Saturn Retrograde in Pisces 2024 Brings Receipts. Adulting Required! | The AstroTwins
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Saturn Retrograde in Pisces 2024 Brings Receipts. Adulting Required!

When Saturn turns retrograde for five months every year, it brings the receipts. Have you cut corners? Skipped steps? Shortchanged anyone? With whistleblower Saturn retrograde in Pisces from June 29 to November 15, 2024, you can get everything shipshape. Adulting will be required.

Saturn turns retrograde each year for approximately five months. These backspins stall progress and can shuttle you back to the drawing board to fix flawed plans.

The point of this retrograde? To ensure that you’re developing on a stable foundation with proper levels of integrity.

Roll up your sleeves during the 2024 Saturn retrograde in Pisces

You’ll have to work harder to muscle through the challenges Saturn brings beginning June 29. But the additional effort will be worth it. By the time the retrograde ends on November 15, you’ll have sharpened your skills and gained rock-solid mastery over something that once eluded you.

Remember, Saturn’s role in our lives highlights these themes

  • Maturity: The serious planet is here to help us grow up.
  • Structure: Saturn is the planet with a plan.
  • Discipline & work ethic: Saturn’s lessons are effortful—and rewarding!
  • Time: Tick-tock! Saturn (AKA Kronos) follows the chronological clock.
  • Karma: Our actions catch up to us on Saturn’s watch.
  • Government, banks, corporations: Large enterprises are Saturn’s domain.
  • Prestige, status, authority: Achievement is rewarded by Saturn.

Saturn spends about three years in each zodiac sign, taking 29.5 years to cycle through all 12. Saturn returned to Pisces in 2023, for the first time since the mid-1990s. Saturn is in Pisces (with its annual retrogrades) until 2026, not to return again until 2052!



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Pisces is the sign of soulful and subconscious healing

Whether direct or retrograde, Saturn in Pisces is a mind-bending paradox. Saturn is structured while Pisces flows freely. Saturn watches the clock and Pisces lives in numinous “kairos” time. Saturn rules reality and Pisces is the sign of fantasy. Saturn is rigid about boundaries while Pisces is the dissolver of boundaries. Can you see the “conflicts of interest” here?

Saturn retrograde in Pisces 2024 offers opportunities

Our recommendation is to embrace the conflicting energies you’ll feel during the 5-month Saturn retrograde in Pisces (June 29-November 15).

You have a golden opportunity to tap the brakes and figure out how to balance these seemingly disparate energies. As our friend Jess likes to say: “create structure for flow.”

If you get a little too swept away in fantasy, the Saturn in Pisces retrograde forces you to deal with reality. As we said, Saturn brings the receipts. Payback might be a b**ch, but try to lean into Saturn’s maturity and Pisces’s empathy. Get facts and feelings on the table.

From there, you can negotiate a “repayment plan,” which might literally involve resolving a debt. But it could also mean showing up consistently to prove that you’re reliable. Seriously.

No, this isn’t the sexiest stuff, but think of it this way: When your inner world is in order, navigating the external world becomes a whole lot easier.

Quick pro tips for navigating the 2024 Saturn retrograde in Pisces

• Listen to your intuition, but rely on empirical data, too.
• State your boundaries up front and ask people about theirs. No assumptions!
• Read the directions and don the safety gear before you make any moves.
• Pay attention to the clock and don’t leave people waiting.
• Set clear limits with your adult beverages, sugar or anything else addictive.

Activities to try during the Saturn retrograde in Pisces

• Take a project management workshop to learn how to turn your dreams into reality.
• Work with a master teacher to hone a creative talent.
• Process trauma with professional healers and therapists.
• Explore your spirituality.
• Delve deep into an esoteric subject like dream interpretation or Tarot.

Your 2024 Saturn retrograde in Pisces horoscope

Fact or fantasy? Discerning between the two could get dicey in the five months of the Saturn retrograde in Pisces: June 29 to November 15.

Below is your sign’s horoscope for the retrograde. You can read for your Sun sign or your rising sign (ascendant).

