The digital revolution is underway, and it’s all about…you. In 2010, Uranus leapt into fiery Aries, radically revamping the way we express our individuality. While it only stayed for a couple months, in 2011, Uranus made its long-term move into Aries.
Uranus is the planet associated with unpredictable, even explosive, surprises. On March 11th, the day destabilizing Uranus moved from watery Pisces into fiery Aries, Japan was tragically struck by an earthquake, a tsunami, and nuclear reactors that threatened to explode.
As a slow-moving outer planet, Uranus only advances from one sign to the next every 7-9 years. From 2003-11, it was stationed in Pisces. On April 20, 2010, almost exactly one month before its move into Aries, the world watched a shocking explosion of fire over water during the tragic BP oil spill. The timing raised our astrological eyebrows, to say the least.
Uranus is also the planet that rules sweeping worldwide reforms and unprecedented scientific innovations. If the planet’s gaseous, blue-green hands are dirty from the BP disaster, perhaps we can make some sense of the tragedy by labeling it a giant planetary wakeup call. Apparently, Uranus was unwilling to leave Pisces without a huge message. No one can argue that we’ve mindlessly been using oil for everything from gas-guzzling SUVs to the plastic bottles we carelessly toss into “recycling” bins (many of which never make it to their promised, repurposed state). While we’ve been worried about the toxins in our tap water, we’ve largely ignored the natural source of our liquid assets. If we can figure out how to plug a gushing, deep ocean oil well, this Uranus cycle will bring more pressure to fund other clean-water saving inventions. We certainly hope so!
On March 11, Uranus settled into Aries until May 15, 2018, a day that will go down as a historical tragedy in Japan. Uranus in Aries draws the focus back to matters like global warming, the impact of solar flares, the discovery of alternative energy sources. If you’ve been wondering when the local Home Depot would be selling affordable solar panels, you might just see a radical revolution in the store’s aisles during this seven-year phase.
Aries is the zodiac’s warrior, Uranus is the populist sign that’s “down for the people.” While this can be a time of massive and beneficial government reforms, we also need to monitor candidates closely. Militarists and dictators in revolutionary’s clothing can sneak in the back door, playing into people’s raw anger (an emotion that is the Achilles’ Heel for both Aries and Uranus).Within days of Uranus’ move into Aries on March 11, the U.S. entered combat with Libya.
The last time Uranus visited Aries was from 1927-1935, a time when a man named Adolf managed to brainwash a continent of frustrated, economically disenfranchised Europeans to collude with his atrocious agenda. You may have shared our surprise at the speed and success of the Tea Party candidates in 2010. This right wing group of Sarah Palin ilk is giving the Republican Party a run for their money. Openly racist candidates (many with military backgrounds) have snagged election victories, while the “Yes We Can!” cries of the Obama administration have faded to a murmur at best. Given the cosmic timing of this political turn, Uranus in Aries will be an era of upheaval in global leadership.
So where CAN you go to get away from it all? How about chartering a space shuttle to Mars? The red planet is the ruler of Aries, so who knows. Already, a Dutch company called Mars One is planning an unmanned mission to Mars in 2020, with the hopes of starting to establish colonization efforts in 2026.
On the personal playing field, Uranus in Aries will call forth your spirit of individuality. No doubt about it, Uranus can be a bit of a rabble-rouser. Unquestioned bliss can be downright boring, as far as this planet is concerned. Come on down from your mountaintop meditation. Lift your ostrich head from the sand. There’s turmoil and tumult to be dealt with..and to this end, we find a fitting quote from Lady Gaga to chew on: “Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no trouble, noise, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.”
Photo by Cory Verellen. All rights reserved.