Make Yourself a Priority This Year by Connecting to the Goddess Within

A New Year is a time for fresh starts, when we consider who we are, prioritize self-care and recover from any holiday season stress.

Since last fall, we’ve been sharing recommended reads that could be meaningful for you and your loved ones

Our most recent pick is I Am Diosa by our friend, psychotherapist Christine Gutierrez, a fiercely inspiring book from a bold new voice in the women’s empowerment space.


The book inspires women to give themselves permission in critical ways including: honoring your boundaries and needs, realizing that dealing with your triggers is about learning to make yourself feel safe, and speaking up in romantic relationships to protect your spirit and energy.

If you’re seeking a meaningful book for yourself or a young woman in your life, Christine welcomes women to join her in healing the wounds from past hurt or trauma to reclaim their worth and come back home to their true self and soul.

What is a Diosa?

Diosa is the Spanish word for Goddess. A diosa is anyone who honors the primal feminine energy in the world and within themselves. According to Christine, diosas face obstacles in their lives but are always ready and willing to go to their core to reclaim their inner worth and self-esteem. 


From stories of resilience from both Christine and members of her Diosa Tribe, to mantras, meditations, and guided journaling prompts, this book gives women the tools they need to honor their sacred femininity and become who they were always meant to be.

In Christine’s own words:
A Diosa is willing to go deep and heal. A Diosa rises from the ashes time and time again. A Diosa is fierce and loving. A Diosa is connected to her shadow and her light. A Diosa is connected to her soul, and if she isn’t, she won’t stop until she comes home to her soul again.

Click here to read a free excerpt of I Am Diosa.

sponsored by TarcherPerigee Books

Photo TarcherPerigee (HC) 2021


The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.