Sagittarius 2021 Yearly Horoscope | Astrostyle: Astrology and Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscopes by The AstroTwins
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Sagittarius 2021 Yearly Horoscope

by The AstroTwins
an exclusive excerpt from The AstroTwins’ 2021 Horoscope

2021 Sagittarius Astrology Overview:

Ready for some fun in 2021? If last year felt like all work and very little play, that will change in the New Year. To your relief, variety is the spice of 2021—with lots of people, projects and great conversations that keep life interesting. You’re at your happiest with multiple irons in the fire, but be careful not to take on too much unless you’ve built a proper structure to support them. Luckily, you’ve got plenty of cosmic help teaching you the number-one Sagittarius lesson: how to delegate instead of DIY-ing. With that fresh arrow in your holster, the world is truly yours, Archer!

2021 Sagittarius Love Horoscope:

Relationships don’t have to be so serious, do they? In 2021, the answer is no…and yes. With the lunar North Node (destiny point) in Gemini, a meant-to-be bond could develop, perhaps in the afterglow (or aftermath) of 2020’s events. But with sober Saturn and your ruler, adventurous Jupiter, mixing and mingling in your friendly, flirty third house, you’ll be torn. Part of you wants to lock things down, but not at the expense of your autonomy. Lovers may accuse you of keeping them at arm’s length, and it’s kind of true. Thanks to the karmic South Node in Sagittarius all year, your lens is flipped inward. First step? Give yourself space to be authentic about what makes you feel happy and fulfilled. No, it might not be what society or your lover(s) say is the “right” answer. But thanks to a rare pair of eclipses in your sign on May 26 and December 4, you’re ready to dig deep in the name of personal discovery. Once you’re clear, Saturn and Jupiter will support you in communicating your vision and creating love by your own design. The June 10 solar eclipse in Gemini activates your relationship zone, which could shake up the status quo and spark a brand-new chapter in amour. When Venus turns retrograde at the year’s end from December 19 until January 29, 2022, money matters could become a sore spot. Buffer yourself from the breakdown in advance! Spend this year learning to budget with your partner. Single? Start setting clear boundaries with dates and would-be-mates about who pays for what.

2021 Sagittarius Money & Career Horoscope

Last year’s Capricorn cluster (Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, eclipses and the South Node) put major emphasis on your second house of income. Money was on your mind, and not just because of the economic and pandemic turbulence. This year, only Pluto will linger in the Sea Goat’s sphere. If you’ve been pondering a job change, you could finally make the leap! Some Archers are ready to put better boundaries around your work so it doesn’t spill into your “free time” 24/7. Innovative Uranus is well into its journey through Taurus and your sixth house of work and wellness. Many hands—along with digital solutions and apps—can lighten your workload. With Jupiter and Saturn in your zone of cooperation, partnering up with a sibling or friend could open up your schedule while paving the way to prosperity. These power planets are also activating your teaching and communication skills. Write that advice book, start your podcast or share your skills through a webinar series. When Venus turns retrograde from December 19, 2021, to January 29, 2022, make sure you have a cushion for unexpected expenses.

2021 Sagittarius Health & Wellness Horoscope

Healing is both an inside and outside job for Archers in 2020. As the karmic South Node treks through your sign, circumstances that are out of alignment with your core needs will be impossible to push through and endure. But this intense transit may force you to deal with shadowy emotions such as shame, grief or your own people-pleasing tendencies as you learn how to take better care of yourself. A mindfulness practice can help you slow down and tune in. Your body will demand attention, too. With disruptor Uranus in Taurus and your sixth house of healthy routines, you can’t spend all day hunched in front of a screen. Stop for self-care breaks, dial down stress by setting boundaries and creating  privacy. Infuse exercise and nutritious meals into your daily schedule. If you don’t, you could get a wakeup call from the November 19 lunar eclipse, the first in a healing two-year series on the Taurus/Scorpio axis. Time is a precious commodity. Be choosy! Keep your schedule clear for well-paying opportunities that have sane deadlines. Remember: Before you say no, always try negotiating a counteroffer!

2021 Sagittarius Friends & Family Horoscope

Does it feel like everyone wants a piece of your time? You’ll be quite the popular one this year, thanks to your ruler Jupiter’s tour through Aquarius and your garrulous third house. Exuberant Archers were born with a raging case of FOMO, but saying “Yes!” to too many things could seriously drain you in 2021. Boundary-hound Saturn will crash into three tense squares with Uranus, illuminating the importance of discernment. We know you want to have it all, Archer, but that desire could mean losing out on something (or someone) truly meaningful because you’ve overcommitted. Is it time to cohabitate or change your living situation? Jupiter’s brief visit to Pisces from May 13 to July 28 is an ideal window for dealing with domestic matters. Family pressures could become overwhelming, but you don’t have to run away to liberate yourself. Let this candid energy help you speak your truth and enlist your family’s support. Ready to pull up the stakes or do some renovations to your home? While Jupiter is in Pisces midyear, you could get this mission in motion, but it might take until 2022 before you make any major moves.

Get the ultimate guide to 2021 for every zodiac sign, The AstroTwins’ 2021 Horoscope.


The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.