2015 Numerology: Unlock Your Personal Year Number | The AstroTwins
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2015 Numerology: Unlock the secrets of your Personal Year number

by Felicia Bender, The Practical Numerologist

Your Personal Year: What’s up for 2015?

What does 2015 hold for you energetically? Numerology believes that we all go through nine yearlong life cycles, called Personal Year Cycles.

You switch to a new Personal Year numbers every January 1st, as the calendar turns. Depending on where you are in your cycle, your Personal Year Number could be a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or a 9. After 9, you’ll cycle back to 1 again. Each Personal Year Number has different qualities to it.

The great thing about knowing where you are in your Personal Year Cycle is that you can forecast and allow yourself to work with the energy of the year rather than against it. Know your theme and you’ll find that you have much more success throughout the year…or at least you’ll be able to extract deeper meaning about why things are happening the way they are.

2015: An 8 Universal Year

2015 happens to be an “8” year, universally speaking, because if you tally the individual digits 2+0+1+5 they add up to 8. So the vibrational energy of “8” will guide us globally throughout the year.

Here’s how to calculate your Personal Year for 2015:

• Take your birth date (for example): 3/25/1984

• Now replace the year you were born with the current year: 3/25/2015

• Now add those numbers together like a long addition math problem:
3 + 2 + 5 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 5 = 18

• Digit down to a single-digit number, so keep adding: 1+8= 9

• If this were your birthday, you’re experiencing an “9” Personal Year in 2015

How is the Personal Year different from the Life Path Number?

Your Personal Year Number is different from your Life Path Number, which, like your astrological Sun sign, never changes. The Life Path (or Birth Path) number is calculated by adding up your month, date and year of birth. If you already know yours, awesome. If not, use this formula to calculate your Life Path Number.

Your 2015 Personal Year & What It Means For You

1 Personal Year:

This is a year of new beginnings and initiation. This year holds much more clarity than last year and is the start of a new nine-year cycle. So make it count! This is a year to plant the seeds for what you want to see grow and mature during the next nine-year cycle. Don’t waste it with frivolous activities or useless relationships. It can be a somewhat lonely year with feelings that a lot rests on your shoulders and only you can get it done—without help from others. “Independence” is your mantra! This is the year to start with as much of a clean slate as you possibly can. Ready? Lights, camera, action! Combined with the 8 Universal Year, it’s going to be devoted to achievement in the material world and achieving your goals with organization, creativity, and endurance. Get ready for a high-intensity year.

2 Personal Year:

This is a year to focus on your emotions. Last year = career. This year = love and emotions. Last year was a “me” year; this year is an “us” year. Believe me when I say that this is a slow-moving year designed to test and build your patience! It’ll feel like you’re moving three steps forward, four steps backward at any given time. Concentrate on intimacy and relationships, fostering appreciation for yourself and your loved ones, and speaking your truth gently yet firmly. Don’t expect anything to transpire at a rapid pace. Get your favorite tar-walking shoes on and get ready to pace yourself! Patience, patience, and more patience. Mixed with the energy of the 8 Universal Year, you’ll feel like you’re riding a teeter-totter. The energy of the 2 is focused on “us,” relationship, and harmony. Yet the 8 demands dynamic action and a bit of self-centered achievement. It’ll be a delicate balance for you in 2015.

3 Personal Year:

This is a year for fun and creativity! Take center stage. Enroll in a public speaking class or make over your image. Live your life expansively. Take risks you’d usually never dream of taking. This is your year to be out there, enhancing all aspects of your sense of creative self-expression. Understand that this can also be a year where you’ll be challenged to work on expressing your emotions clearly and effectively, so you’ll be offered plenty of opportunities to practice this feat during the year. You’ll feel creative, outpoken, and full of energy. You also might wrestle with some unexpected emotional highs and lows, so take it as it comes and know you can’t go wrong when you tap into your authentic feelings. Your theme for the year: one more time…with feeling! Combined with the 8 Universal Year, 2015 will hold some ferver all its own. How can you use your creativity and communication skills to benefit your finances and personal power?

4 Personal Year:

This is a year to work hard and sharpen your skill set. You’ll want to be practical rather than pie-in-the-sky. Take the time to slow down, steady your pace, and become more methodical about which goals you want to focus on. This is a more serious year requiring hard work to set the foundation for whatever you’re working on: job, relationships, family. You’ll need to forgo Happy Hour and stay a little late at the office to finish up that big report or file, complete the last part of the chapter you’re writing, or think through the way you’re wanting to systematize your project. While it may feel a bit thankless at times, you’ll reap the rewards when you accomplish your goals step-by-step. Your theme: Slow and steady wins the race! This year’s purpose goes hand-in-hand with the energy of the 8 Universal Year. Both energies are about getting things done. Red Flag: Potential burnout. You’ll have to consciously take time for self-care. Start putting those massages, therapy sessions, and short breaks on the calendar now

5 Personal Year:

This is a year that feels like a whirlwind; so many pleasures, so little time! There are lots of ups and downs, so the key for this year is flexibility. Lots of unexpected opportunities are bound to come your way, so be open to trying new things. If you don’t attempt to follow a strict plan you’ll be better off. It’s time to travel and tap into your sense of fearless adventure—not a time to make a long-term commitment! (Hint: Not a good year to tie the knot! Wait until next year; long engagements are the new black). The key to this year is establishing and acting on some semblance of self-discipline or you’ll get to 2016 feeling like 2015 has been one big hangover. You’ll have plenty of sex appeal this year, so understand that your alluring energy can offer plenty of sensual pleasures. Your mantra: I am flexible! Put that together with the powerful energy of the 8 Universal Year and you might have a few bumps in the amazingly frenetic road. The 5 is about fun and adventure while the 8 is about getting down to business and taking responsibility for making things happen. Your key for success? Rein it in and attempt to focus on one thing at a time. Satisfaction comes with the constructive use of freedom.

