On May 18, 2019, at 5:11pm EDT the Scorpio full moon draws us into the depths. Shed outworn layers and prepare to transform as these mystical moonbeams attune us to our souls.
Have you concealed a few layers of yourself? Overlooked some nuances or key details? The full moon will illuminate those now. Scorpio is the zodiac’s shaman and the ruler of extremes. It can draw out both our darkest shadows and our most enlightened selves. Ready for a major shift in your life? Turn it over to la luna for some deep processing and healing.
Legend has it that there are three “phases” of Scorpionic energy. There’s the low-vibe, ground-dwelling scorpion who stings every threatening passerby; then the observant eagle taking in its sweeping view from high overhead. The most transcendent Scorpio form is the phoenix, who rises from the ashes of destruction and shows us the remaining signs of life.
Here are 9 ways to channel this mysterious and power-packed full moon to your advantage:
1. Play a game of True Confessions.
Open closet, exit skeletons. With the illuminating full moon beaming into Scorpio, ruler of secrets, la luna reveals all of the “secrets” we’ve been keeping, including hiding your own light under a bushel. If you have a lesser-known talent, bring it out of hiding. If you’ve been too frightened to explore a part of yourself, go THERE. Regenerative Scorpio is a deeply creative water sign, with a gift for making everything old seem fresh again. Tap your inner alchemist: Reinvent something old into a striking new idea. Don’t be afraid to stand out by boldly baring your most intimate truth…or by wearing it on your sleeve.
2. Get intimate.
Scorpio is also known as the sex sign, and rightly so (anyone who’s been with a Scorpio will attest to this sign’s addictive powers…hello, soul-communing bedroom action). The Scorpio full moon is known for delivering pregnancies, marriages, divorces, or just the best romp of your life. Rrowr! But make no mistake: You’re not heading for a casual encounter. Intimacy is soulful Scorpio’s natural domain, and this sign can also spark obsessions with the best of ’em. Scorpio is the zodiac sign that rules merging—from joint finances to living space to letting someone know your deep, dark secrets. All of these things require vulnerability and trust—and often, a journey through your own unconscious “shadow” to be able to share at this level.
3. Choose the target of your control freak-ing.
Scorpio is the sign of power and control. These traits get a bad rap, but truth is, to be a mortal IS to be a control freak of sorts. So rather than try to change this utterly human trait, decide what’s worthy of getting all worked up about instead. Find a pursuit to obsess over, something that makes the world a better place. The double chin your front-facing phone camera gives you? Totally not worth your time. The person who doesn’t return your texts? Hell no. An event that will raise money to end climate change or child slavery? That’s more like it. Lean in to the things that will boomerang back with positive energy.
4. Don’t hate, reincarnate.
Scorpio is the ruler of psychic and mystical phenomenon, including reincarnation. If you haven’t read Scorpio Brian Weiss’ Many Lives, Many Masters, it will change how you think about death and the soul—in a good way—forever. Explore past-life regression theory, or read up on your North and South Nodes to learn more about your own past-life karma and future destiny, by the stars. Watch this seven-year-old girl crooning Frank Sinatra (below) and just tell us she hasn’t been here before:
5. Harness your sexual power.
Shimmy those hips, rock that pelvis and awaken your second chakra (the ruler of money AND sex, both Scorpio terrain). Try a burlesque class or invent your own seduction dance. Perform it for yourself in the mirror, ‘cuz YOUR turn-on is the most important one.
6. Get in touch with your soul for a minute.
We live in a world of high performance, achievement, competition. But everyone could use a little support from the spiritual realm. Tuck away that superhero cape and ask spirit guides, guardian angels, the universe, whatever you want to call it…for a sign. Close your eyes and be where you are. Whether you do a guided meditation or take a few moments of silence, this practice has been shown to boost brain health and literally change the brain—putting you in the serene state of flow that’s in sync with the Scorpio full moon.
7. Release yourself from a financial obligation.
A huge segment of the population deals with debt. No shame or judgment: After all, we live in a culture of accumulation and instant gratification. It’s easy enough to get there. But debt can drain our energy and steal our vital energy if not managed. Scorpio rules the zodiac’s eighth house of wealth and joint finances. It governs the money we borrow, inherit and owe. Today, pay a debt, even if it’s just a small piece of one. Make a plan for how you’ll pay off any outstanding loans, even if it’s a small monthly amount that’s greater than just the interest. The energy and intention are what sets the momentum forward. Feeling bold? Cut up a credit card or cancel some unused subscriptions. Are you debt-free and financially solvent? Make a donation. Scorpio is a karmic sign—what goes around comes around!
8. Make a foggy area crystal clear.
The devil is in the details, and Scorpio’s laser vision never misses a thing. Where in your life have you left things a little fuzzy around the edges? It could be affecting you more than you realize. Take tangible actions: make a call, send an email, apologize to someone, tell the truth, whatever. Just DO it. Precision is the Scorpio aim.
9. Channel the phoenix and rise, baby.
Scorpio rules power, control and transformation—it’s the mythic phoenix that rises from the ashes of destruction. What in your life needs to symbolically “die” so that something new can be born? Let it go—or at least, release your grip—and allow the Scorpio full moon to transmute it.
Artwork by Marlene Seven Bremner; “The Death of the Profane” available as a print.
Marlene Seven Bremner was born in Frankfurt, Germany in 1983. She has a BA in Geography and Environmental Studies and is trained as a Polarity Therapist by the Institute of Holistic Health Careers. She is a self-taught oil painter, exploring esoteric themes arising from her studies of Hermeticism, alchemy, tarot, psychology, magick, astrology, shamanism, and mythology. Connect with Marlene on Instagram, Facebook and her website.
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