What the Moon in Leo/the 5th House Reveals about Your Chart

All about the moon in Leo or the 5th house

Attention, attention! With the moon in Leo or the flamboyant 5th house, your feelings are big, bold and impossible to ignore.

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Traits of the moon in Leo

Proud and confident, the moon in this show-stopping sign means you can be quite expressive! What can you say? You’re a passionate person. While that can feel like a load to bear, it also makes you compassionate. When you feel people, you might even “become” them, channeling their voices, movements and gestures in a dead-on impersonation. This can even show up subconsciously as you mirror people’s moods and energy in conversation, which makes them feel safe and seen. 

People may accuse you of being intimidating or aggressive, even if you are, at heart, a gentle soul. You don’t just cry, you have a full-on sob…or tantrum. When you laugh, it’s from the belly and it fills up the room. Courageous, kind, generous, protective and nakedly honest, you can be an endless source of entertainment, and also the most loyal friend. When safely steered away from ego-driven terrain, this moon sign energy leaves others feeling awakened and revitalized in an empowering way. 

Who’s the boss? The moon in Leo

This moon sign likes to be in charge, and you can be a noble, powerful leader. When you have a vision, you don’t like to compromise. Luckily, the ideas you dream up tend to be playful and fun. It’s easy to forget that others don’t experience life through such a potent filter. Yes, you might need to “tone it down” in certain situations, or else you risk burning bridges or overstepping lines of etiquette or professionalism. Yes, this fiery moon sign can be a lot to handle! 

A true romantic, when you fall, you go hard!  In relationships, the Leo (or 5th house) moon sign desires nothing more than complete, absolute adoration. You’ll do anything for love…yes, even that. While your heart has undoubtedly been broken multiple times, you won’t give up on amour. These experiences just give you the capacity to love harder and deeper the next time you meet someone who makes you swoon.  

When you’re not channeling your passions into your lovers, you’ll direct that creative spark into art, poetry, music or any kind of performance. When it’s center stage you’re craving, it’s not hard to draw an appreciative audience your way. Carrying a little bit of that offstage drama into your everyday affairs can make life more colorful and exciting. But if you’re straddling the boundary between “stage” and “real life,” don’t forget where to draw the line!


The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of Astrostyle.com and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.