When Leo and Virgo come together for love or any kind of relationship, it’s as hot as it is cold. But your differences are what attracted you to each other in the first place! A Leo-Virgo relationship is successful once balance is achieved, since you both appreciate each other’s unique qualities.

Leo and Virgo: Your compatibility clicks and clashes
Where you click:
A hot-and-cold relationship. Fiery Leo is a bright star to behold for earthy, practical Virgo, but the show doesn’t stop there. Your radically different styles make the other stop and reflect. Leo adds a rainbow bright splash of color to Virgo’s un-dyed natural fibers. Life feels vibrant again with the Lion’s appearance! Selfless service is Virgo’s M.O., which awakens Leo’s generous nature and paves the way to a more purposeful life for the zodiac’s lion. Both of you can dramatize an “issue” to no end, but here, again, there’s a natural symbiosis. Leo plays cheerleader to pessimistic Virgo; levelheaded Virgo steps into the therapist’s role, mirroring back Leo’s angst until a breakthrough is reached. This is a safe emotional harbor for both of you, albeit a somewhat boring one for Leo. The stage is well set for family life, as Virgo will help the kids with their math homework and Leo will get down with the finger painting and bedtime stories.
Where you clash:
Your basic temperaments may always clash in some way. Leo loves to work the party circuit, while Virgo prefers smaller, intimate gatherings. Leo’s supersized ambitions can activate budget-conscious Virgo’s anxieties. Accept your different styles…and keep separate bank accounts if you want to make this last.
Leo is fire and Virgo is earth
Handle with care! This astrology love match of wildly different elements can thrive as long as you play to your strengths. Grounded earth signs seek stability and want to put down roots. By contrast, adventurous fire signs long to explore, grow and spread into new terrain. A battle can erupt as one of you strives for freedom while the other craves consistency. The fire sign will feel caged in by the white picket fence fantasy, while the earth sign can never relax with constant change and surprises. But if you learn to appreciate your differences, then you can offer what the other one is missing.
The worldly fire sign will have a predictable home base to return to, lovingly tended to by the earth sign partner. In exchange, the earth sign will avoid getting stuck in a stagnant rut because the fire sign will encourage growth and adaptation. Earth signs are sensual and practical, and impulsive fire signs can benefit from their grounded approach. In this relationship, the fire sign can learn to slow down and savor the moment, rather than rushing off to the next big thing. And the fire sign can help the earth sign take more chances in life. Think in terms of nature: dirt can smother a fire, and fire can scorch the earth. But in order to build a fire and maximize its creative powers, there must be a steady ground beneath the flames.
When you play to your strengths, you balance each other out, each on contributing a different but complementary skill set.
There are four elements in astrology: fire, earth, air and water. Each one plays an important role in the greater whole of humankind. A love match with someone from of a different astrological element can be challenging, but also a beautiful opportunity to evolve. After all, differences push you both to grow and step outside of your own experience.

Leo is fixed and Virgo is mutable
In astrology, the “qualities” or “triplicities” reveal the role you play in a relationship or collaboration. Are you a starter, a doer or a finisher? Do you like to take charge and have a plan, or do you prefer to go with the flow? In this love match, it can be hard to get in sync. Can we make a plan around here? Fixed signs crave stability and mutable signs love change. Compromise is key so you don’t drive each other crazy! The fixed sign in this relationship likes to make a decision or plan and stick with it. By contrast, the ever-changing mutable sign is always changing things—adding one more guest, jamming one more coffee date into their day, starting another project before they finish the 50 they already have going. When a mutable-fixed duo plays to their strength, the fixed sign can create a solid structure that upholds the mutable sign’s creative plans. Adaptable mutable signs help the fixed sign to be less rigid—to loosen up and go with the flow. For long-term success, the mutable mate will have to work harder at keeping their word, showing up on time and being consistent. Some plans are simply non-negotiable! In exchange the fixed sign will have to give an inch and be willing to try new things.
Leo is yang and Virgo is yin
In astrology, every sign has a “polarity”: you’re either yin (feminine) or yang (masculine). In your sign match, Virgo is a receptive yin sign and Leo is an assertive yang sign. When you play to your strengths, you balance each other out, each on contributing a different but complementary skill set. When things are off, you can become polarized. The yin sign can be too passive (or passive-aggressive) and sacrificing, while the yang sign may act domineering, aggressive and selfish. To rebalance, the yin sign needs to work on being more open, direct and confident, while the yang sign should cultivate more patience, tolerance and sensitivity.
Leo and Virgo are semisextile (one signs apart)
In astrology love matches, we also measure compatibility by the aspect, or distance, between the two signs. Your signs are semisextile, or one sign apart. Like next-door neighbors with a completely different style of decorating, gardening and living, the signs on either side of yours can stir up an instant love/hate vibe. Of course, all that friction can lead to explosive sexual chemistry, even an obsessive quest to figure each other out (you never will). Some astrologers believe that each sign is an evolved version of the one before it. The sign after yours is a teacher. However, like a rebellious teen seeking emancipation from a parent, you may never admit that this person has taught you anything. This cosmic combination can make for painful breakups, and a seething sexual tension that lingers for a lifetime.
Love Matcher: See all compatibility matches