The American Revolution 2.0 Is In Our Stars And It's Already Begun | Astrostyle: Astrology and Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscopes by The AstroTwins
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The American Revolution 2.0 Is In Our Stars And It’s Already Begun

Read an excerpt from our 2021 Horoscope book about the revolutionary transits ahead this decade…and why 2020 and 2021 are really a runway preparing us for 2022 and the American Revolution 2.0.

An exclusive excerpt from The AstroTwins’ 2021 Horoscope
by The AstroTwins and Matthew Swann

In the coming decade, we will witness the convergence of many cycles, secular and non-secular, ancient and contemporary in orientation. The period is circumscribed by generational astrology, with the outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto returning to key positions they occupied during pivotal points in American history, echoing watershed events of our past, including the founding of the United States more than two centuries ago.

The years 2020 and 2021 are a prelude to major transformations in our social, economic and political ecologies. The disruptions we’ve endured to this point will begin to coalesce into a meaningful narrative, albeit a challenging one, in the winter of 2022. Governments and economies around the globe will begin to reorient, anticipating a new epoch of human civilization that will coincide with Pluto’s reign in Aquarius between 2023 and 2044—what we have termed the Aquarian Technocalypse.

To support our planetary thesis, we look to two major transits of early 2022:

Neptune: With the Pisces ingress of the Sun on February 18, 2022, transcendent Neptune will arrive at 22° Pisces beginning its opposition to the USA’s natal Neptune, which is at 22° Virgo. A Neptune opposition occurs only once every 165 years.

Pluto: Two days later, on February 20, 2022 (2/20/22), under a 2°02’ Pisces Sun, the planet of prophecy, power and transformation will return to 27°33’ Capricorn for the first time in 246 years. Pluto will reach its exact “home” degree in the birth chart of the United States, dated July 4, 1776. This will mark America’s first “Pluto return.”

On 2/22/22, both Neptune and Pluto will be at 22° positions.

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America’s Pluto Return: Secrets Revealed, Transformation Ahead

Beginning on February 20, 2022, the United States will enter its historic Pluto return, as the cosmic alchemist makes a homecoming at 27°33’ Capricorn for the first time since the country’s birth on July 4, 1776.

Thirteen months later, on March 23, 2023, Pluto will enter Aquarius for the first time since 1797, the year that George  Washington, who  was  born  on  2/22,  made  democratic history by transferring his presidency to John Adams, earning the adulation of  many world leaders. (When told that Washington would  honor  the  new  Constitution  rather  than  rule  interminably,  King  George  III  of  Britain said,  “Then he shall be the greatest man in the world.”)

This Pluto homecoming is a decisive moment for the entire planet, not just the United States, as the world’s major powers grapple with the unleashing of revolutionary forces. Pluto’s looming presence has been exhuming buried truths for at least a decade, the revelation of which Astrostyle highlighted in our 2020 Horoscope Guide—most notably our much-touted Black Swan economic prediction, where we correctly foretold 2020’s calamitous financial deterioration.

With that heavy prediction tucked under our wing, we forged ahead, sensitive to the global tumult emerging from the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of January 12, 2020. The fallout is still underway at the time of this writing, with twin economic and viral pandemics, both in their respective early stages.

The United States has its roots in many Plutonian secrets. It’s well-documented that  several  of the  Founding  Fathers,  including  George  Washington and Benjamin Franklin, were members of  the Freemasons, a civic organization embedded in the construction of the nation and its cities and landmarks, many of which, like the Washington Monument obelisk, directly reflecting the architecture and spirit of ancient Egypt.

Some believe that Benjamin Franklin selected July 4, 1776, as the United States of America’s official birthdate (rather than July 2) to not only commemorate the ratification of the Declaration of Independence by John Hancock on July 4, but because of favorable planetary alignments on that day.

One of America’s preeminent astrologers, Franklin published his Poor Richard’s Almanack annually between 1732 -1758. It contained a detailed astrological ephemeris (calendar) that tracked monthly moon phases and motions of the known planets, along with predictions based on their astral interactions—the Colonial American equivalent of a daily horoscope.

Given Ben Franklin’s daily observation of the zodiac, doubtless he would have noted that on July 4, the transiting Sun would be at 13° Cancer, allowing him to commemorate each of the 13 original colonies with the 13 degrees of the sign of Cancer.

In his Almanack, Benjamin Franklin championed astrology and called to task those who denounced it:

“Courteous Reader: Astrology is one of the most ancient Sciences, had in high Esteem of old, by the Wise and Great. Formerly, no Prince would make War or Peace, nor any General fight a Battle, in short, no important Affair was taken without first consulting an Astrologer, who examined the Aspects and Configurations of the heavenly bodies, and mark’d the lucky hour. Now the noble Art (more Shame to the Age we live in!) is dwindled into contempt; the Great neglect us, Empires make Leagues, and Parliaments Laws, without advising with us; and scarce any other Use is made of our learned Labors.”


