Your 2020 St. Patrick’s Day Horoscope by Zodiac Sign

The moon in Capricorn and the energy of Venus in Taurus give your 2020 St. Patrick’s Day horoscope some lucky vibes!

by The AstroTwins

The prominent transit for 2020’s St. Patrick’s Day is the moon in Capricorn, trine Venus in Taurus. That means the moon and Taurus are four signs apart, and the energy created is harmony, luck, and ease. How fitting for “luck” to be in the stars for your 2020 St. Patrick’s Day horoscope!

This year’s St. Patrick’s Day celebrations may feel more subdued. Annual parades in Dublin, Ireland, and Boston, Mass., for example, have been canceled due to concern over the spreading of coronavirus. But your horoscope is still packed with plenty of party, and also helpful notes for love, career and wellness.

The holiday lands on Tuesday, March 17, the anniversary of the death of St. Patrick’s but a celebration of his life in the 5th century as an apostle of Ireland, according to The Old Farmer’s Almanac. In modern times, St. Patrick’s Day has become a day of fun, with flowing green beer (and green-dyed rivers), green bagels, the aforementioned parades, and donning the greenest frocks from your closet.

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Your 2020 St. Patrick’s Day horoscope by zodiac sign


If you’ve been locked out of the insider’s club, that’s set to change now as the St. Patrick’s Day stars give you exclusive access. No need to be nervous, though. Whether you’re the power-suit type of Aries or not, you have plenty to offer. If you’ve got a case of the jitters, think before you speak. Instead of jumping to respond to people’s ideas, give them space to elaborate. Offering a pregnant pause will allow them to further flesh out their thoughts (which also means less work for you). When you’re sure the other person has nothing left to add, then feel free to voice your astute insights.


You’ve got clearance for unapologetic candor on St. Patrick’s Day, but if you want conversations to be productive, release expectations that others will agree with you. Heck, they may not even understand you, Taurus, but their reactions are secondary to you speaking your truth. Keep this in mind: By voicing your opinions, you encourage others to express themselves just as freely. As a result, a touchy topic that has the potential to go sideways could actually morph into a stimulating conversation.


Is your message getting through, Gemini? Pay close attention to the reactions you’re getting. As the sensitive moon tunes in to convivial Venus, it won’t be hard to read subtle cues. Notice: Are people avoiding laughing nervously, turning away or crossing their arms? If so, take it as a sign that you need to dial your intensity down a couple notches. Check out your own nonverbal signal. Keep your arms uncrossed and your hands in a relaxed position—yes, it matters, even on a webcam. Emitting a serene vibe invites others to open up.


Strategic social networking is the name of the game as the moon links arms with convivial Venus. Whether you’re looking to expand your network or get more intimately connected to a certain crowd, your personable nature is the ace up your sleeve, Cancer. If you can’t get past small talk, end the conversation politely and keep moving. There could be serious synergy with someone else in the room—yes, even a virtual one. Seek that “click,” and you could forge an important alliance—or strengthen one within your circle—before St. Patrick’s Day is through.


FOMO alert! While you hate to miss out on what MIGHT be a fun opportunity, the St. Patrick’s Day moon-Venus trine urges you to scale back your schedule and sharpen your focus. No matter how badly you want to do it all, you won’t enjoy anything if you’re spread too thin. Devote your time to a few select engagements that truly lift you up, Leo. (And make sure to nix any interactions that are likely to suck you dry.) Apply the same philosophy to your workload. Instead of scattering your enjoyment, focus on one mission you can crush before the day is through.


You’re not imagining it, and, no, you’re not losing your mind, Virgo. Sparks are flying with THAT person—and it’s kind of weird. This is someone you never thought you’d feel attracted to (and vice versa), but suddenly, that “something” is there. Don’t panic! You don’t have to DO anything except enjoy the energy. Allow yourself to be curious and find out more about what makes this person tick. The synergies might not be remotely romantic for your 2020 St. Patrick’s Day horoscope, yet they certainly COULD be. If nothing else, this is a fascinating exploration in how “another half” lives.


Put your defense mechanisms on bed rest for St. Patrick’s Day, Libra. As the moon flows into a simpatico trine with your ruler, Venus, it’s safe to drop your guard. See what happens if you allow yourself to be a little (or a lot) more vulnerable with people you interact with on a daily basis. We’re not telling you to unload your emotional baggage on your anyone’s doorstep. You can, however, get honest about needing more insight and support. Allowing people to give you feedback and input can strengthen your bond. And what a relief it is to not have to come up with all the answers on your own!


Cat got your tongue, Scorpio? The St. Patrick’s Day flowing trine between the moon and compassionate Venus helps you express your honest thoughts without accidentally stinging anyone in the process. If you’ve been bracing yourself for someone else’s “attack,” you can soften the blow by inviting them to have an open conversation about your relationship. Honesty really is the best policy—provided you set up ground rules. Before anyone starts unleashing, make an agreement to speak in “I language” instead of the accusatory “you.” For example, “I am feeling sad that we spend less time together” will probably yield better results than “You’re abandoning me!”


Routines aren’t exactly your jam, but that doesn’t mean you have to rush around like a headless chicken. Your 2020 St. Patrick’s Day horoscope encourages you to try developing some rituals to stay grounded, Sagittarius. For example, you could set your alarm 15 minutes earlier than usual so you can wake up to journal or record your dreams. Fend off those frazzled AM vibes with an evening prep checklist. Do you work behind a desk? Program a timer to go off once an hour so you can stretch your legs or fill up your water bottle. Simple routines can bring big boosts to your vitality.


Go out on a style limb, Capricorn, for your 2020 St. Patrick’s Day horoscope. The moon-Venus trine invites your inner peacock out to play. Err on the side of boldness, not only in your wardrobe choices but in all manner of self-expression. Don’t just go for the bullet-pointed basics. Support your point with a personal anecdote or a colorful metaphor. When it comes to romance, candor will be much more effective than playing coy. Planning a night out…or in? Think like a theater director and make sure the lighting, backdrop and ambience are on point.


If someone pushes your buttons, Aquarius, the peaceful moon-Venus trine can help you remain “objectively non-reactive.” Take note of your emotions but refrain from lashing out—or swinging to the other extreme and completely detaching from the situation. Calm yourself with deep, slow cleansing breaths before you make your next move. It’s possible that the offending party has no idea they’re working your nerves. When you’re able to extend the benefit of the doubt, you’ll know it’s the right time to talk.


Hello, social butterfly! The congenial trine between the moon and charming Venus puts people at the top of your priority list this St. Patrick’s Day. If you’ve got deadlines to meet, stay off social media until you’ve plowed through your tasks. A single tweet could snowball into a lively (or heated!) discussion that eats up your morning. That said, Pisces, it’s an optimal day for team-building and networking. If momentum is flagging, organize a virtual hivemind hangout to exchange ideas and get inspired. Set up that Zoom account.

Photo by Suzi Marshall via Stocksy

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The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.