Your 2019 Numerology: The 3 Universal Year Sparks Creativity and Optimism

Make connections! A year of creativity and self-expression awaits us all in 2019, the 3 Universal Year.

Excerpted from The AstroTwins 2019 Horoscope Guide
By Felicia Bender, resident Numerologist

In numerology, each calendar year adds up to a single-digit number, which resonates at a unique vibration. We all feel this energy, and it’s called the Universal Year.

A Universal Year means that everyone on the planet will experience the frequency of a particular number during the entire year, from January 1 until December 31.

Whether or not you make New Year’s resolutions, most of us intuitively feel a profound energy shift whenever the calendar turns. In numerology, that transition is a big deal, marking the passage into a new Universal Year—the shared atmosphere of the world for a 12-month period.

You can think of the Universal Year as the state or country you’re driving through on your yearly “road trip.” The Universal Year number will set the GPS and chart our collective course.

Below, Tali talks to Astrostyle’s Numerologist, Felicia Bender, about the 3 Universal Year in 2019.

How to Calculate the Universal Year:

Add the individual numbers of the current year together, like this:
2019 = 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 12

Then reduce again:
1+ 2 = 3

2019 is a 3 Universal Year

All of us will begin to feel this energy starting January 1, 2019 and the effect will end on December 31, 2019.

Where we’re coming from: Why the last two years were so intense.

The progression of Universal Years from 1 to 9 is a complete journey, so we look at the surrounding years to see where we’re coming from and where we’re headed. In 2017, which was a 1 Universal Year, we began a whole new cycle—and the world certainly reflected that.

Next, 2018 was a Master 11/2 Universal Year. Master numbers are repeating numbers like 11, 22, and 33, which create a secondary vibration, giving the year an infusion of paradox and power. These numbers carry a higher frequency and demand evolution.

Last year’s Universal energy brought a higher spiritual purpose to the planet, and also ramped up the intensity. We were pulled between the diplomatic “2” energy of love, patience, and cooperation, while also navigating a double dose of the contrasting “1” energy, which emphasizes individuality, taking initiative and flying solo.

As a result, it was a year of oppositions that heightened feeling of division and polarity: us/them, love/hate, war/peace material/spiritual. While that was tough to navigate, the more “enlightened” mission was to discover our collective responsibility—to ourselves and each other.

The balancing beams of the 11/2 Universal Year called on us to start working in harmonious cooperation, or at least with mutual respect. However successful we were with that mission, either globally or locally, it became clear that we had to rise above the divisiveness that’s been destroying our world.

While the energy and events of 2018 are still impacting us, a shift in perspective is coming our way. 2019 offers up a reconfiguration of our core sense of reality and our place within it. That’s no small feat. And that change won’t happen overnight or in one 12-month cycle of time. In fact, each time a Universal Year rings in, it begins a whole new cycle until that same Universal Year number returns a decade later.

The 3 Universal Year: What it’s all about

The number 3 in numerology is the vibration of creative self-expression and emotional sensitivity. It emanates joy, optimism, social engagement and communication. Universally, we’re being offered energy that supports infusing creativity, fun and connection into all that we do. Humor and lightness hold immense power and can help us face any heaviness or monumental change.

This year will help us take the spiritual illumination initiated by 2018 and infuse it into a newfound sense of purpose and power.

The most enlightened use of the number 3 is to inspire and uplift others. This Universal Year is set up as a blank canvas awaiting our most meaningful contributions. The mantra for the 3 Universal Year is to speak your truth. But in order to do so, you have to know what your “truth” even is—and (hint) it’s not just an uninformed opinion or knee-jerk reaction to the latest headlines.

And that’s where it gets tricky: How do we hold on to our own truth while allowing others to have theirs? How do we express our beliefs and stand up for ourselves when our values don’t align with someone else’s? How do we discern the difference between “truth” and “values”? Or “truth” and “integrity”? Or “truth” and “dogma”?

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How to step into the creative power of the 3 Universal Year

Practice impeccable communication. The energy of the year demands that we brush up on our communication skills across the board. This holds true for our most intimate relationships, extends to the way we express ourselves at work, and bleeds over into all our engagements, large and small. How do you speak to yourself? What’s your internal dialogue? Is it true, kind and constructive? How do you speak to your friends and family? Are you able to “be yourself” no matter what your surroundings? How do you speak to the person working the drive-through or to the barista who makes your coffee? This is a time to truly choose your words with mindful precision. When in doubt, listen twice as much as you speak.

Lighten up and see new possibilities. The gift of the number 3 is its bright light of fun, wit and humor. Think about it: Do we learn the most when the task is serious and punishing? Or do we aborb more when the lesson feels like play—when we laugh along the way, and feel supported and validated as we make mistakes and as we succeed? The 3 Universal Year opens us up to new ideas, and challenges us to also inspire others along the way.

Learn something new. 2019 is the year to “upgrade thyself.” No more driving in the same ruts in the road. Mentally, physically and spiritually, the 3 Universal Year encourages us to go boldly into new and improved terrain. The magic manifests when we infuse a sense of joy and optimism into everything we do. 

Challenges of the 3 Universal Year

Manage your emotions. One of the issues with the energy of the number 3 is that it brings all of our emotions to the table—the good, the bad and the ugly—not to mention the known, unknown and repressed. The 3 Universal Year demands that we get real and responsible about our feelings. The year will be full of global trigger points, and it will demand higher levels of self-awareness so that we’re not all walking around raging and reacting to everything that pushes our buttons. As the saying goes, feelings are not facts. 

Stick it out—you’ve got this! As buoyant as 3 energy can be, it can also provoke severe moments of self-doubt that cause us to waver in our commitments. The 3 can be scattered— and this year, we may find ourselves starting lots of projects and losing steam before we finish. Watch out for a distracting case of Shiny Object Syndrome. During a 3 Universal Year we can all benefit from gentle focus and active follow-through. Consider putting a “Pomodoro timer” app on your smartphone to help you work in focused bursts or teaming up with an accountability partner to help you stay on track.

Think before you speak. It’ll be a challenge to not only watch our words (while speaking “authentically,”), but also to bring precision to the way we communicate. That means: Choosing the proper words. Choosing not to gossip or tear others apart with sarcasm and hurtful snipes. Choosing to get more in touch with our truth—and to speak it with consistency and grace.

The Big Picture: What we can all learn from the 3 Universal Year

Overall, the 3 Universal Year shines a spotlight on creative self-expression, joy, optimism and authentic communication. The year brings opportunities to express new ideas and discover novel approaches to broken systems. It’s earmarked for all of us to take an honest look at how we express our feelings, desires and fears.

Despite deep unrest we feel on a global scale, the universal energy for 2019 invites us into the sandbox, onto the stage and into the spotlight. It reminds us to play and laugh, to find lightness in the shadows and to shine our light into the dark crevices in order to bring creative solutions to the planet.

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Felicia Bender, Ph.D is “The Practical Numerologist” and the author of Redesign Your Life: Using Numerology To Create The Wildly Optimal You. To learn more numerology from Felicia, order custom reports and book a reading, visit

For information on scheduling a private numerology session, click here.

To order a personalized numerology chart, click here.


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The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.