Pluto In Aquarius: The Separation of Money and State

With Pluto entering Aquarius in 2023 again, we predict that the next great global political revolution will be the attempt to separate money from the state, a demand that will gain traction throughout Pluto’s long transit. Enigmatic Pluto will herald changes to technology, industry and economy that will span over at least the next two decades, especially as the tiny powerhouse transits the final degrees of Capricorn and enters the Aquarian realm.

On March 23, 2023 (3/23/23), Pluto will move into Aquarius until 2044, its first visit to the Water Bearer’s domain since 1778-98, which was a 20-year period of explosive growth for both the Industrial Revolution and the Age of Enlightenment. The origin of our monetary system has roots in Pluto’s last visit to Capricorn and Aquarius, an era that encompassed both the American and French Revolutions.

History demonstrates that major changes to our financial systems, at a fundamental level, parallel the cycles of the outer planets, which are drivers of progress and innovation. The takeaway? Money and government are both forms of human technology, subject to evolution—and technology always disrupts.

This truism is evident throughout civilization, from the harnessing of fire to the creation of the wheel and the birth of every alphabet. Each of these inventions emancipated humankind, leading us to our next great age or cycle, just as a silicon chip or satellite signal is doing today. We are a technological species, magicians of the material realm.

In 1792, while Pluto was last in Aquarius, the United States dollar became the nation’s standard unit of currency. Prior to this, the colonists issued the “continental,” paper money intended to unyoke them from the British monetary system. To offset their war debts and finance the building of the nation, the colonists used the vanguard technology of their time—the printing press—to produce continentals. While this allowed them to break away from the tyranny of King George III, the unchecked printing of notes, exacerbated by British counterfeiting, drove up inflation and debased the continental until it became essentially worthless. This cycle of creation/destruction necessitated the birth of a new Federal currency, the dollar—and is no doubt why the U.S. Constitution explicitly defines the difference between money (gold/silver) and currency.

As the French Enlightenment philosopher Voltaire warned, “Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value: zero.” Today, the U.S. Federal Reserve is debasing the U.S. dollar—the world’s reserve currency—by “printing to infinity” in an effort to keep the debt-addled American economy afloat.

Uranus in Gemini, Pluto in Aquarius will be the era of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency.

The timely movements of the outer planets are again present as we reconfigure our political and monetary systems. Starting in 2024, technological Uranus (the ruler of Aquarius), will travel in a close trine (120-degree angle of activation) to Pluto for the rest of the decade, accelerating when Uranus enters quicksilver Gemini in 2025. A quintessential example of techne (the root of “technology”) and technological evolution is the emergence of Bitcoin and its distributed ledger known as the blockchain, which reimagines the advantages of Gutenberg’s printing press (Uranus) and the enduring power of precious metal (Pluto) into the next iteration of money via cryptography (Pluto). Wholly technological, Bitcoin carries the torch of techne into the contemporary Aquarian epoch.

At this writing, Bitcoin, whose creator is still unknown, is poised to disrupt the world’s fiat currencies. Given the presence of Uranus and Pluto, we may want to entertain the possibility that a breakaway intelligence group, rather than a single person (the enigmatic Satoshi Nakamoto), is the creator of Bitcoin. Perhaps the return of Pluto to Aquarius will unveil this cryptographic entity.

Neptune, The Fourth Turning & The Cross of Ixion

It’s not just Pluto portending great changes in early 2022. Numinous Neptune is also part of this story. Neptune rules divine revelation, but this planet has a lesser-known association with war and catastrophe, including natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis and storms. In mythology, Neptune carries a three-pronged trident, a weapon given to him by his brother Pluto, which granted him authority over the oceans.

On February 18, 2022, Neptune will begin a trek through 22° Pisces, making an exact opposition to Neptune in the United States’ natal chart (which is at 22° Virgo). This aspect only occurs every 165 years. Neptune was last at 22° Pisces in the late 1850s, a pivotal time in the nation’s prelude to Civil War.

We might look at generational researchers Lewis and Howe’s book The Fourth Turning to understand Neptune’s cyclical nature and how it expresses throughout history. (These are the authors who coined the term “millennial.”)

According to their theory, generations shift every 22 years (for example, we now divide into Boomers, Gen X, Millennials and Gen Z). These generations are grouped into four “turnings” that last for 80-90 years each, which coincide with half of a Neptune cycle.

