Get Cheeky with Your Natal Moon Phase and MeUndies | Astrostyle: Astrology and Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscopes by The AstroTwins
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Get Cheeky with Your Natal Moon Phase and MeUndies

Are you a cheeky exhibitionist or “full-coverage fierce”? Turns out, the phase of the moon (yes, the pun is intended) could have something to do with it.

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In astrology, the moon is responsible for our moods, the way we nurture ourselves and our hidden desires. There are eight lunar phases each month, from the dark new moon to the luminous full moon to the tiny waning crescent. 

Down here on Earth, our collective mood is affected by each one of these moon phases. If you’ve been out during a full moon, you’ve probably witnessed some bananas shenanigans erupting! And P.S., people tend to get moody and antisocial right before the monthly new moon.

Tracking the phases of our 29.5 day moon cycles is a great planning tool. For example, if you’re debuting work, the full moon can be a confidence-booster—but make sure you’re ready for the level of exposure that can come under this lunar spotlight! Quarter moons are great moments to review progress and tweak. If you want to sync your life to the moon’s cycles, there are apps and websites just for that very purpose.

What phase was the moon in when you were born? This is another great way to get in tune with la lune! Each one of the eight moon phases represents a different personality type. For example, if your birthday took place under the brilliant light of a full moon phase you may be a spotlight-stealing exhibitionist. Those born under just before the dark new moon, in the final balsamic phase, tend to be deeply private types with old soul wisdom.

We have a handy Moon Phase Calculator to help you discover what phase the moon was in on the day of your birth. All you have to do is plug in your birthday deets and voila!

After you find out your “natal moon phase” (AKA what phase the moon was in when you were born), check out the descriptions below to see if you fit yours! And, obvs, calculate the natal moon phase of all the important people in your life.

Remember, that we all feel the influence of the current lunar phase. So even if you were born under a balanced quarter moon, for example, you could suddenly get amped by the force of the monthly full moon.

PS: How do you cover your, er, moon during each moon phase? *pun intended* Our friends at MeUndies just released their new Zodiac Collection with the perfect styles for all eight lunar cycles. Read on!

1. New Moon

If you were born under this moon phase:

You’re spontaneous, adventurous and a little impulsive. New experiences are what you live for! You’d rather follow your whims than other people’s directions, but since you bore easily, you don’t stick with most things for too long. Innocent and a touch naïve, you believe that anything is possible. Although you enjoy your freedom, you like to be babied. Caring, responsible friends can help you keep your feet on the ground.

MeUndies moon: Boy Short
Just because you can’t see it, doesn’t mean it’s not there, right? When the moon goes dark, cover yours in the wedgie-free Boyshort. We promise they will make your butt look damn good!

What to do during this moon phase: Relax and let the new ideas stream in!

2. Waxing Crescent Moon

If you were born under this moon phase:

You’re both creative and traditional, a dabbler who loves to learn a little bit about a lot of things. Loyal and dutiful, you have a strong connection to your family and childhood friends. Since you’re naturally accommodating, you may struggle to assert your individuality. Learning to embrace what makes you different is the key to your personal evolution.

MeUndies moon: Hipster
Make a soft re-entry into the brightening night with the bun-cradling Cheeky Brief. Perfect for lounging around the house or (sigh), if you must get dressed, for wearing with pants.

What to do during this moon phase: Take the first action steps on your new ideas.

3. First Quarter Moon

If you were born under this moon phase:

Hello, changemaker! Although you have a solid grasp on tradition, you’re here to improve the formula. Measured and balanced, you take things one step at a time. With your rare gifts for intellect and intuition, you think and feel your way through situations. You work well in partnerships, especially when you have a complementary force who can serve as your sounding board. 

MeUndies moon: Matching Set
Sharing is caring during this partnership-powered moon phase, so show some alliance with a matching set. Fun the whole crew—or “just the two of us”—can enjoy!

What to do during this moon phase: Relax and let the new ideas stream in!

4. Waxing Gibbous Moon

If you were born under this moon phase:

Passion and purpose are your driving forces! You want to put something meaningful into the world, and you won’t waste your time on fluff. If you believe in something, you’ll pour yourself into the mission 100%! While you’re a quick study, your methods can be unorthodox—and at times, this can even alienate supporters. Cultivating patience, protecting your intellectual property, and respecting due process can keep you in the game for the final victory lap! 

MeUndies moon: High-Waisted Cheeky
As you prepare for your big debut, you need support in all the right places, and the High-Waisted Cheeky does just that. Plus, they look great in mirror picks—recommended during this daring moon phase!

What to do during this moon phase: Relax and let the new ideas stream in!

5. Full Moon

If you were born under this moon phase:

With your confident, larger-than-life personality, you live life to the fullest. Everything you do blows up, attracting attention (for better or for worse). Emotionally, you are a great ball of fire! You can be anxious and reactive, swinging from hot to cold and back again. But when it’s time to take charge, you easily gain people’s trust. Although it may appear that you live a charmed life, you work hard for your gains. A natural provider, others look to you for leadership and guidance—and you might even take on a parental role with your friends.  

MeUndies moon: Build a Pack
Why have one when you can have them all? Build a pack of MeUndies and feel free to swap from Cheeky to Thong to Boyshort all in a single day!

What to do during this moon phase: Relax and let the new ideas stream in!

6. Waning Gibbous (Disseminating) Moon

If you were born under this moon phase:

You march to the beat of your own drum—and basically have zero time for stupid human tricks. A tastemaker and thought leader, you set trends. While you enjoy attention, you are equally happy in your own company! It’s not that you’re a loner; it just that there’s so much interesting stuff going on in your own mind. As you ponder the meaning of life, you may develop your own philosophy (hello guru) or create a game-changing invention!

MeUndies moon: Tanga
What happens when you combine our Cheeky with our Thong? Tanga, an innovative, “business in the front, party in the back” combo that’s made for this mold-breaking moon phase.

What to do during this moon phase: Relax and let the new ideas stream in!

7. Third (Last) Quarter Moon

If you were born under this moon phase:

At heart, you’re a renegade, independent and individualistic. And you’re not above using shock value to keep life interesting! Demanding dependencies are not your jam, but when you team up with fellow freedom lovers, relationships can be blissful. A born visionary, you are here to create breakthrough innovations in your field—and you’re also a stellar critic. Cultivate patience because you’re way ahead of the curve. Eventually the world will catch on to your brilliance!

MeUndies moon: Feel Free Lace
With a feather-light waistband, our feel free lace collection has zero restrictions—ideal for this liberated moon phase.  

What to do during this moon phase: Relax and let the new ideas stream in!

8. Waning Crescent (Balsamic) Moon

If you were born under this moon phase:

Ummm, have you been here before? Otherworldly and mystical, you’re an old soul, born with wisdom that far surpasses your “earthly” age. Because you’re so mystical, physical activity is essential to keep you connected to your body. Make sure to enjoy the sensual pleasures of food, fashion, music and art—yes, even if you have to befriend some scenesters to play cultural activities guides. Deep and meaningful conversations are everything to you, and your life path may involve some sort of healing work.

MeUndies moon: Thong
Just because you can’t see it, doesn’t mean it’s not there, right? When the moon goes dark, cover yours in the wedgie-free Boyshort. We promise they will make your butt look damn good!

What to do during this moon phase: Tie up loose ends with projects, get everything complete!


The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.