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Aries (March 21-April 19) 

Pause and process, Aries. On June 29, sober Saturn flips into its annual five-month retrograde, retreating through your reflective twelfth house of endings and healing. You’ll need more space to be alone with your thoughts between now and November 15. Are you halting your own progress by fixating on the past? With Saturn backing up through your sector of closure and forgiveness, work harder to let go of toxic energy—and grudges. Examine your personal history and identify any bad habits you need to break. A healer or therapist can help you release negative energy, and with master teacher Saturn in reverse, support from the pros will expedite the process.

Aries horoscopes, read more!

Taurus (April 20-May 20) 

Are the people around you lifting you up or draining you? On June 29, sobering Saturn turns retrograde, backing up through Pisces and your eleventh house community and collaboration zone until November 15. Saturn is the planet of structure, and this annual reversal calls for strong team leadership—and firm boundaries with friends. Distance yourself from social encounters that feel unsatisfying or toxic and make sure you’re not picking up the slack for a colleague. Let go of outdated methodologies and test-drive a new workflow. Start by summarizing your shared goals, then set up those online brainstorming sessions. 

Taurus horoscopes, read more!

Gemini (May 21-June 20) 

Do your ambitious goals need some better structures in order to pull them off? On June 29, driven Saturn slips into its annual retrograde until November 15. The backspin takes place in your tenth house career zone, helping you pull back and figure out your professional priorities. Even though this slowdown can be maddening, synergizing with Saturn can help you discover a formula for success that’s in line with your values. A former collaborator may resurface and give a fresh boost to an old project. Put all agreements in writing! 

Gemini horoscopes, read more!

Cancer (June 21-July 22) 

Swept up in a big idea, Cancer? We love that for you! But if your visionary plans have gotten a little too grandiose to execute, get ready to come back down to earth. On June 29, Saturn pivots into its annual retrograde until November 15. The backspin takes place in Pisces and your expansive, entrepreneurial ninth house, which could curb some of your wanderlust and help you scale down to a manageable plan.

If you’re spinning your wheels, studying or training can bring your skills up to speed. Take advantage of all the online courses and certifications out there. If you’re self-employed, develop your venture behind the scenes. Publishing and media-making may be part of the master plan.

Cancer horoscopes, read more!

Leo (July 23-August 22) 

Table for one, please! On June 29, you may find a new appreciation for your “me time” as stoic Saturn turns retrograde until November 15, backing up through Pisces and your eighth house of intimacy, sexuality and secrets. This yearly review calls for deep self-reflection. Don’t worry, Leo: Turning inward won’t put a damper on a growing love connection. In fact, this valuable space will allow you to get your emotions in line. Bring any repressed feelings into the light, especially the ones impacting your romantic life. When you’ve got your inner world handled, you’ll bring your best self to relationships. 

Leo horoscopes, read more!

Virgo (August 23-September 22) 

Your closest relationships get an audit starting June 29 as restrictive Saturn flips into retrograde until November 15, backing up through Pisces and your seventh house of duos. In all of your important bonds, open up more honest lines of communication as you find a way to balance responsibilities. Saturn’s backspin can mute your sense of humor, so try not to take things so seriously!

A former partner might return to the picture, or you could sign a contract with a collaborator from your past. While some agreements may seem a little TOO thorough, sorting the particulars now will keep everyone happy for the long run.

Virgo horoscopes, read more!

Libra (September 23-October 22) 

Spring training begins on June 29, when taskmaster Saturn turns retrograde, backing up through Pisces and your sixth house of health and fitness until November 15. Mix up your workouts with streaming classes and outdoor treks. Clean up your diet and eat more plant-based meals.

Saturn’s backward journey may force you to create savvier systems at work. In addition to pleasing the powers that be, hold any support staff accountable so you don’t get shafted with their duties. Stay strong, and channel your frustrations into those workouts. Since Libras love everything more when it’s done in good company, invite a favorite friend or even your romantic partner to be your plus-one. Tackle this goal together! 

Libra horoscopes, read more!

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) 

Summer love: cooling down? Starting June 29, serious Saturn takes its yearly trip in reverse. As the ringed taskmaster turns retrograde in Pisces, this phase brings some friction to your fifth house of fame and romance until November 15. Enjoy the applause and admiration from fans, but don’t get hung up counting likes.

