November: The Month of Integrity| Astrostyle: Astrology and Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscopes by The AstroTwins
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November: The Month of Integrity

Paging the cosmic inspection squad! November leaves no stone unturned in its quest of authenticity and detailed answers. The Sun is in laser-focused Scorpio until November 22, joined by Venus, planet of love and harmony until the 16th. Translation: it’s about to get deep in here.

Have you been cutting corners? Leaving ’em undusted? Not so fast! Scorpio never misses a detail, and this month, hardscrabble Saturn (also in Scorpio) makes three alignments: with Venus (November 12), the Sun (November 18) and Mercury (November 25). Saturn adds gravitas wherever it lands, so this month is all about making sure you have the proper structures in place to support your loftiest goals…and heck, even your day-to-day functioning. Pause and systematize.

It doesn’t sound like the beguiling whispers of sultry Scorpio, we know, but then again, it’s amazing how light and free one feels after clearing the decks. Not to mention how much easier it is to share an unbroken, longing gaze without your mind traipsing off to your to-do list…

On November 22, the Sun begins a monthlong visit to honest-to-a-fault Sagittarius, which brings in the honesty piece. That same day, a Sagittarius new moon gives us all an opportunity to clear the air. Uncensored, unfiltered truth-saying is the order of the day, and the rest of the month.

Funny thing? Sometimes, the first step to integrity IS to tell the truth. And we’re not talking about the kind that sounds like, “You know, I’ve never really liked you…OR your ugly sweater collection.” This is more to the tune of genuine personal responsibility. ‘Fess up and own your shadow side (an oh-so Scorpio concept, so you should be rather in tune with it by now). The truth may very well set you free.

Here are a few key dates to bring that oh-so-alluring consistency back:

Check your bank balance (November 6).

The full moon in Taurus turns its highbeams on our money, along with our work habits, priorities, schedules and all the mundane but necessary matters. The pragmatic yet pleasure-seeking Taurus influence invites you to reward yourself for budgeting with a nice, quality splurge. Dinner reservations, a buttery wallet, a soft cashmere scarf…if you’ve got a little extra, enjoy it. If not, find a way to indulge within the fiscal parameters.

Check your relationships (November 12).

Love planet Venus and sober Saturn align on November 12. Is your love life built on terra firma? Are your friendships? Do you like this person for the right reasons…and can it go the distance?

Check your ego (November 18).

The bold Sun and restrictive Saturn meet at the same degree in Scorpio. This annual conjunction could bring clashes with authority figures, dampened enthusiasm, or a need to “tone it down” for your audience. Now we’d never suggest you change who you are, but there’s a time and a place to fly your freak flag—and today’s soggy skies suggest you raise it no further than half-mast—and on a quiet little cul de sac rather than the corporate courtyard. Individuality is not having its finest hour. Sure, posting those “Movember” mustache selfies is cute…to a point. Today, it will just be irritating.

Check your bulls**t meter (November 22).

Truth-teller Sagittarius arrives, both in a solar-powered chariot and with a new moon. Watch the tendency to embellish and promise more than you can deliver.

Check your head (November 25).

Mental Mercury, planet of communication and the thought process, meets up with sobering Saturn today. Thoughts can be dark, the glass half-empty. From whence does this pessimism come? Make sure you’re not caught in a negative thinking rut, or just stuck in outmoded ways of viewing the world. Today, you’ll want to think before you speak, too—this is not the day to shoot from the hip!

Now, onward to your sign’s Monthly Horoscope…go enjoy! >


The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.