As a 1 Life Path, your purpose is to develop and master innovative creativity, confidence, independence, originality, and achievement.
These themes will be reoccurring issues throughout your life, as your Life Path number indicates what you’re evolving into, developing, aspiring toward, and learning about.
While you’ll display innate gifts and talents in these areas, you’ll also experience some challenging obstacles to overcome as you master your life’s purpose.
What are the characteristics of 1 Life Path?
What are you totally passionate about and how can you express it using your unique voice?
As a 1 Life Path, you’re here to act upon your creative ideas and to step forward as a leader. Your happiness lies in believing in yourself and what you’re passionate about—not what other people think you “should” be doing.
Once you identify your areas of strength, dive in with gusto and hone your innovative and unique ideas. No need to follow the flock! Your success resides in taking risks and trusting your gut, even if others find your vision weird or eccentric at first. That fine, since you’re not meant to color inside the lines anyway!
As a natural leader and innovator, embrace the idea of becoming an entrepreneur while also making sure you get the foundational skills required to achieve success on your own terms. Once you’ve mastered the basics, get out there and take charge! Your highest and best self is often revealed when you get your creative ideas up and running, then move on to the next idea. Just remember to circle back to tend to what you’ve already launched instead of leaving a million fires burning. Doing so will be further fuel for your next endeavor.

When In Alignment, You Are:
Innovative, energetic, original thinker, leader, determined, inspired, courageous.
When Out of Alignment, You Can Become:
Self-important, domineering, intolerant, insecure, helpless, victimized, wishy-washy, self-destructive

The Message for 1 Life Path
You’re here to learn how to individuate yourself from others, develop healthy independence, and get on the road to attainment and achievement. March to the beat of a different drummer while avoiding any tendencies toward self-absorption.
Work on quieting the critical voice that plays in your head 24/7—the one telling you you’re not good enough, not smart enough, not worthy, or whatever other lies and propaganda it whispers. Don’t be afraid to “fail forward,” by taking big chances and learning as you go. You’re meant to manifest your unique ideas in the world.