The major themes of these larger cycles repeat every 80-90 years—or what Lewis and Howe call a saeculum, Latin for “a natural century” and roughly the span of a well-lived human life. (Long before books like the Fourth Turning created cycles in which to understand human history, this observational role was, and continues to be, the province of the ancient art of astrology.)

On February 18, 2022, Neptune will begin a trek through 22° Pisces, making an exact opposition to Neptune in the United States’ natal chart (which is at 22° Virgo). This aspect only occurs every 165 years. Neptune was last at 22° Pisces in the late 1850s, a pivotal time in the nation’s prelude to Civil War.

As stated, Neptune takes 83 years to complete half a cycle around the zodiac wheel. Uranus takes 84 years to complete a full revolution, encompassing a “turning.” If we begin counting with the founding of the United States in 1776, while Neptune was at 22° Virgo, we observe Neptune’s first American saeculum completing in 1859, right before the Civil War began, when Neptune first reached 22° Pisces.   

The next 83-year saeculum, and Neptune’s first return to 22° Virgo since the founding of the U.S.A., began in 1939. Once again, major upheaval ensued: World War II officially began on September 1, 1939, with Neptune at precisely 22° Virgo.

As we approach Neptune’s second 22° visit to Pisces in the history of the United States (in February 2022), we look back to the start of the Civil War, which began in 1861, as Neptune exited Pisces to begin its quest through Aries. In 2025, Neptune will repeat this cycle. Given the total nature of the sky, is a new type of civil conflict upon us—perhaps one that is both digital and algorithmic, not simply an overt demonstration of military or physical force?

To answer this profound question, one that we take great caution in advancing, we  must acknowledge and consider the promethean forces of high technology impacting every sphere of human endeavor, including our monetary system. To wit: Uranus will complete an American saeculum on July 27, 2027 (7/27/27), returning to 8°55’ Gemini, where it’s also positioned in the U.S.A.’s 1776 birth chart. Historical markers of conflict are present again: Uranus was at 9°20’ Gemini when the Civil War began, and again at 9°20’ Gemini on D-Day (June 6, 1944), when the Allied Forces liberated Europe with the largest invasion in military history, codenamed Operation Overlord.

History shows us that major economic shifts often correlate with war, if not exclusively so. The American Revolution, the U.S. Civil War and World War II all ushered in new monetary systems: the birth of the U.S. dollar, the National Currency Act and the Bretton Woods system, respectively.

As Neptune, Uranus and Pluto all return to placements that coincided with prior wars and the emergence of these new financial orderings, their transits support our planetary thesis that upheaval is highly probable and will birth the next monetary system during this decade. As we are now in the high-tech era known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the constellating spirit of techne will be palpable, whether its representation is found in Bitcoin or another digital currency that Neptune’s fourth saeculum has yet to reveal.

A clue to that revelation can be obtained by casting our vision across Neptune’s great ocean to the nascent financial superpower of China, where we discover a cosmic harbinger of the Aquarian Technocalypse. The birth date of modern China and its currency, the Chinese renminbi (yuan), is October 1, 1949, and features a natal chart conjunction of the Sun (7°), Mercury (13°) and Neptune (14°) in  Libra. Incredibly, these three planets form a climactic “cardinal cross” with the U.S.A.’s natal Sun (13° Cancer) and Saturn (14° Libra), and the natal Suns of the U.S. dollar (13° Aries) and Bitcoin (13° Capricorn), a burning wheel of Ixion for each nation-state.

Read our full post on the Cross of Ixion here.

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The Power of Two

In the ancient divination system of numerology, 22 is a master number. It adds up to four, a number that displays itself prominently in astrology and prophecy, in both Eastern and Western practices. With 2/22/22 being a pivotal date, and prophetic Neptune reaching 22° Pisces, it’s clear that the numbers hold a message. In other traditions, 22 is also prevalent: There are 22 Major Arcana in the Tarot and 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet. In Biblical scripture, 22 is the number of Revelation.

How will we set the foundation for U.S.A. 2.0 amid such typhonic forces? Since the moment before us demands our attention in so many unknown and challenging ways, perhaps we are best served by learning from those bright stars that have preceded us, as we peer into the vast amphora of the Aquarian future-time. Embracing uncertainty, complexity and human diversity may ultimately liberate individuals and society alike.

As the transcendent Enlightenment-era mathematician and author of the world’s first computational algorithm, Sagittarius Ada Lovelace, stated so memorably, “I never am really satisfied that I understand anything; because, understand it well as I may, my comprehension can only be an infinitesimal fraction of all I want to understand about the many connections and relations which occur to me…”


The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.