2023 Cancer Horoscope: Kicking @$$ and Taking Names | Astrostyle: Astrology and Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscopes by The AstroTwins
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2023 Cancer Horoscope: Kicking @$$ and Taking Names

2023 Cancer horoscope and astrology forecast for love, career & money, wellness and friends & family. Plus how the major planetary transits will affect you.

Plan your year by the planets with your AstroTwins 2023 Cancer horoscope! The following is partially excerpted from The AstroTwins’ 2023 Horoscope; get your copy of the book today.

No more hiding in that shell, Cancer—the Crab’s out of the bag! The 2023 stars show you coming into your own, rising up as an inspiring leader and innovator.

No need to stand in the spotlight’s harsh glare (unless you want to, of course). You could lead a team to victory and shine in the role of superconnector, working behind the scenes. Got a yearning to start your own business, teach or return to school? The next couple years support a slow-and-steady path toward these dreams.

In the second half of 2023, balancing your personal and professional pursuits could take extra negotiating. If you’re the typical caretaking Cancer, it’s time to move away from being the world’s maternal figure and to start setting firm, healthy boundaries. Aim to empower, not enable. You may need to do some deep inner work, as doing so could drive up some shadowy old fears about abandonment, trust and belonging.

Cancer will be lucky with: Career, teamwork

Cancer will be challenged with: Travel, work-life balance

In this Article

Where will you be lucky in 2023?

Find out in The AstroTwins 2023 Horoscope and plan it by the planets all year long!

Key dates for your 2023 Cancer horoscope

Sun in Cancer 2023

Cancer season begins June 21, 2023, at 10:58 AM ET, and ends on July 22 when Leo season begins. The beginning of Cancer season on June 21 is also the summer solstice.

New moon in Cancer 2023

The Cancer new moon is on July 17, 2023, at 2:31 PM ET.

New moons plant the seeds of intention and inspiration.

Full moon in Cancer 2023

Cancer full moons bookend the year. The first Cancer full moon is on January 6, 2023, at 6:07 PM ET, and the second Cancer full moon is on December 26, 2023, at 7:33 PM ET.

Harvest time! During a full moon, you reap the seeds that were sown six months prior during the corresponding new moon.

2023 Cancer horoscope highlights

Love is a “chose your own adventure” game in 2023 for Cancers.

Soul-stirring romance is on the agenda while the South Node hovers in Scorpio and your passionate fifth house until July 17. Get proactive about creating magic by picking up tickets to shows and exhibits and planning vacations. The May 5 lunar eclipse could bring a milestone moment that’s worth sharing in a teary social media tribute. For some Cancers, it’s the love affair with yourself that feels richest this year, but don’t wall off your heart!

Pluto’s brief visit to Aquarius (March 23 to June 11) is the beginning of its 20-year trek through your sultry, spiritual eighth house. As much as you love your alone time, the urge to merge is heating up, too. A lovely, romantic summer’s in store while Venus luxuriates in Leo from June 5 to October 8. Spoil your partner (and yourself!), but watch your cash flow. Divergent financial perspectives could become a sticking point while Venus is retrograde from July 22 to September 3.

The Cancer boss is back in 2023: take charge!

It’s a great big year for your career in your 2023 Cancer horoscope! Expansive Jupiter in Aries heats up your tenth house of success until May 16—and the March 21 solar eclipse in Aries could bring an exciting new role. The fate-fueling North Node picks up the baton on July 17, bringing 18 months of professional growth. Exciting? Absolutely, but make space for a learning curve. The best balance? Don’t bite off more than you can chew, but don’t play it so safe that you stunt your growth.

On March 7, slow and steady Saturn heads into Pisces and your enterprising ninth house. This three-year cycle can support Cancers who want to open a business, develop online courses or write a book. (Take your time with these initiatives!) A 20-year wealth building cycle begins with Pluto’s shift into Aquarius from March 23 to June 11. You may choose to sell off certain assets to open up funding for others.

Fitness lifehacks? Let’s go, Cancer!

With limited time for fitness this year, you’ll have to rely on lifehacks. Join a gym right near the office or invest in a treadmill desk. If you’ve been self-soothing with sweets or other unhealthy substances, Saturn’s shift into Pisces can help you curb excess. Athletic Cancers could get serious about sports training, working with a coach or joining a league. The connection between food and mood becomes sharply evident when the karmic South Node heads into Libra for 18 months on July 17. Dietary changes may be necessary to reduce inflammation, rebalance hormones or curb food allergies.

Find kindred Cancer spirits.

So many friends, so little time! Your popularity is set to soar once boundless Jupiter heads into Taurus and your eleventh house of community this May 16. And with the lunar North Node in this zone until July 17, you’re keen to spread your wings and find kindred spirits both virtually and IRL. Family obligations could get a bit heavier after July 17 once the South Node settles into Libra. While your duty-bound sign would never shirk such responsibilities, don’t fall into the martyr role. With a bit of ingenuity, you can support your loved ones while also taking care of yourself.

Your 2023 Cancer horoscope, by the planets

Jupiter in Aries and Taurus

Jupiter in Aries:

With courageous Jupiter barreling through Aries and your tenth house of success until May 16, your leadership skills come to the fore. Jupiter only visits this part of your chart every 12-13 years. Could be your luckiest professional period in more than a decade?

Jupiter in Taurus:

The bounds of your social circle start to stretch beginning May 16, when plentiful Jupiter blasts into Taurus, activating your eleventh house of friendship, groups and technology until May 25, 2024. Teamwork truly does make the dream work while Jupiter is in Taurus, but can you sprinkle some of the responsibility around to lighten your load?

Mars in Gemini

Your imagination will produce some insanely creative gems while the red planet rolls through Gemini until March 25, 2023. How can you coax them out?

Saturn in Pisces

On March 7, 2023, the cosmic coach drifts into imaginative Pisces, waking up your ninth house of higher learning and global exploration until February 13, 2026. Saturn only tours each part of your chart every 29.5 years, and its visits really pack a punch! What area of your life is going to feel like boot camp?

Pluto in Aquarius

Keep a clear watch over your motives between March 23 and June 11, 2023. For the first time since 2008, magnetic, mysterious Pluto is changing signs, heading into Aquarius and the stormy seas of your eighth house.

While Pluto, the Darth Vader of astrology, is not exactly a welcome guest, at least it’s at home in your eighth house. So how will you “use the force,” Cancer?

Venus Retrograde in Leo

From July 22 to September 3, Venus spins retrograde in Leo, and dredges up feelings for people you swore you were so over. How can you exercise caution?

Aries North Node

Step up to the plate, Crab! As one of the zodiac’s four initiating cardinal signs (the signs that begin every season), it’s your destiny to reign with a wise and nurturing hand.

When the North Node ascends to your tenth house every 18.5 years, you need to keep your eye on a totally different ball, namely the direction in which you’re going to steer the ship.

Where will your sign be lucky in 2023?

Find out in The AstroTwins 2023 Horoscope — and plan it by the planets all year long!

The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of Astrostyle.com and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.