2020 Numerology Forecast for 9 Personal Year | The AstroTwins
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2020 Numerology Forecast for 9 Personal Year

Your 2020 numerology forecast for a 9 Personal Year: Time to let go

by Felicia Bender, The Practical Numerologist

The 9 Personal Year is the end of a nine-year cycle. Your focus is on completion and releasing the old to make space for your next nine-year journey, which begins in 2021. Allow what’s no longer serving you to fall away this year.

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During this transitional cycle, we must evaluate what’s finished and no longer serving a positive function. We can then move forward into the next chapter, often without a roadmap.

For some people, the changes can be and tumultuous, affecting possessions, relationships, jobs, geographical location, spirituality and health. Don’t despair at all the “heaviness” if you experience this. You can also revel in the successful culmination of everything you’ve been working toward for the past eight years. The 9 Personal Year is a time when your dreams can manifest almost instantly if you shed that old baggage.

Have you every known someone who’s in a dead-end relationship but they won’t get a divorce or break up until they have another love interest waiting in the wings? Well, metaphorically speaking, the 9 Personal Year won’t allow you to do that. You must break it off and then sit in that empty space of nothingness for a while.

A word about change

Even the strongest of us may get scared silly when it comes to that kind of change. And then, to change something without knowing exactly what’s next? What?! But that’s the spiritual test a 9 cycle requires.

The 9 Personal Year can hasten major transitions: divorce, health crises, career change, death of a close friend or family member, or another loss that holds a greater magnitude than usual. This can also be the time when a child is born or leaves home, when retirement becomes official or when you graduate. You could experience a magical transformation that you’ve been waiting on for a very long time.

The 9 Personal Year is about endings or dissolving a union. Combined with the over-arching energy of the 4 Universal Year, you’ll be met with pivotal opportunities to courageously let go so you can step into a new and vital cycle in 2021.

For more, go to Numerology: Your Life Path Number and Monthly Numerology Forecasts

Felicia BenderFelicia Bender, Ph.D is “The Practical Numerologist” and the author of Redesign Your Life: Using Numerology To Create The Wildly Optimal You. To learn more numerology from Felicia, order custom reports and book a reading, visit www.FeliciaBender.com

For information on scheduling a private numerology session, click here.

To order a personalized numerology chart, click here.


The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of Astrostyle.com and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.