Gemini 2021 Yearly Horoscope | Astrostyle: Astrology and Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscopes by The AstroTwins
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Gemini 2021 Yearly Horoscope

by The AstroTwins
an exclusive excerpt from The AstroTwins’ 2021 Horoscope

2021 Gemini Astrology Overview:

Get ready for a year of “structured expansion,” Gemini—and yes, that’s an oxymoron. But taking calculated risks will help you win the bigger game in 2021. With growth-driven Jupiter and cautious Saturn both in Aquarius and your supersizing ninth house, you’ll thrive by doing things one step at a time when you can. The best news? The intensely emotional energy of 2020 has lifting, setting your sights on your highest calling. And with the karmic north node in Gemini in 2021, nothing short of pursuing your ultimate purpose will do!

2021 Gemini Love Horoscope:

Meant-to-be mates or star-crossed lovers? Whether they emerge for a reason, a season or a lifetime, relationships have a destined quality in 2021, thanks to the karmic South Node spending the whole year in Sagittarius and your partnership-oriented seventh house. Two tide-turning eclipses in Sagittarius, on May 26 and December 4, could bring rapid (and potentially exhilarating!) developments in your love life. The trick to seeing people’s true colors is to remain as “in the now” as you possibly can—even if every part of you wants to project a fantasized future. That said, happily coupled Gems could embark on a grand adventure this year, like traveling the country by van for three months or starting a bespoke business from your kitchen table.

2021 Gemini Money & Career Horoscope

Your career is on an exciting upswing this year as cosmic collaborators Jupiter and Saturn team up in Aquarius and your enterprising ninth house. Jupiter is the galactic gambler while Saturn likes to play it safe. Their paradoxical energy advances your efforts in a way that’s both cutting edge and stable—how Gemini is that?! From May 13 to July 28, Jupiter rises into Pisces and your tenth house of achievement and status, which could usher in work with an established company or long-term client. Ready to pivot? Studious Saturn lends support for Geminis who want to enroll in school or create a curriculum to teach whatever you’ve mastered.

2021 Gemini Health & Wellness Horoscope

Drop and give us twenty! Saturn, the planetary “personal trainer,” hypes you up for a fitness challenge. Enlist support from a coach or community; track your progress by app. This is the year to push way past your perceived edges. With your nature-loving ninth house lit, outdoor exercise and sports are your jam in 2021. The Taurus lunar eclipse on November 19 could inspire a pre-holiday detox or renew a meditation practice. This is the first in an eclipse series on the Taurus/Scorpio axis, inspiring two years of holistic healing that impacts your mind, body and soul.

2021 Gemini Friends & Family Horoscope

Indie-spirited Gemini, don’t forget your people! Jupiter’s breezy tour through Aquarius will expand your social circle, turning strangers into BFFs in the blink of an eye. But “instant intimacy” doesn’t replace time-tested trust. Make time for the friends who have had your back over the years. Visiting far-flung family, or even touring your ancestral homeland, could make a worthwhile vacation in 2021. Leave some blank spaces on that calendar! As the North Node in Gemini activates your autonomous first house, your “me time” will be more precious—and productive—than ever.

Get the ultimate guide to 2021 for every zodiac sign, The AstroTwins’ 2021 Horoscope.


The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.