Listen: Your November Numerology Forecast

November is an 11 month in Numerology, and also a master number. Your focus this month is on patience and flexing your diplomacy skills when things get intense!

by Felicia Bender, The Practical Numerologist

11 is the number of spiritual illumination with the foundation of a 2, which calls for partnership and diplomacy.

Stop! Go! Stop! Go! This November, you may like you have one foot on the accelerator and one foot on the brake. And since Mercury turned retrograde in Scorpio on Halloween (until November 20), you might also feel like you’re driving in reverse! Try your best to move ahead with plans while also expecting (and being okay with) delays. Search for the deeper meaning behind these metaphysical “detours” and listen to our monthly podcast with Tali and numerologist Felicia Bender.

What’s Your Number? Calculate Your Life Path Numerology:

The Life Path number is similar to the Sun Sign in astrology. It directs your overall personality and represents the “fuel” that carries you towards your destiny. To calculate your Life Path number, add up all the digits in your birthday. For example:

Birthday: 6-27-1988

Get the month, day and year down to a single digit. For example:

Month: 6

Day: 2 + 7 = 9

Year: 1 + 9 + 8 + 8 = 26, then, 2 + 6 = 8

Then, add the single digits from the month, day and year until you get to a single digit, between 1 and 9.
6 + 9 + 8 = 23, then,  2 + 3 =5

Life Path Number: 5

Note: If your birthday first adds up to 11, 22 or 33, you have a Master Number as your Life Path. You can read the general characteristics of your Life Path number here.

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1 Life Path | The Innovative Leader

1 Numerology



Temper your temper! Expect to feel in a conflicting comfort/discomfort zone. Your challenge is to step into your “loving self” to solve challenges you face this month.


2 Life Path  | The Diplomat

2 Numerology



Define your priorities. While you’re at it, put yourself on that list! Your challenge is to maintain boundaries and say “yes” to yourself as much as you say “yes” to others.


11/2 Life Path  |  The Spiritual Illuminator 

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Note: If you have an 11/2 Life Path, read both the 1 and 2 forecasts, since you will resonate with both of those numbers as well as the energy of the 11. 


Play the “what if?” game. What’s at the top of your personal, emotional trigger list? Your challenge is to pivot your perspective on these things (journaling and meditation can help).


3 Life Path  |  The Creative Communicator

3 Numerology


Get unstuck! Start by asking yourself: Where do I continually get stuck? Your challenge is to explore this trouble spots to better understand them (start that by putting words to the problem, maybe journaling).



4 Life Path |  The Systems Builder & Teacher

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Take time to dream. Open to the flow of intuition this month. Your challenge is to slow down to allow this to happen!




22/4 Life Path  |  The Master Builder & Teacher

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Note: If you have a 22/4 Life Path, read both the 2 and 4 forecasts, since you will resonate with both of those numbers as well as the energy of the 22. 


Grab your hall pass! Define your priorities as you dare to dream. Your challenge is to do one activity a week that gives you joy or relaxation.

5 Life Path  |  The Sensual Freedom Seeker

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Rip back the curtain to reveal where you need support (and to seek it!). Your challenge is to not skirt the issues that need attention.


6 Life Path  |  The Nurturing Visionary

6 Numerology



Hone in on home. What family issue could use TLC? Your challenge is to un-dig your heels.


33/6 Life Path  |  The Spiritual Teacher & Joyful Nurturer

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Note: If you have a 33/6 Life Path, read both the 3 and 6 forecasts, since you will resonate with both of those numbers as well as the energy of the 33. 


Find the lightness. Try to ground yourself and your energy this month. Your challenge is to take breaks and recognize not everything has to rest on your shoulders.

7 Life Path  |  The Analyst & Seeker

7 NumerologyPin



Put out the welcome mat. This is a good month for reveals that can help you to move forward. Your challenge is to stay in a “happy curiosity” mode.


(In this video, Tali and our resident numerologist Felicia Bender explain the significance of 2019, which is a 3 Universal Year.)

8 Life Path  |  The Manifestation Maven



Patience takes practice! In your zeal to cross things off your list, remember to be flexible, and to maintain personal connections. Your challenge is to slow down (really!).


9 Life Path  |  The Inspired Altruist

9 Numerology



Intuitive download! Be mindful and tread lightly with interactions in business and with family. Your challenge is to navigate your triggers and be present in your interactions (and for yourself!).


Keep listening to hear Felicia and Tali give an October AstroNumerology forecast for your element: fire, air, earth and water!

Felicia BenderFelicia Bender, Ph.D is “The Practical Numerologist” and the author of Redesign Your Life: Using Numerology To Create The Wildly Optimal You. To learn more numerology from Felicia, order custom reports and book a reading, visit

For information on scheduling a private numerology session, click here.

To order a personalized numerology chart, click here.

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The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.