What to Stream on HBO Max Based on Your Mercury Sign | The AstroTwins
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What to Stream on HBO Max Based on Your Mercury Sign

in partnership with HBO Max

What’s your Mercury sign? The buzzy planet of socializing and communication says so much about what you stream and who you bond with.

Here at Astrostyle, our team meetings often turn to talk of our favorite series and shows. Since we’re all working remotely, the characters, plot lines and action create connective tissue, just like our zodiac signs do. As spring begins, our social sides are blossoming. As such, the characters we invest in through watching shows and series are like the common friends of our crew. And this got us thinking about how everyone’s Mercury sign figured in.

We’ve extensively analyzed female friendship series, like HBO Originals Sex and The City, Girls and Insecure. Recently, we’ve been exploring the connection between Mercury and the characters each of us vibes with. Why do some of us feel soothed by the relatable messiness of Issa and Hannah while others live for the shameless ambition of Molly and Marnie? 

As a result, we took a peek at our Mercury signs for clues. You can find yours too, using our Mercury Sign Calculator.  Mercury’s placement in the zodiac at your time of birth provides fascinating insight into: 

  • What you stream, read, converse about on social media and text to your friends 
  • What characters you connect to
  • The storylines that move you
  • The narratives you learn from and relate to

How Mercury shapes current trends:

What’s trending? Mercury’s current station in the sky also plays a role in shaping cultural conversations that we’re all having in any given moment. This buzzy planet spends an average of three weeks in each zodiac sign, coloring our collective interests accordingly. During its notorious retrograde periods, Mercury hovers in one sign (sometimes two) for over two months, churning up scandalous headlines and #BTS gossip…AKA the stuff that biopics are made of!

Mercury in Pisces: March 14-April 3

From March 14 to April 3, 2021, Mercury is traveling through watery Pisces, drawing us toward the fantasy genre, animation and anything that stirs up the well of deep compassion within us. Unleash the Mercury in Pisces feels with the Max Original series, It’s A Sin. Set in 1981 London a group of young, gay men arrive for a life of greater freedom. But as the HIV and AIDS epidemic unfolds, they grapple with prejudice, pain and their newly awakened activism.

Mercury in Aries: April 3-19

From April 3-19, Mercury moves on to combative Aries, heating up the action genre. That’s right on time for the highly anticipated showdown of Godzilla vs. Kong, in theaters and on HBO Max March 31—and streaming on HBO Max for 31 days from theatrical release. If you have little ones, get them fired up about cooking with the Max Original series Baketopia, filled with all the challenges and excitement that Mercury in Aries lives for!

Your Mercury Sign: Curate Your Watchlist

What should you be streaming, according to Mercury? The planet’s placement at your time of birth is a galactic GPS for finding movies, series and shows that suit your tastes. We took a dive into HBO Max’s extensive catalog. And we curated genres, shows and characters that align with your Mercury sign.

What YOUR Mercury Sign Should Watch Now:

You can also read our HBO Max recommendations for your Sun sign with our bingeable 2021 watchlist here!


The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of Astrostyle.com and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.