Mercury Retrograde in Leo: How to Stay Fierce When You’re Frazzled
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Mercury Retrograde in Leo: How to Stay Fierce When You’re Frazzled

We are so excited to partner with essie on this post!

As you’ve probably heard, Mercury is retrograde—a three-weekish cycle that happens three to four times a year and turns communication, technology and travel into a not-so-funny comedy of errors. Plans change without notice, fights erupt over stupid misunderstandings and people come back from our pasts.

What you might NOT know, however, is that Mercury retrogrades through a different zodiac sign each time, bringing its signal-scrambling touch to a very specific theme. From July 26 until August 19, 2018, Mercury will reverse through Leo, the sign of bold self-expression, glamour, courage and leadership. All of these areas could go haywire as a result! From fraught politics to fashion “don’ts,” Mercury retrograde in Leo will demand extra forethought before we put ourselves out there.

So we were delighted when essie approached us to partner together for their limited-edition mercury in retrograde” nail polish collection available exclusively at Ulta stores and in the US. There are two gorgeous, shimmery shades in the holographic line: “keep calm” (a lavender that changes color as the light hits it) and “mercury on” (a gorgeous deep purple).

While essie adorns the lucky souls who grab a bottle before it’s gone, we’ll be providing the “base coat” of cosmic intel with survival tips (posts and Instagram Lives/Stories) throughout this Mercury retrograde.

We’re also teaming up for a sweepstakes giveaway—details at the end of this post!

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Mercury Retrograde in Leo Tips:

Avoid drastic style changes.

With messenger Mercury gone awry in flamboyant Leo, approach your style “dares” with caution. A sartorial risk could quickly turn into a fashion emergency with an invisible-tape #fail or strappy sandals that go from bliss to blister hell. Since Leo rules the mane, hold off on hairstyle changes especially. That colorist who assures you they can pull of the peroxide pixie you ask for could leave you shorn, forlorn and looking ready to enlist! Stick to accessories, makeup and non-permanent stuff until the retrograde ends.

Make the old new again.

Retrogrades rule the past (think of the prefix “re-“ which means to go back), and they’re great times for a nostalgic remix. Reach back into the decades and add some vintage glam. Host a clothing swap with friends, freecycle your stuff or have an outdated piece with great fabric remade in a more current cut. This Mercury retrograde also offers the opportunity to be an eco-conscious fashionista—buying consignment, supporting fair trade lines and taking good care of the “jungle” Leo rules.

Add some filters.

No, we’re not talking about your Instagram feed. Mouthy Mercury in bold Leo can blur the line between confident and cocky. Think twice before you just pop off with a statement that could land as arrogant. The shadow side of Leo is a propensity for inflated egos, and with Mercury amok, those could be on display. Avoid getting roped into battles with social media trolls or the button-pusher at the party—the world will be a minefield of those now, and you’ll only waste your precious energy! Silence that Leonine roar a bit and choose your battles.

Revive an old hobby.

Leo is the sign of creativity, and with clever Mercury here, we’re invited to reconnect with our inner child and the missing muse (where ya been?) again. Let yourself play with art supplies, dance, deejaying, DIY projects. Tap your inner “maker” and lean into Mercury’s love of learning by taking a class to boost your skills or learn more about your curiosities.

Choose love.

Leo is the sign of romance and passion, and with Mercury retrograde, our love lives could be rife with miscommunications—from an old resentment flaring up to simple SNAFUs, like you thinking a date is at 7:00 and them thinking it’s at 8:00…and a whole unnecessary drama exploding from there. Before you assume you’ve been ghosted, done wrong or betrayed, collect the facts! It could be a simple misunderstanding, believe it or not.

Do a ritual with Leo-specific crystals.

Check out our healing crystals for Leo season by our crystal astrologer, Miz Chartreuse. She suggests tiger’s eye and citrine as stones to amplify courage—which we’ll need an extra shot of under Mercury’s mayhem. Leo rules the heart and spine, and with Mercury retrograde, it never hurts to send a little strength to these areas.

If you’re into rituals, try this: Place your (manicured) hands on your heart, connect to its beat and honor its wisdom. When WAS the last time you felt your heart beat anyway? Since Mercury retrograde can complicate decision-making, find a quiet place away from a stressful situation. Close your eyes, take five deep breaths and ask your heart a question you’ve been stuck on. Remain still until your intuition starts talking, then grab a pen and free-write! Let that divine voice gush without analyzing or censoring. Then, fold the paper and place it under a crystal and revisit in a few hours. You might just have a savvy solution waiting!

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essie is giving three lucky winners the chance to receive the two limited edition essie shades, crystals and our book “How to Get Along with Anyone.” Enter for your chance to win here.

Read the terms and conditions here.


The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.