Body Positive Horoscopes: Love Yourself By the Stars | Astrostyle
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Body Positive Horoscopes: How to Love Yourself By the Stars, For All 12 Signs

Do you REALLY need a rock-hard body to rock your body? We say, hell no! Our body positive horoscopes for all the zodiac signs.

We’re all about banishing body shame, advocating for everyone’s right to feel sensual and alive in their own skin. Astrology is one of our favorite tools for self-acceptance: It gives people permission to not only ADMIT that we have quirks, but also to embrace and celebrate them.

And is that not a metaphor for our bodies? They all have individual lumps, bumps, curves, swerves, scars and such—and we’re here to take the shame out of that game. Whether it’s “beach body season” or sweater weather, we developed body positive horoscopes to help you understand and dismantle your zodiac sign-specific stressors and anxieties that could tempt you to hide when, like the stars, you were made to shine!

It just so happens that Ophi’s pre-astrology career was as a body image activist. Her book, Body Outlaws: Rewriting the Rule of Beauty and Body Image (first published in 1997) is a multicultural women’s anthology of body acceptance stories that is still widely used as college curriculum. Sadly, the anecdotes continue to be relevant, since our world has only gotten more social media filtered. So, let us invite you to a cosmic coming-out party for your body with our body positive horoscopes.


What zodiac sign is your relationship?

Learn the secrets of the composite (blended) chart in SuperCouple, a cosmic care and feeding manual for any relationship. Written by The AstroTwins, astrologers and matchmakers for Amazon Prime Video’s Cosmic Love.

Body positive horoscopes for each zodiac sign

How can you look and feel like an exalted child of the sun (or fine, just comfortable at the damn pool!) while reveling in the skin you’re in? On beach days or, really, any days?

Aries (March 21-April 19) body positive horoscope

As confident as you may come across, many Aries can be secretly neurotic or anxious, spending way too much time in your head. You’re a competitive sign who likes to be the best at all you do, and if you can’t win, you’d rather not play the game [shrugs].

Ultimately, you’re a leader. If we’re going to transform the world’s narrow beauty standards, someone has to make a radical first move! Yep, Aries, it might just be you (again). Some of the greatest trailblazers of the zodiac, including Gloria Steinem, share your sign. So get this (pool) party started. Don bright red and be the first one to cannonball off the diving board.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) body positive horoscope

As the zodiac’s most sensual and sensory sign, you are one of the signs most prone to body image issues. Although you may exude confidence, you can be privately stressed about wanting to look “perfect.” As a result you could spend hours getting ready and miss the festivities with your fretting.

You’ve got great taste, Taurus, so spend a little more on your outfits or accessories. Having impeccable style—and yes, a little couture—always gives you a confidence boost. Hey, you’re worth the splurge! And if you really have to rationalize it, well-made clothes last longer and are a better investment than unsustainable fast fashion.

Make a ritual of getting ready, rubbing luxury sunscreen into your skin, sipping an exotic cocktail, twirling on waterproof mascara. Then know when enough’s enough and haul ass to where you need to be!

Gemini (May 21-June 20) body positive horoscope

Embrace the eclectic, Gemini. Being the sign of the Twins, you’re the mix-and-match royalty of the zodiac—so enhance your complexity instead of trying to hide it. Maybe you’ve got a tiny chest with a badonkadonk bottom, or matchstick legs with pendulous pecs. Symmetry is overrated!

Don’t be afraid of being “too much”—because you already are, so just own it, and work it! Play up every damn feature you want. Rock swimwear in eye-popping colors and “clashing” patterns (camouflage bottoms and gingham top? Why not?). On anyone else, it could be a fashion faux pas, but on you, it’s sartorial genius.

If you’re in a social setting, get everyone to laugh and relax by starting an interesting conversation or saying something so out-there that it loosens up the stiff and self-conscious vibe.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) body positive horoscope

We won’t cue the tired “Crab hiding in a shell” metaphor to explain your sign’s aversion to swimsuit season. But…if the crustacean cover-up fits…well, maybe you still shouldn’t wear it.

Your sign is ruled by the moody moon, which draws you to sandy beaches and ocean tides like a siren’s call. But are you even enjoying your cosmic home turf? For better or worse, your sign rules the chest and stomach, which means you’re either the first one to rip off your T-shirt or you’re cowering under a terry towel and a strategically ruched tankini. Enough tummy-shame, Cancer!

Take your style cues from sexy belly dancers, who rock their rolls and entice with their ample abdomens. Adorn your midsection with jewels and chains, or wrap a filmy scarf around your goddess-given waist.

Leo (July 23-August 22) body positive horoscope

OMG, everyone is looking at you! Um…no they’re not, Leo. Your sign is ruled by the Sun, which means you OWN summer. But like that great ball o’ cosmic fire, you may fancy yourself the center of the solar system. That can manifest as either swagger OR extreme self-consciousness. We recommend you choose the first option, and even make like a Leo man we encountered on Bondi Beach in Sydney, Australia. If you ever go there, you’ll probably meet him: he was the self-anointed mayor of that sandy surfer’s paradise, and seemed to know, well, everyone. (He may also have been a swinger, but that’s a different story. Consider yourself warned.)

