Even if Valentine’s Day hasn’t traditionally topped your “favorite holidays” list, this year might feel a little different. Friday’s skies feature a moon in Virgo lighting up your tenth house of ambition as Mercury shifts into dreamy Pisces and your sentimental chart sector. Whether you’re single or coupled up or something in between, today’s a day for the extraordinary. If your evening plans revolved around a dinner date, see how you can upgrade. Turn “table for two” into rooftop seating with a jaw-dropping view or admittance into the VIP zone. Looking ahead to the next two and a half weeks of this Mercury transit, plan to stay close to home and tick some important to-do’s off the list. Even if you have to put some travel plans on hold, you may be pleasantly surprised by how much joy domesticity brings you when you slow down enough to savor it.
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