This isn’t the time to let approval ratings distract you from your true goals. Saturn’s retrograde might also show you where you need a more solid framework in your romantic life. Even the happiest relationships require hard work. Articulate feelings honestly and find common ground instead of firing off ultimatums. Establishing an open line of communication will help you create lasting love. 

Scorpio horoscopes, read more!

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) 

Check-in at Archer HQ! On June 29, home and family dynamics get MORE intense as drill sergeant Saturn pivots retrograde. The retreat will rustle up your fourth house domestic zone until November 15. To avoid residence-related conflicts, divide up responsibilities clearly. A relative could require extra support, which in turn could eat up some free time this summer.

But set personal boundaries! You can’t be strong for others if you aren’t taking care of yourself. Dreaming of a new home? Saturn’s backspin could slow your real-estate search. Here’s the upside: Any delays will give you more time to find the perfect place for the best price. 

Sagittarius horoscopes, read more!

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) 

You won’t have much room for small talk starting June 29 when restrictive Saturn (your ruling planet) pivots into its annual five-month retrograde, journeying in reverse through Pisces and your third house communication sector. Since your words could feel weightier, take time to mull them over before making any public statements. Working on any writing or media projects? Slow down and embrace the creative process between until November 15. This retrograde might bring hiccups to the progress of a collaboration or cause a rift with a friend. Communication is the key to working through it, but that begins by YOU taking ownership of how well you listen—or don’t! 

Capricorn horoscopes, read more!

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) 

Your classical ruler, Saturn, backs into its annual retrograde on June 29, retreating through Pisces and your second house of money. This belt-tightening backspin could slash your budget for the next five months, but here’s the upside: Though Saturn won’t correct its course until November 15, this cycle will inspire you to be more resourceful with what you have. Take stock of your possessions: Is there anything in that storage unit that you could sell? Research innovative ways to make bank and be prepared to put in the necessary elbow grease. Look into your network and even your friend groups for potential cast members.

Aquarius horoscopes, read more!

Pisces (February 19-March 20) 

When structured Saturn turns retrograde, June 29 to November 15 in your sign, its directive is clear: streamline and balance your life. Are you able to handle your current workload and still take care of yourself? Embrace Saturn’s practical magic to successfully achieve your goals. Get your priorities in line and map out a smarter schedule. Cut out unnecessary appointments and use that time for activities that feed your soul. Since Saturn rules experts, book sessions with coaches, trainers and consultants who can help you chart a personal pathway to success.

Pisces horoscopes, read more!

Saturn retrograde dates

Saturn is in Pisces March 7, 2023 to February 13, 2026

Saturn retrograde dates:
2025: July 13 to November 28
2024: June 29 to November 15 (you are here!)
2023: June 17 to November 4

Are you in your Saturn return?

Every 29.5 years (approximately) comes the Saturn return, a maturing rite of passage marking Saturn’s homecoming to the sign it was in when you were born.
• The first return happens between ages 27-30, depending on Saturn’s degree in your chart. It’s generally the first intro to adulting.
• The second return occurs between ages 56-60.
• The third return is in one’s early 80s.

The planet’s heavy-hitting energy makes itself known, bringing opportunities to quickly grow up and even take on powerful roles of authority. Use the Cosmic Calculator below to find out if you’re in your Saturn return.

I’m in my Saturn return. How does Saturn retrograde in Pisces affect me?

Everyone born with Saturn in Pisces will feel the impact of this cosmic rite of passage during this Saturn in Pisces return. In 2024, Saturn will travel between 19º26′ to 12º42′ Pisces. Those with Saturn falling between those degrees will have their exact Saturn return at some time in 2024, which may feel like its peak intensity. Get ready for some eye-opening lessons in adulting. You may be called to play a more active leadership role this year.

Expect, too, to hit some speed bumps around personal identity. Redefining yourself may feel like an act of rebellion and liberation rolled into one. Either way, a newer, truer you is emerging. Status-conscious Saturn can bring up “what will the neighbors think?” worries while also helping you build a stronger backbone when it comes to sticking up for your values.

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The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.