A reader’s poem for Saturn in Sagittarius | Astrostyle: Astrology and Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscopes by The AstroTwins
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A reader’s poem for Saturn in Sagittarius

Editors’ note: Saturn is now beginning its first full month of a long, unbroken stretch through Sagittarius—through December 2017. Here, one of our favorite readers (and Astrostyle’s poet laureate!), Myke Yeboh sums up the vibe that we’ll all be feeling for the next two years. You can read more about Saturn in Sagittarius here.


Saturn in Sagittarius

(a cosmic dance where the heart says yes; head says no!)
From Astrostyle’s poet laureate @MykoYeboh

Imagine your wildest dance ever; wilder than your youth

Shake it like Shakira! Shakira! To liberate your serum truth.

Lurking behind the Sage sunrise is a more serious moonlight

RSVP’d from Saturn the karmic Lord’s cosmic dance invitation;

Strappy your shoes; hold on to your hats for existential transformation!


Sage peeps: global jet-setters and definitely nobody’s fool

Would ya heart melt for a stern partner too cool for dance school?

Waltzing together like an odd couple (think Laurel & Hardy; Lemmon & Matthieu)

Strange cosmic bed-fellows angled elliptical; pillows jive-talking, staring at the Plough.


Stern partner takes your hand despite their two left feet;

Your instinct is to cha-cha-cha away beating a hasty retreat!

Like a wallflower doing the Harlem shuffle in Saturn’s dark corner

But yearning to slow-dance exploring sensual new borders,

New horizons. As your heart says yes; but your head says no!


And Oh! What a feeling to be dancing on the cosmic ceiling

Captivated by capoeira and rumbling rumba; pulsating salsa and Brazilian samba;

Arching your backbone tantrically in the Time Lord’s arena

Eye-to-eye, cheek-to-cheek, toe-to-toe at the midnight hour

Figuring how to melt stern Saturn’s impassive demeanor.


Then with a quickstep and sidekick… “Fandango”!

Like Vicente Simone & Flavia Carace’s #thelasttango     www.thelasttangotour.co.uk

Where the tempestuous meets the methodical               [Maria Schneider & Brando’s Last Tango in Paris]

Or was it some karaoke bar in Bangkok?

Where you can twist again and rock-around-the- clock.

Or do the hokey cokey and turn around… [whew].


Infamous King Herod’s mouth said yes; but his heart no

Re: Scantily-clad Salome’s erotic dance of the seven veils?

Alas! Got John Baptist beheaded; saturnine grimy details.

Prime suspect: provocative agent, black killer heels; half-mooned, blood-red nails.

A private dancer sequined Madonna-corsetry; whirling dervish, Sufi dance poetry.

Bette Davis-eyes hypnotized. Munroe-hips mesmerized.

Her slightly parted-lips breathing lust. Tuberose aroma evoking trust

For stolen glances, pulsating romances; scene-stealing, bodice-ripping…oh my!

And how did “Stellar” got her groove baaaaaaack? Flashing a bit of Columbo’s crumpled mac

Squarely at your Sage sun like Psy’s Gangnam-style!


Truth or dare Sage? The path of love is no easy game.

Saturn’s bitter-sweet kiss slowly awakens Sleeping Beauty’s “Eternal flame”.


Until Saturn retrogrades: Treading on all your toes!

Like a badass mani-pedi gone awry. Or bad-hair day, blowed-dry!

Retracing your cosmic dance steps: backwards, forwards, backwards…

Of your line-dance and Lindy-hop. Electric bugaloo to the be-bop.

Beyond your wallflower dance test so you can be the best (Whiplash, anyone?)


Celebrating your Victory dance with the Shakti & the Shiva [Hindu Lords of dance]

Liberating your serum truth wildly like Shakira! Shakira!


© Myke Kofi 2015 for www.astrostyle.com  @MykoYeboh
Inspired by www.astrostyle.com and www.thelasttangotour.co.uk and www.5rhythms.com [Gabrielle Roth, 1941-2012]


The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of Astrostyle.com and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.