He pointed out Hugh Jackman’s house, knew the listing price and gazillionaires who had bought all the beachfront properties. He was a trust-funder writing a self-help book for women to understand why men cheat. He told us all of this as we were rinsing sand off our feet. And while it was a little overwhelming, his warmth also made us feel welcomed and at ease. Do THAT—on a slightly lower volume—and you won’t have time to think about how your ass looks in your swimsuit.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) body positive horoscope

Pick, pick, pick. You’re the zodiac’s perfectionist and you want to look #flawless in the eyes of your beach beholders. And since you’re your own worst critic, this can be a slippery slope.

For you, body anxiety is shortcode for social anxiety, which Virgos have in spades. It doesn’t matter if you look like Beyoncé (also a Virgo), your nervous energy will eclipse your ability to enjoy basking in sunshine. It might also make other people edge away from you as you fret or nervously chatter their ears off.

Take a deep breath. And another one. Do a few hip circles to ground yourself (maybe in private). Listen to your favorite music. Virgo is also the sign of service. At a party: help the host greet people, pass out drinks or towel off kids. Being useful helps you ease into the scene and shift your focus off yourself.

Libra (September 23-October 22) body positive horoscope

Are my straps symmetrically aligned? Did I miss a spot on my legs while waxing? Were my lash extensions damaged by the chlorine in the swimming pool? Body consciousness brings out the vanity in your sign, Libra, but there’s something deeper at play. Like your signmate Kim Kardashian, you can pile on beauty treatments like a suit of armor!

Instead of worrying about your contouring (of your makeup AND your figure), go make some friends. Your sign’s social skills can be unparalleled and you have a knack for putting people at ease. To paraphrase Gandhi (also your signmate!), be the change you wish to see…in the swimming pool. Compliment people’s outfits and their glow. Before you know it, you’ll get the same accolades in return.

But also, Libra, remember that your sign can be overly reliant on compliments to feel good about yourself. Practice some self-love affirmations by fellow Libra Louise Hay. Then give inner peace—and your two-piece—a chance.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) body positive horoscope

See but don’t be seen? Yeah, we’ve spotted you hiding between those opaque black sunglasses and mirrored aviators, Scorpio. You look sexy but impenetrable—and frankly, it seems kind of lonely.

Scorpio is the sign of power and control. The trouble with that? You’re painfully aware of hierarchies and can get stuck sizing up (and protecting) your place on the food chain. The downside? Obsessing over social rank prevents you from connecting with people, making friends and having fun. It stops you from being vulnerable and getting past superficial appearances.

Really, Scorpio, life is too short for that. Remind yourself that most of this drama exists in your own imagination. Now get out of your head…and to the party!

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) body positive horoscope

Thanks to the Kardashians, Nicki Minaj (a fellow Sag) and a slew of other celebs, hips, thighs and booties have come into vogue. Your sign happens to rule these areas of the body—which would be good news IF the “look” didn’t also require a tiny waist, a flat stomach and the disturbing absence of cellulite.

But you don’t need to torture yourself in a waist trainer. Find a sexy-yet-comfortable swimsuit or dress that flatters your proportions and coloring, then wear it with attitude. Sagittarius is one of the zodiac’s most inclusive signs, so why not help change the cultural conversation about beauty by proudly flaunting your own figure at any size? Bring that unapologetic Sagittarius style to the fore. Bonus: Your blunt humor can also break the tension at stiff gatherings.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) body positive horoscope

Standoffish much? When you feel self-conscious, your response is usually to become reserved, donning a poker face along with nondescript frocks. But in your efforts to NOT be noticed, the opposite usually ensues: People start wondering, “Who is this person and why does she think she’s better than us?” Argh!

But in an unfortunate astrological lot, Capricorn insecurity can read as snobbery. When you feel threatened, you go overboard to make sure nobody knows it, holding your head high and marching past the chattering masses in your tasteful designer pieces. Try this: Instead of retracting into yourself, make eye contact, smile and say hello to people. A little warmth and friendliness can spell the difference between being viewed as an ice queen or a sun goddess.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) body positive horoscope

You’re the sign of group activity, so it would take a lot to keep you from gabbing with your crew on the pool deck or leaping into an impromptu beach volleyball game. But Aquarians have a secret neurotic streak and you can be VERY body-conscious, comparing yourself to everyone around you.

You’re a bit of a paradox, because although you’re highly individualistic, your sign also has a deep core need to belong. The tension between these two contrasting needs—to stand out and fit in all at the same time—can be a bit of a head trip that plays out as a body image breakdown.

One easy solution is to hang out with people who adore you for who you are, instead of trying to join a club that wouldn’t have you as a member. Choose your people as discerningly as you’d select a non-toxic, cruelty-free sunscreen.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) body positive horoscope

You’re the zodiac’s Fish, the sign that’s most at home in water (or at least, right near it!). But since you’re also a HSP (highly sensitive person) by nature, you absorb other people’s energy easily. Wherever you go, you pick up vibes in a magnified way, which can throw you off your game and fuel self-consciousness—no matter how glamorous your getup may be.

Center yourself before joining a group gathering. You might even want to do a little protection ritual to “shield your field” before going anywhere that’s not a private gathering place.

Here’s what NOT to do: Knock back cocktails or wine to soothe your nerves. Your sign is famous for not knowing your limits, and you could easily surpass them, which blurs the very boundaries you’re trying to create!


The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.