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Discover the map of your true self! Do free, unlimited astrology charts.
Your Birth Chart: What It All Means
What Is An Astrology Chart? The Birth Chart Explained
An astrology birth chart is a map of the planets when you were born
How to Read An Astrology Chart 101 (Video Lesson)
How to read an astrology chart, explained in a step-by-step video
Solar Return Charts, Progressed Charts + More
The Progressed Chart in Astrology, Explained
A progressed chart shows where are you on your soul’s journey
Birthday Astrology: How to Do Your Solar Return Chart
While your birth chart never changes, each year you get a new birthday chart
Planetary Aspects (or Angles) In Astrology, Explained
Will you go through a challenging cycle or can you cruise down Easy Street?
Full-Length Birth Charts
Your Natal Astrology Report
Learn what the planets, zodiac signs, houses at your moment of birth mean about you! What are your unique challenges and strengths? This 25-page birth (natal) chart from our friends at Astrolabe is emailed to you instantly. Get one for yourself or gift a loved one!
Relationship + Compatibility Charts
A Composite Relationship Chart Reveals Your Relationship “Personality”
This chart is a cosmic care and feeding manual for two people
Synastry Chart for Couples: Compare Two Charts to Make a “Relationship Chart”
The synastry relationship chart is a method of reading two birth charts