2020 Numerology Forecast for 8 Personal Year | The AstroTwins
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2020 Numerology Forecast for 8 Personal Year

Your 2020 numerology forecast for an 8 Personal Year: Get ready to be “CEO” of your life!

by Felicia Bender, The Practical Numerologist

Welcome to your power year! 2019 was marked by deep contemplation, knowledge building and preparation.

In 2020’s 8 Personal Year, your focus is on wealth, financial health and personal influence. Hit the ground running and get busy creating the abundance you desire. It’s over-arching themes are power with humanity.

2020 Horoscopes by The AstroTwinsPin

Fair warning: This is the first year of an intense three-year “push” time that includes the 8, 9 and 1 Personal Years. Next year is the end of a nine-year cycle and the year after will be the start of a new nine-year one. The energy of 2020, 2021 and 2022 will focus on empowerment, transformation and then new beginnings. This isn’t going to be an easy-breezy time, but it’s crucial to your evolution.

Your power will be tested this year, and you’ll need to stand up for yourself in a strong yet heart-centered way. You can experience big financial ups and downs, which will take resilience. Work keeps you in overdrive and hands you experiences that test your personal limits. Not once. Not twice. But over and over again, all year long.

The 8 energy is an amplifier—it magnifies whatever it comes in contact with. Monitor your mindset because the Law of Attraction is strong now. You’ll make significant progress if you’re laser-focused about what you want and how you’ll get there. The 8 Personal Year is like your strict personal trainer who has your best interest at heart, even if it doesn’t feel like it! When you’re done with 2020, you’ll be ripped, strong and in the best shape of your life if you follow your trainer’s program.

A note about health

Remember to take breaks and to pace yourself so your health doesn’t suffer. Otherwise, you’re bound to experience burnout. This energy will bring up deep issues related to your sense of empowerment, both in career and relationships. It will also demand that you deal with them. With the energy of the 8, you’ll need to step up so you don’t get stepped on.

Your core beliefs around yourself and your sense of power in the world will be brought to the surface for examination. When you’re tapped into the energy of the 8 and also the over-arching energy of the 4 Universal Year, this can be a colossal 2020 on every level.

For more, go to Numerology: Your Life Path Number and Monthly Numerology Forecasts

Felicia BenderFelicia Bender, Ph.D is “The Practical Numerologist” and the author of Redesign Your Life: Using Numerology To Create The Wildly Optimal You. To learn more numerology from Felicia, order custom reports and book a reading, visit www.FeliciaBender.com

For information on scheduling a private numerology session, click here.

To order a personalized numerology chart, click here.


The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of Astrostyle.com and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.