Combat Cosmic Stress with Miracles | AstroStyle
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Combat Cosmic Stress with Miracles: Gabrielle Bernstein & Miracles Now

For 2014’s most challenging cosmic month, Ophira talks “miracles”—shifting from a state of fear to love—with Gabrielle Bernstein, author of the new book Miracles Now.

April is already off to a rollicking start in the cosmos, thanks to the impending Grand Cardinal Cross—a four-way planetary dance-off between Jupiter, Pluto, Uranus and Mars. Since many of us are feeling stressed and stretched, we were excited to learn that Gabrielle Bernstein, Scorpio and self-titled “spirit junkie,” has a new book out—Miracles Now—to help navigate the intensity that modern life has taken.

miracles-now-coverPinMiracles Now is a collection of 108 exercises and practical techniques that Gabby handpicked to help combat the most common issues of our times—from addiction and anxiety to burnout and resentment. Each exercise is brief, so the book can be used like a daily affirmation reader—just flip to the page and you’ll get the “perfect” message. Gabby also insightfully noted that the book can be used as a Tarot deck (here’s hoping her publisher Hay House releases some Miracles Now divination cards!).

The exercises in Miracles Now are inspired by a mashup of Gabby’s devoted spiritual practices and study, which now includes Kundalini yoga, meditation and (as always) A Course in Miracles. A resourceful Scorpio, she hasn’t let her PR background go to waste. To wit: Gabby’s boiled down each of the 108 teachings in Miracles Now to a 140-character “Miracle Message” (complete with the handy hashtag #MiraclesNow to help followers connect).

We caught up with Gabby before she heads off on a whirlwind tour to spread her miracle message around the globe:

What was the inspiration for Miracles Now?

GB: I write my books based on what I feel my readers need. I realized that so many people have packed schedules and lots to do, but they want to carve out a little time each day to create positive change and find peace in ways that are easy to follow and put into practice. In addition, I continuously witnessed my audience members and social media followers ask me for more practical tools to release their stress and boost their moods. People want to get to work and they want to feel better fast. This book is my response to that call.

You’ve included some Kundalini meditations throughout the book. Can you tell us more about them?

Gabby with her Kundalini teacher.Pin
Gabby with her Kundalini teacher.

GB:For this book I chose twelve of the most powerful Kundalini meditations for shifting your mood, changing your energy and reducing stress. I was mindful to include meditations that are easy for newcomers, as I expect many of my readers may be new to meditation. A great meditation for beginners is what I’ve nicknamed Peace Is in Your Pulse. It improves your concentration and brings calm to even the most scattered mind. [AstroTwins note: this exercise involves sitting quietly, putting your fingers on your wrist and listening to your pulse, which can be done almost anywhere.]

Does astrology play into your life at all, and if so, how?

GB:I’m always interested in what’s happening in my chart at specific times in my life. I use astrology as an extra insight into what I need to pay attention to at any given time. I believe there is power in knowledge. Therefore the more we’re prepared for what is to come the easier it is to move through it. [AstroTwins note: For those who are curious, Gabby is a Scorpio with Aries moon and Sagittarius rising!]

Shooting an AstroTwins episode of Gabby's vlog.Pin
Shooting an AstroTwins episode of Gabby’s vlog.

We are big believers that messages come through numbers, especially repeating sequences like 11:11, 2:22, 3:33. You post a lot about seeing those, too—and your birthday is even 11-1. Any thoughts on spiritual messages through numbers?

GB: I LOVE seeing numbers in sequence. I follow the [Angel Therapist] Doreen Virtue number philosophy. I believe that 11:11 means that we must check out thoughts in that moment and remember that whatever we’re thinking is manifesting. 4:44 means the angels are with you. I love 5:55, which means that you must buckle your seatbelt because something major is about to occur! I LOVE THIS GUIDANCE!

Our 11-11-11 workshop in NYC with Gabby.Pin
Our 11-11-11 workshop in NYC with Gabby.

Your mom has been a big influence in your life, and is often with you at your lectures and events. How has your relationship with your mom shaped your current path?

GB: My mom taught me to be a Spirit Junkie. She brought me up visiting Ashrams and meditating. These spiritual seeds that she planted are what helped me create my own path and a spiritual relationship of my own understanding. I also believe that my career success has stemmed from my mother’s teaching. She guided me to believe that I could do anything. That mentality has helped me become the woman and teacher I am today. I hope to instill the same belief system in my own children.

You learned yoga and meditation as a child from your own mom, yes? Tell us about that.

GB: My mom taught me to meditate as a child. When I was sixteen I started my own daily practice. This practice has been my lifeblood ever since. Meditation is the key to my happiness because it is the tool that reminds me of my purpose.

Gabby on Oprah's Super Soul SundayPin
Gabby on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday

What are the spiritual teachings that influenced the lessons in the book?

GB: As a student and teacher of A Course in Miracles and Kundalini yoga and meditation, it has become my mission to translate these life-changing spiritual truths for all seekers. A Course in Miracles is a metaphysical self-taught curriculum based on the principle that when we choose love over fear we experience miraculous change. The Course emphasizes the practice of turning our fears over to the care of our inner guide and places strong emphasis on forgiveness. The Course teaches us that through the experience of forgiveness we will know true peace. Kundalini is the yoga of awareness, which focuses on enhancing one’s intuition and strengthening the energy field. Kundalini aims to draw forth the creative potential of an individual to have strong values, be truthful and focus on compassion and consciousness.

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Order your copy of Miracles Now from Amazon.  To learn more about Gabby’s work, visit her site at

Tune in! You can also catch us on Gabby’s Hay House Radio show on Wednesday, May 7 at noon EST for a special Momstrology and Mother’s Day episode.

Grab one of many #MiraclesNow graphics to spread the message on Pinterest, Instagram, etc.Pin
Grab one of many #MiraclesNow graphics to spread the message on Pinterest, Instagram, etc.:

The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.