2020 Numerology Forecast for 3 Personal Year | The AstroTwins
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2020 Numerology Forecast for 3 Personal Year

Your 2020 Numerology Forecast for a 3 Personal Year: Find your joy!

by Felicia Bender, The Practical Numerologist

Your 2020 3 Personal Year is all about fun and creativity. You’ll work on expressing your emotions clearly and effectively, with lots of
opportunities to practice.

This year you might think about enrolling in a public speaking class, traveling or making over your image.

2020 Horoscopes by The AstroTwinsPin

If you’re an actor, musician or performer, the 3 energy supports you taking your talents seriously (if you haven’t already and need the nudge!). This is a great year for everything from producing your album to publishing your book to launching your online course. What are you waiting for?!

Relationships can reach a turning point during a 3 Personal Year. An emotional crisis could dredge up old issues for you. Seek a helpful ear or perhaps a therapist if you need assistance to process and move past these feelings that could be setting up roadblocks.

During a 3 Personal year, couples might find themselves at a crossroads if they can’t evolve past a sticking point (some split). Take inventory of where you and your partner aren’t engaging in healthy emotional expression and strive to work through it, or decide to go separate ways.

What do you value? What do you believe? What’s important to you? The 3 Personal Year emphasizes self-discovery. Be careful not to scatter your energy and spread yourself too thin. You might wrestle with some unexpected emotional highs and lows, and you could get mired in depressed feelings if you aren’t living the life you want. Stop procrastinating and get proactive instead. This is a year to lighten up and not get lost in the weeds. Spending time with children can give you a fresh outlook.

To keep yourself organized, harness the energy we will all benefit from during this 4 Universal Year.

For more, go to Numerology: Your Life Path Number and Monthly Numerology Forecasts

Felicia BenderFelicia Bender, Ph.D is “The Practical Numerologist” and the author of Redesign Your Life: Using Numerology To Create The Wildly Optimal You. To learn more numerology from Felicia, order custom reports and book a reading, visit www.FeliciaBender.com

For information on scheduling a private numerology session, click here.

To order a personalized numerology chart, click here.


The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of Astrostyle.com and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.