Your 2021 Sexscope with Lelo X AstroTwins

Self-discovery, experimentation, sexual empowerment—all with a high-tech twist. That’s Saint Valentine’s erotic elixir for V-Day 2021.

This February a rare cluster of stars has assembled in Aquarius, the sign of the renegade and futurist. Seductive Venus. Serious Saturn. Introspective Mercury retrograde. The daring Sun and no-limits Jupiter. Their message? Start fantasizing outside the box. Well, if there actually is a box to begin with.

Where do your edges lie—and how much further can you push them? The sky is hardly the limit when planets pulse through this heady, boundary-breaking sign. Aquarian energy is methodical and precise. There’s a science to sex and it’s time to put our pleasure sensors through some titillating chemistry tests.

Where do your edges lie—and how much further can you push them?

A partner is not required—but with this liberated energy in the air, you’re certainly not limited to just one. In this Age of Aquarius, relationship anarchy is the brave new way.

DO begin exploring by yourself.  We stand behind Oscar Wilde who famously quipped, “To know oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.” That’s why we teamed up with the transcendent intimate lifestyles brand LELO to bring you this 2021 Sexscope. LELO is not just a sex toy brand, it’s a self-care movement devoted to shame-free sexual ecstasy and body love for every gender, sexual orientation, race and age.

Erotic inclusivity is the name of Aquarius’ game—and what this year has in store for each and every zodiac sign. Read on to find out what sexual adventures the stars have in store and, er, catch a buzz as you learn about LELO’s luxurious innovations designed for maximum ecstasy!

Fire Signs

Earth Signs

Air Signs

Water Signs


The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.