Aries Money Horoscope

When it comes to Aries money matters, you try to save, but it’s not uncommon to find you spending everything you’ve amassed on a must-have item.

Aries money management style

Even though Aries may show an independent, self sufficient face to the outside world, you never feel completely safe. As a result you may end up working long hours to keep the coffers full. Some Aries find comfort sharing expenses with family or marrying someone of means to give yourself a sense of security.

You can get thrown off when your primary needs aren’t being met. To avoid financial pitfalls, sit down, make a budget and lean towards long-term, tangible investments rather than indulging your first whim. You could benefit from working with a money manager or a friend who teaches you how to grow your funds through investing.

Note to Aries with a discretionary funds: You can become a whiz at investing, even day trading. Just make sure to have some safer bets in your portfolio along with the “high risk, high yield” options.  While Aries has a taste for robust adventure, moderation and balance are key to keeping your finances in check.

Aries money habits: Is Aries good with money?

You don’t like living without your needs being met, but sometimes you have to sacrifice. Just be careful not to tighten the belt TOO much! When you deprive yourself, you will eventually rebel and overspend. You swing between sacrificial scrimping and pampering yourself by buying everything in sight. You like to pick up cute little gifts for people whenever you see something special, though you’re still predisposed to spending on yourself. A little self-control can go a long way with your Aries money!

Favorite splurges for Aries

Books, classes, lavish vacations, colorful clothes and decor, smart devices for your home, jewelry, pleasantly-tactile objects, digital downloads, audio equipment like speakers and headphones.

How can Aries make more money?

Aries can attract more wealth. You have an inborn, irrational fear that you can’t make it on your own, which frequently puts you in “survival mode.” Being financially dependent on someone will quickly destroy your self-worth because the trade-off is too great—you’ll sacrifice freedom for a place to rest your head. The best way to counter this is to take small, regular steps to remain independent and learn how to trust yourself. When you let your fears rule, you actually block the universe’s flow and won’t do your best work.

Aries daily horoscope, read yours!


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The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.