Katie Holmes (Sagittarius) Divorcing Tom Cruise (Cancer)

After six years together and five years of marriage, Sagittarius Katie Holmes and Cancer Tom Cruise are splitting up. Reports aren’t very detailed yet, but apparently Katie was the one who filed for divorce.


What happened? Katie is even asking for sole legal custody of their Aries daughter Suri, so something must be amiss. As much as we know that the Cancer man can be an odd match for the Sagittarius woman—he’s water, she’s fire—they kind of grew on us after a while. At least they were a Hollywood couple that seemed determined to stay together. They said nice things about each other in the press. Yeah, perhaps suspiciously nice, but we tried not to be cynical. We figured they had some chemistry that was theirs to understand, which is pretty much how it is with any married couple these days.

Did the stars see trouble brewing? Well, yes. Since December 2010, a series of change-making Gemini/Sagittarius eclipses have brought sudden changes to the love lives of these two signs. Gemini Angelina Jolie got engaged, as did Sagittarius Britney Spears. The most recent Gemini eclipse was on May 20, followed by a June 4 Sagittarius lunar eclipse. The June 4 eclipse was probably the kicker for Katie…the last straw in issues that may have really started brewing last November 25, at a corresponding Sagittarius solar eclipse. It was a “coming out” day for many Sags, and in this case, a time to set herself free.

On June 11, 2012, expansive Jupiter entered Gemini, Katie’s seventh house of marriage. When this happens, people can outgrow a longtime relationship (Scorpio Demi Moore had Jupiter in her seventh house when she and Ashton split). Or, they may evolve and reinvent their partnership. They’re both still being spotted with wedding rings on, so who knows?

Tom_and_Oprah-300x205PinInterestingly, when the couple first met, Katie’s Jupiter was in Scorpio, her twelfth house of fantasy, endings, and illusions—a time when people can get swept off their feet, but also blindsided. Indeed, she was beyond starry-eyed, even converting to Scientology and sparking concerns as Tom’s public behavior became a bit erratic (witness the famous Oprah couch incident).

This June 11, Jupiter moved into Tom’s twelfth house, activating the same cycle. The twelfth house rules secrets and hidden agendas. Days before his 50th birthday and just as Rock of Ages put him back on the pop culture radar, Cruise received divorce docs. Whatever the real story is—and with Jupiter here, it could be anything from a scandalous affair to unexpressed resentment to drifting apart—this can’t be an easy thing for either of them.


The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of Astrostyle.com and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.