Pisces Monthly Horoscope

Pisces Monthly Horoscope April 2024 - Page 3

A major change to your finances—hopefully in the form of a bright new beginning—could be on its way to you! This is the second of spring’s two eclipses that are revolutionizing your financial axis. On March 25, the Libra lunar (full moon) eclipse flooded your eighth house of investments, intimacy and joint ventures. It was impossible to ignore your closest alliances (both personal and fiscal) and the dynamics between you and everyone else.
The April 8 eclipse is more focused on your day-to-day income and habits. How might you shift your lifestyle to help you become wealthier—not just in your bank account but in personal satisfaction? This eclipse is here to awaken you to ideas that are far outside the scope of your usual thinking. Keep an open mind to all of them! 
The key with eclipses: Expect (and embrace) the unexpected. This one could bring a new job or moneymaking opportunity out of the blue, even if you weren’t looking. Or you might be inspired to start a new routine, whether that's a spring fitness program, a DIY business project or a lifestyle overhaul. Identify your top priorities, particularly things you'd like to laser in on before October 17 Aries full moon. Break down the steps you'll need to take between now and then to reach your destination. A cleanup of your budget and calendar can also give a sense of relief and alignment.
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