2023 Aquarius horoscope and astrology forecast for love, career & money, wellness and friends & family. Plus how the major planetary transits will affect you.
Plan your year by the planets with your AstroTwins 2023 Aquarius horoscope! The following is partially excerpted from The AstroTwins’ 2023 Horoscope; get your copy of the book today.
Let freedom ring! If life has moved at the speed of molasses for the past couple years, get ready for a 180-degree pirouette with your 2023 Aquarius horoscope! Also, be a tiny bit careful what you wish for…Starting in March 2023, transformational experiences will be coming by the hour!
New friendships, invitations and even job offers could come in. Whether you accept them or not, take it as an affirmative sign that you’ve done some tough personal growth work. In 2023, you’re ready to reap the hard-earned rewards! Your trailblazing ideas could make you a popular leader in these times, so turn up the volume on your unique personality and quirky concepts. You could gain a fast following!
Nonetheless, be careful who you share the reins of power with this spring and summer. You may still be getting your self-confidence “sea legs,” and a flattering or manipulative person could slip into the inner sanctum unnoticed. Home and family, particularly female relatives, are big focal points in the second half of 2023.
Aquarius will be lucky with: Friendships, home and family
Aquarius will be challenged with: Money management, trusting the wrong people
In this Article
Where will you be lucky in 2023?
Find out in The AstroTwins 2023 Horoscope and plan it by the planets all year long!
Key dates for Aquarius in 2023
Sun in Aquarius 2023
Aquarius season begins January 20, 2023, at 3:30 AM ET, and ends on February 18 when Pisces season begins.
New moon in Aquarius 2023
The Aquarius new moon is on January 21, 2023, at 3:53 PM ET.
New moons plant the seeds of intention and inspiration.
Full moon in Aquarius 2023
The full moon Aquarius is on August 1, 2023, at 2:31 PM ET.
Harvest time! During a full moon, you reap the seeds that were sown six months prior during the corresponding new moon.
2023 Aquarius horoscope highlights
Dating is your new favorite sport in 2023, Aquarius.
Passion is already percolating as the ball drops on 2023, and when white-hot Mars ends its retrograde on January 12, you’ll be Aquarius Untamed! Enjoy this thermostat-raising mojo while Mars zips through your fifth house of show stopping amour until March 25. Dating could be your favorite winter sport; then get ready for a summer of love! Venus takes a long, sultry sashay through Leo and your relationship house from June 5 to October 8.
If you’re serious about someone—or need to renegotiate the terms of engagement—the diplomatic, enchanting love planet has your back. Longing for the one that got away? Venus retrograde from July 22 to September 3 could bring a much-awaited reunion or the closure you need to finally move on. Pro tip for the happily hitched: Save up for a luxury baecation to take before the year is through.
You’re free to make boatloads of money again, so roll up your sleeves, Aquarius.
Make it rain, Aquarius! On March 7, your co-ruler, industrious Saturn, heads into Pisces, beginning a three-year tour through your income zone. This is double cause for celebration since it means that you’re also kissing the ringed taskmaster goodbye. Saturn’s been in Aquarius since March 21, 2020, putting you through your paces since the pandemic began. As you graduate from cosmic boot camp (not to host Saturn again for 29.5 years!) you are ready to establish your expertise and increase your earnings.
But just as you’re settling into a groove, transformational Pluto darts into Aquarius from March 23 to June 11—the warm-up lap of its 21-year circuit through your sign. Don’t get so comfortable that you wind up stuck in a rut! Pluto draws out your competitive nature and makes you a shrewd investor. Go beyond 9-5 thinking: money could flow in from property, inventions and even inheritances over the next two decades. The Scorpio lunar eclipse on May 5 may bring a plum offer from on high!
Aquarius can let thy food be thy medicine.
Detox time! With Pluto in its second-to-last year in your twelfth house of release, there’s no more excuses for unhealthy behaviors that have crept in over the years. Whether it’s that five-coffee-a
day habit, sedentary job or another addictive vice, this is the year to break the habit once and for all. Working with a support group and even a hypnotherapist can do wonders for your process.
With Saturn moving into Pisces and your second house, focus on thyroid health. You might try cutting back on fatty animal products and eating more iodine-rich superfoods like seaweed, fish and fresh eggs. Buddy workouts keep you motivated all year with Jupiter and the North Node doing time in Aries and your cooperative, social third house. Join a walking group or cycling club for summer fitness.
Social Aquarius is back…and the world is so ready.
Your social circle swells to exciting proportions in 2023—and what a colorful crew you’ll assemble! Thought leaders, artists, and garden variety unicorns will populate the Aquarius entourage as live-out- loud Jupiter and the North Node move through your outgoing third house. When global Jupiter enters Taurus on May 16, it spends a year in your house of roots. Reconnect to long-distance relatives and plan an epic family vacation in the second half of the year.
The October 28 lunar eclipse could bring some heart-opening moments, but may also demand that you set boundaries with people in your inner circle who are draining you with their dependence.
Your 2023 Aquarius horoscope, by the planets
Jupiter in Aries and Taurus
Jupiter in Aries:
You already got a burst of this loquacious energy when the red-spotted raconteur rolled through Aries from May 10 to October 28, 2022. Your first order of business in 2023 is to breathe new life into things after they’ve been collecting dust for a while. Where to begin?
Jupiter in Taurus:
Nesting instincts take flight this May 16, as peripatetic Jupiter heads into rootbound Taurus and your fourth house of home, family and foundations until May 25, 2024. Do you hear the contradiction there? After a breezy start to 2023, you need a moment to hunker down. But where?
Mars in Gemini
With Mars galloping forward like a sexy steed, the initiative you take can get the whole parade rolling again. People who gazed right past you in late 2022 could sit up and take notice. How can you do your level best to make sure of that, even if you have to resort to a pinch of shock value?
Saturn in Pisces
On March 7, 2023, the ground beneath your feet should feel a bit more solid. Go ahead and breathe a deep sigh of relief. Just don’t loosen your belt too many notches. While Saturn tours Pisces until February 13, 2026, it takes up a new role as Chief Budgetary Officer in your second house of financial security. How will you not burn as much as you earn in 2023?
Pluto in Aquarius
Come on out of your cocoon and let the games begin! To call this transit profound would be an understatement. It’s been two centuries since Pluto toured Aquarius, so we’ve never experienced this energy in our times. Because of its 248-year orbit, many people will never host formidable Pluto in their zodiac sign. But um, lucky you? Life’s about to get mighty interesting.
Venus Retrograde in Leo
During this four-month Venus in Leo cycle, you could anything from “I’m ready to find my soulmate” to “I’d really love to be single right now.” How do you know which to choose?
Aries North Node
Beginning July 17, for the first time in nearly 20 years, the fate-fueling lunar North Node returns to Aries. Until January 11, 2025, it sprinkles cosmic fairy dust into your loquacious third house and boosts your popularity to the sky.