Virgo and Capricorn: Compatibility in Love, Sex and Life
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Virgo and Capricorn: Compatibility in Love, Sex and Life

When Virgo and Capricorn come together for love or any kind of relationship, it’s grounding and feels like home! These two security-seeking signs love tradition, which can also lead to boredom and complacency. A Virgo-Capricorn relationship is incredibly stimulating, since you both understand each other’s need for structure.

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Virgo and Capricorn: Your compatibility clicks and clashes

Where you click:
Call up the officiant; book the wedding hall! You’ve met your tradition-loving, Earth sign soulmate, the person you “just know” you were meant to spend the rest of your life with. It’s finally safe to break out those long lists of expectations you’ve both been refining since age 5. Go ahead. Compare goal sheets, financial projections, the architectural blueprints for the house you’ll eventually build. Other people find this odd, for Virgo and Capricorn, it’s nothing short of an aphrodisiac. 

Where you clash:
While other match-ups may lure you to the wild side, this combo is about building stable structures. At worst, you can veer towards vanilla…a flavor you both like well enough, but look out! When a spicier someone rolls into town, you may be tempted towards an extramarital affair to reconnect with your slumbering life force energy. To avoid this trap, put down those goal sheets once every fiscal quarter. Stop building and just “be.” Better yet, take a Tantric workshop, explore burlesque dancing, or even a little bondage. You’re both a little bound up at times, so bringing out the black leather and studs can unleash your naughty alter egos is a really healthy way. Meow!

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Love and compatibility by element

Virgo and Capricorn are both earth signs

Home sweet home…or humdrum? As two grounded earth signs, you are both seeking security, consistency and a bond that’s built to last. Tradition and integrity are important—in each other, you find the stability you crave. Soon enough, you’ll ease into pleasant routines and rituals together. Structure and routine come naturally to earth signs. Whether you’re running a business or a family together, your ability to “keep it simple” is one of your shared earthy superpowers. This rock-solid combo can create a lovely legacy that stands the test of time. The challenge? Getting stuck in a rut. Your life can become stagnant if you don’t refresh your worldview periodically by traveling, learning new philosophies or inviting fresh faces into your circle.

A love match with someone from the same astrological element offers the comfort of familiarity.

Together, you may become too iron-fisted and conservative, which others will find intimidating. Because the earth element rules the physical world, you can also become overly materialistic and status-driven. Or you may indulge your senses by eating, drinking and accumulating possessions, forgetting to work on spiritual and emotional development. Too much of the tried-and-true can also prevent you from evolving with the times. Earth-sign pairings must view change and risk as an opportunity rather than a threat. Compromise is also a skill that needs extra work here. Earth signs stand their ground, but they can also stubbornly dig in their heels. If you turn that intractable nature on each other, it can be an endless war—with nobody willing to budge!

There are four elements in astrology: fire, earth, air and water. Each one plays an important role in the greater whole of humankind. A love match with someone from the same astrological element offers the comfort of familiarity. At last, you don’t have to explain yourself all the time! You both operate at similar speeds to a certain degree. As lovely as that is, it can also be “too much of a good thing,” causing your relationship to feel like a single track on continuous replay. After all, differences can be challenging in a good way because they push you both to grow.

As a same-element couple, you may need to make a conscious effort to not get stuck in a rut or even a competitive dynamic. Spending time with friends, coworkers or relatives of another element can introduce a more balancing energy. For example, an adventurous fire sign friend could get you to try physical challenges or take a risk at work. A thoughtful air sign might get you out of a stubborn rut, helping you view things from a different perspective.

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Virgo is mutable and Capricorn is cardinal

In astrology, the “qualities” or “triplicities” reveal the role you play in a relationship or collaboration. Are you a starter, a doer or a finisher? Do you like to take charge and have a plan, or do you prefer to go with the flow? Cardinal signs are initiators—they like to lead and direct and manage. Much of the time, this suits the flowy and flexible mutable sign, who may find it hard to make a decision and appreciates the extra help! But when the cardinal sign gets TOO rigid or elitist, that’s where the mutable sign will chafe. The mutable sign needs to flow freely, and won’t abide by the cardinal sign’s dress codes, critical comments or Miss Manners routine. Cardinal signs have discerning tastes and an air of entitlement, which helps them gravitate toward the finer things and first-class experiences. But they can seem a bit snobbish or status-seeking for the mutable sign, who befriends everyone from the postman to the president of the company. The cardinal sign will have to be more down-to-earth and less judgmental at times—and stop trying to make over the mutable mate! And the mutable sign should check with the cardinal sign before RSVPing to random events or inviting strangers over for dinner. Giving gifts can be tricky in this love match—cardinals know exactly what they like and can be very hard to please. The mutable mate should get a wish list long in advance of birthdays or holidays.


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Virgo and Capricorn are both yin, or feminine signs

In astrology, every sign has a “polarity”: you’re either yin (feminine) or yang (masculine). You are  both yin signs: receptive, sensitive and intuitive. When all is good, you are deeply simpatico, nurturing one another and sharing romantic, thoughtful gestures. The downside? Your fluctuating moods may collide, causing dramatic fights that can escalate into an unnecessary cold war. You can also get SO tuned into each other’s emotions that your bond turns codepedent. While it’s lovely to build a cozy cocoon, make sure you don’t get stuck in that bubble and stunt each other’s personal growth.

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Virgo and Capricorn are trine (four signs apart)

In astrology love matches, we also measure compatibility by the aspect, or distance, between the two signs. Your signs are trine, or four signs apart. In this love match, it can feel like “home sweet home” The trine sign mate has the same element as yours (fire, earth, air or water), creating an unspoken kinship and harmony. At last—you don’t have to constantly explain yourself. You’ve never felt so comfortable, so understood on a core level. This is the person you can burp and pass gas around, or use the bathroom with the door open when they’re home. But don’t invest in a wardrobe full of elastic waistbands just yet. In trine relationships, you’ll need to preserve some mystery to keep things exciting. Make sure you stay active and on the go, and don’t do everything together. A little autonomy goes a long way to keep the passion alive.


Love Matcher: See all compatibility matches
Virgo Love Horoscope
Capricorn Love Horoscope



The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.