#Goals, interrupted? On June 29, the stars restore the fire in our bellies as go-getter Mars pivots out of a long and sleepy retrograde that began on April 17. The red planet first reversed its course through fiery, adventurous Sagittarius (until May 27) and then retreated into watery, elusive Scorpio after that.
Mars turns retrograde every two years. As a result of this vitality-boosting planet’s reversal, your momentum and Magellan-like ways may have slowed to a near standstill over the last ten weeks.
With Mars off-kilter, you may have rushed ahead on ambitious plans only to hit frustrating blocks.
With Mars off-kilter, you may have rushed ahead on ambitious plans only to hit frustrating blocks. Maybe you discovered aggravating adjustments that needed to happen before any real progress could occur.
Physically, you may have experienced a few energy slumps or body aches during this cycle. Your motivation to exercise may have fallen to the wayside, too. Since Mars rules the libido, your sex drive may have plummeted, or a tantalizing but torturous past lover could have resurfaced. Retrogrades can bring back the past, and Mars retrograde can leave a trail of “sex with an ex” stories in its wake.
Mars retrograde: Anger unleashed?
Anger is the touchstone emotion of Mars, so during its retrograde, pent-up frustration and resentment can build up or be unleashed in negative ways. The world saw some frightening displays of rage and violent outbursts during this Mars retrograde cycle, especially while it was in intense Scorpio, including the tragic Orlando nightclub shooting and other frightening gun-related incidents.
Wild animals also fall under the domain of primal Mars, and this Mars retrograde cycle brought horrifying headlines—from a gorilla killed at the Cincinnati zoo to the alligator attack of a toddler at Disneyworld to the shooting of an escaped jaguar at the Olympic torch-lighting.
Ambitions move forward as Mars returns to normal.
Thankfully, Mars makes a proactive U-turn and powers forward (direct) through passionate Scorpio, the star sign of intensity, reinvention and transformation, until August 2. Make like a phoenix rising from the ashes over the next five weeks. This is also a powerful time to get your career back on track. If Mars retrograde burned bridges or tore a destructive path through an area of your life, you can still rise strong. In the sign of alchemical Scorpio, Mars can make miracles come to life. In your love life, you can get clear about who belongs in your bedroom—or actually see some spicy action in there again.
Mars direct: Explore your career path, find your purpose.
To help you with your professional pursuits, check out our career and money horoscopes below. Your financial and career strengths are written in your horoscope, so use the stars to align with your true calling. With Mars back to its ambitious and go-getter ways, you can shift your goals from pause into warp speed. Whether you’re at a crossroads on your path or could use some cosmic insight, it’s time for action again. Onward and upward!
Read your Sun sign’s career horoscope:
(Mar 21-Apr 19)
(July 23-Aug 22)
(Nov 22-Dec 21)
(Apr 20-May 20)
(Aug 23-Sep 22)
(Dec 22-Jan 19)
(May 21-June 20)
(Sep 23-Oct 22)
(Jan 20-Feb 18)
(June 21-July 22)
(Oct 23-Nov 21)
(Feb 19-Mar 20)