On a flight to Miami yesterday, I was indulging in my customary habit of reading Us Weekly to distract myself from the jitters I always get when the plane takes off. The cover story was about Scorpio Josh Duhamel. Not even a year after his marriage to Fergie, an Atlanta stripper has come forward insisting he spent a wild night with her.
I’m not the type who wants to believe bad things about celebrities–especially not Fergie, whom I love because she’s a self-made (re-made) Aries woman who got married in her mid 30s and can hold her own in front of millions of people. She’s confident enough to piss her pants onstage then bounce back with a hit called “Big Girls Don’t Cry” (one of my karaoke favorites). He couldn’t do this to…her…or could he?
My mind went over to Josh Duhamel’s star sign, naturally. Upon recalling the fact that he is a Scorpio (November 14) I noticed my own indictment forming. (Sorry Scorpios–you DO have a reputation here). Having many beloved Scorpio men in my life, I realize that this is unfair. Still it comes up quite often in our readings…are Scorpio men notorious cheaters?
The answer is both no…and yes. Scorpio is the sign of extremely extreme extremes. They can be loyal to a fault, hanging on to the memory of an ex for decades after a breakup. One-on-one relationships appeal to them as they like to get intensely entwined with a mate. Still, they need the freak factor to be strong in their relationships. Otherwise, the chances of them straying for a “meaningless romp” here and there increases significantly. Aries (like Fergie) are known for putting on a blushworthy sexy show but can be shockingly prim behind the scenes. (Look at Ramstress Mariah Carey.) A Scorpio ex of mine once popped in his favorite porno to spell out his wishes. Unfortunately, our fantasies did not align and the relationship promptly ended.
So can a Scorpio man remain faithful and monogamous? Absolutely. Yes. But if you’re the type who wears miniskirts in public then swaddles herself in a granny robe when you get home, the odds are not stacked in your favor. You’ll have to tend to your sex goddess to keep him intrigued. Sign up for that pole dancing class (irritatingly trendy though it may be), forget to wear panties on date night, and be ready to take a tantric retreat in Thailand on a moment’s notice.
Not up for all that “extra” work? Well, you might want to try a simpler sign. Otherwise, you could just find your man in the tabloids before you’ve had a chance to say “honeymoon.”