6 Personal Year:

It’s time to regroup, nurture, and be nurtured. This is also a year where your personal magnetism is at a peak. Big opportunities await you this year both in your career and your intimate life. It’s a good year to get married or engaged if you have been hovering around that decision. It’s also a year where you may seek a divorce, a break-up, or other relationship splits. This can be called the “Marriage and Divorce” year. It’s all about evaluating the relationships in your life, starting with your relationship with you. It’s a year where you’ll be required to heighten your sense of responsibility to your home and family environment. Don’t be surprised when you need to take on some added weight with home and family. Embrace it instead of resenting it. This is the year where you’ll finally feel that “click” in knowing if a divorce is necessary or you can also have the clarity you’ve been waiting for and officially say “I Do.” Your theme song for the year: “Should I Stay Or Should I Go?” How does this energy relate to the 8 Universal Year? There’ll be added tension around how you relate with your intimate relationships. Do you give yourself away to your kids, spouse, parents, boss, or friends? Or do you level judgment on those around you, impeding your—and their—happiness? It’s time to investigate how you feel empowered or disempowered in your domestic life. On the career front—it’s a “make or break” time for business.

7 Personal Year:

This year is all about delving inward. While you may see yourself functioning fairly “normally,” this is a year where you’ll be heavily involved in deep inner work. It’s a spiritual year; meaning, you’ll have many opportunities to test your sense of spirituality, however you define it. This is a year where your faith and trust will be tested. You’ll feel as though you want to retreat from the static of the outside world. You’ll feel more quiet and introspective than usual, so don’t let that surprise you. Combined with the 8 Universal Year, 2015 is all about active engagement in the material world. So you of all people will feel pulled in different directions. How do you integrate these two oppositional energies? To quote Yoda: “Many of the truths that we cling to depend on our point of view…You will find only what you bring in.” Your mission—should you choose to accept it—is to explore the true nature of your personal power, your relationship with money, and your true desires about manifesting in the material world. Do the groundwork that you can put into action next year.

8 Personal Year:

This is a year to focus on money, finances, and personal power. During your 8 Personal Year,  you can’t help but wake up every morning—and go to sleep every night—thinking about your finances. You’ll be in work overdrive this year and also be handed opportunities that test your personal power. Not once. Not twice. But over and over again all year long. Get ready for a marathon, not a sprint! This year is a power-year for you, and I don’t want to underestimate the power that’s available to you during your 8 Personal Year. You’ll need to hit the ground running and focus your actions and energies on creating the financial abundance you want in your life. It’s a year where you can experience big financial ups and downs, so be prepared to tap into your resilience. You can experience major gains and big losses. Yet this is your year to think big and manifest the money and status you deserve. Remember to take breaks so your health doesn’t suffer. Schedule short vacations when you can. Otherwise you’re bound to experience burnout. Your mantra: I’ve got the power! Intensity, thy name is 2015. You’ve got double 8 energy heaped upon you. It’s your year to get real about money, finances, and personal power. Get ready for a marathon, not a sprint. This is a power-year where you can experience big financial ups and downs, so be prepared to tap into your resilience. Yet this is your year to think big and manifest the money and status you deserve. Downside: Careful to steer clear of a victim mentality. This energy is truly challenging and will bring up very real, deep issues related to your sense of empowerment and demand that you deal with them.

9 Personal Year:

This is a year of completion, of unraveling, of letting go of the old to make space for change. This change can be somewhat dramatic and tumultuous; possessions, relationships, job, geographical location, spirituality, health. It’s all under review this year. This is the year that’s inviting (oh, let’s be honest, it’s forcing you) you to move on to an even more expansive cycle in your life if you choose to let go and allow what’s no longer serving you to fall away.

This is also a year where you can revel in the successful culmination of all that you’ve been working toward for the past eight years. It’s going to be a matter of evaluating what’s finished and no longer necessary for you and then moving forward without a net. I like to put it this way: You know people who are in a marriage or a relationship that’s over with, and yet they won’t get a divorce or break up with their partner until they have another love interest waiting in the wings? Well, metaphorically speaking, the 9 Personal Year won’t allow you to do that! You must break it off and then manage and master that empty space of nothingness for a while. Needless to say, even the best of us are scared silly when it comes to change. And then to change something without knowing exactly what’s next? Triple threat. Yet that’s what’s required this year. Your theme song: David Bowie’s “Ch-ch-ch-changes.” The tricky part? You’ll need to integrate the active, initiating energy of the 8 Universal Year with your intensely emotional year of letting go. Get ready for lessons surrounding your sense of empowerment. You’ll be met with pivotal opportunities to learn deep lessons and move into the new you.



Felicia Bender

Felicia Bender, Ph.D. is The Practical Numerologist and author of Redesign Your Life: Using Numerology To Create The Wildly Optimal You. You can get your numerological groove on at feliciabender.com.