When Aries and Gemini come together for love or any kind of relationship, it’s exciting and dynamic! These two intellectuals both love good conversation, which can make for a true meeting of the minds. An Aries-Gemini relationship is never dull, since you both crave adventure.

Aries and Gemini: Your compatibility clicks and clashes
Where you click:
Easy breezy! Aries and Gemini make for a harmonious match-up. A meeting of two beautiful minds, this relationship promises to be an intellectually stimulating one. Conversation is the aphrodisiac here, but so is a common love for adventure and excitement. You both move at warp speed, and will delight in having found someone who can actually keep up with you.
Where you clash:
While passion is never in short order, you’ll have to work hard to develop an emotional bond. Gemini makes fast friends with everyone from the barista to the busboy, while Aries prefers to socialize with a select few. As the star sign of the Twins, Gemini can easily activate jealousy by failing to devote undivided attention to the Ram. One of you will need to keep the home fires burning here, but who? Alternatively, you could tour the country in an Airstream trailer to satisfy your mutual quest for more and more new experiences.
Aries is fire and Gemini is air
Let the good times roll! As fire and air signs, Aries and Gemini have a lot of similarities—both are adventurous, expressive and full of grand schemes and plans. In this astrology love match there should be no shortage of fun dates and plans. You’re both game to try anything once! Beyond being lovers, you are also simpatico friends who “get” each other in many ways. In fact, this relationship may develop organically from a platonic bond. In some cases, it may cool down to more of a buddy or sibling vibe after the honeymoon period ends, as both fire and air signs are excited by novelty and grow bored when things become too familiar. This may not be the most sensual match in the bedroom, but the lively conversations, hilarious jokes and spontaneous adventures you share can keep you satisfied in other ways.
This may not be the most sensual match in the bedroom, but the lively conversations, hilarious jokes and spontaneous adventures you share can keep you satisfied in other ways.
There are four elements in astrology: fire, earth, air and water. Each one plays an important role in the greater whole of humankind. A love match with someone from of a different astrological element can be challenging, but also a beautiful opportunity to evolve. After all, differences push you both to grow and step outside of your own experience.
The key difference between your elements is that air signs tend to be more cool, detached and cerebral, while fire signs are more impulsive, emotional and expressive. In essence, air signs are more “head” while fire signs are more “heart.” When a disagreement erupts, the air sign will want to discuss it objectively, which can seem cold and uncaring to the worked-up and reactive fire sign partner, who may talk in circles or get defensive, frustrating the solution-oriented air sign. At times, the fire sign may feel exhausting—too much energy! And when the air sign gets stuck in analysis paralysis, the fire sign will lose patience. (“Just do something already!” says fire.) In nature, air can feed a fire, helping it spread—just as an air sign partner fans the flames of the fire sign’s passion. Fire heats up the chilly air, and fire signs help air signs warm up and take chances. But another fire-air scenario is blowing out a match—one gust of wind from the wrong direction and the flame goes out.

Aries is cardinal and Gemini is mutable
In astrology, the “qualities” or “triplicities” reveal the role you play in a relationship or collaboration. Are you a starter, a doer or a finisher? Do you like to take charge and have a plan, or do you prefer to go with the flow?
Cardinal signs are initiators—they like to lead and direct and manage. Much of the time, this suits the flowy and flexible mutable sign, who may find it hard to make a decision and appreciates the extra help! But when the cardinal sign gets TOO rigid or elitist, that’s where the mutable sign will chafe. The mutable sign needs to flow freely, and won’t abide by the cardinal sign’s dress codes, critical comments or Miss Manners routine. Cardinal signs have discerning tastes and an air of entitlement, which helps them gravitate toward the finer things and first-class experiences. But they can seem a bit snobbish or status-seeking for the mutable sign, who befriends everyone from the postman to the president of the company. The cardinal sign will have to be more down-to-earth and less judgmental at times—and stop trying to make over the mutable mate! And the mutable sign should check with the cardinal sign before RSVPing to random events or inviting strangers over for dinner. Giving gifts can be tricky in this love match—cardinals know exactly what they like and can be very hard to please. The mutable mate should get a wish list long in advance of birthdays or holidays.
Aries and Gemini are both yang, or masculine, signs
In astrology, every sign has a “polarity”: you’re either yin (feminine) or yang (masculine). Aries and Gemini are both yang signs: aggressive, action-oriented and driven. In this astrology love match, you can motivate each other—or you can find yourself in a power struggle. Two yang signs must be careful not to bulldoze or tread on each others’ turf. Sharing the power and taking turns having the upper hand will be the key to your happiness.

Aries and Gemini are sextile (two signs apart)
In astrology love matches, we also measure compatibility by the aspect, or distance, between the two signs. Your signs are sextile, or two signs apart. It’s easy and breezy to date a person who lives two zodiac signs away. Your signs are always of a compatible “element” (for example, they’re a Water sign and you’re an Earth sign, which are both of the “feminine” quality). You’ll often have similar values and attitudes about anything from politics to raising a family and which movies to rent. Friendship and communication are the hallmarks of this aspect. Being best friends is easy. Keeping the sexy spark alive? A little more challenging. You’ll need to structure “date nights” or set up scenarios that get you out of buddy mode.