Spring eclipse season begins on April 20 with a fiery Aries solar eclipse—and wraps with a passionate Scorpio lunar eclipse on May 5. The heat is on, but how high should you turn it up? Advice for every Sun sign.
Batten down the hatches! Spring eclipse season 2023 begins with the Aries new moon—a momentous solar eclipse—on April 20 at 12:12 AM EST.
And that’s just the beginning. On May 5 at 1:33 PM EST, the second lunation arrives to close out Spring eclipse season 2023. This one is a sultry, deep-diving and transformational Scorpio full moon and lunar eclipse (a penumbral eclipse).
Those Cinco de Mayo celebrations will be lit—but are you ready for those fireworks? Consider yourself notified!
What is an eclipse season?
Eclipses arrive in pairs and occur two weeks apart. If the first eclipse happens on a new moon (a solar eclipse), the second eclipse will arrive with the next full moon (a lunar eclipse). Conversely, if the first eclipse comes with a full moon, the next one arrives at the new moon a fortnight later.
Astrologers refer to this entire two-week period as “eclipse season.” And because eclipses are known for hurling curveballs and shaking up the status quo, these couple weeks can literally feel like an era!
2023 has a Spring eclipse season and an Autumn eclipse season
Most years, there are two eclipse seasons, though some years have three. In 2023, the Autumn eclipse season begins on October 14, with a solar (new moon) eclipse in Libra (the first one in this sign since 2016!) On October 28, the Taurus lunar (full moon) eclipse completes a two-year eclipse cycle that began in November 2021 on the Taurus-Scorpio axis, AKA the financial axis. The world has definitely felt the shakeups of these eclipses, from quiet quitting to crypto crashes, recessions and market crashes.
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What can the world expect during the 2023 Spring Eclipse season?
The time period between the two eclipses is known as the eclipse corridor—a period when we are all asked to peer into the mysterious, unexamined places of our life and do our “shadow work.” Hidden opportunities tend to emerge during this time, but don’t just look before you leap, scrutinize! There’s often a clause or superfine print that comes along with this “blessing.”
Aries is the planet that rules combat, including weapons and war.
Scorpio is the sign associated with reproduction and sexuality.
Both of these topics have been hot buttons globally and in the United States in 2023. Rampant mass shootings have enflamed the clash between pro-gun factions and gun control activists, with states like Florida passing a jarring permit-less carry law.
Mere weeks before Spring eclipse season, a preliminary injunction from a federal judge in Texas has revoked the FDA’s national approval of mifepristone (AKA the abortion pill), while a conflicting ruling from Washington state may restrict the scope of the Texas injunction. Neo-Nazis are showing up at drag shows in states like Ohio to spew hate and threaten attendees.
The Spring eclipse season is sure to heap fuel onto the fire of these potent clashes, catalyzing unexpected developments—including a potential widespread call to take even greater political action.
What are eclipses, exactly?
There are two types of eclipses: solar eclipses and lunar eclipses.
Depending on the positioning of the Sun, Earth and moon during each eclipse, the visual effects will differ. An exact alignment of all three results in a total eclipse—the entire full moon turns blood red or the moon completely blocks out the light of the Sun.
Symbolically, events in our lives may provoke a seismic shift during an eclipse, forcing us to act (or react) quickly. These events may feel unmooring at the moment, as if we are groping around in the dark. But there’s also a meant-to-be quality to the shifts that can happen during an eclipse. Often, they redirect the course of our lives in a miraculous way when we are otherwise too fearful to make the necessary changes.
What the April 20 solar eclipse in Aries means
Solar eclipses take place during a new moon when the Sun and moon converge at the exact degree in the same zodiac sign on the ecliptic—the plane that the Earth rotates around the Sun. As the moon passes over the Sun from our view, it darkens the sky and, during a total eclipse, changes the appearance of shadows.
Eerie or magical (or both!), solar eclipses remind us: all that glitters ain’t gold.
The April 20 lunation in Aries is an ultra-rare hybrid solar eclipse that begins as an annular (ring of fire) eclipse and transitions into a sky-darkening total eclipse along its path.
Look in a new direction during a solar eclipse, because that’s where you’ll find the magic. This can feel scary at first, especially if you’ve been tamping down your desires to gain a sense of false control. But change is inevitable, and these momentous new moons push us off the starting block in a big way.
What the May 5 lunar eclipse in Scorpio means
Lunar eclipses transpire when the full moon opposes the Sun at the same degree of zodiac sign on the ecliptic. With the Earth sandwiched between these heavenly bodies, el Sol casts a shadow that slowly bleeds across the surface of the moon.
Lunar eclipses are prime time for doing shadow work and dealing with feelings we’ve ignored. Buckle up, buttercup! Situations could pivot abruptly or come to a sudden, unceremonious halt. If anything in your life is “eclipsed away,” here’s our advice: Stop chasing and give it some space. You’ll either manifest a better option or circle back to this later—after you’ve processed the lesson and evolved!
On May 5, a total lunar eclipse simmers in Scorpio, bringing explosive power struggles. We may uncover nefarious details about people’s hidden agendas, criminal activity and scandalous underground activity. Will it be shocking? You’d better believe it. Picking up the pieces could take a while.
How your sign can navigate Spring eclipse season
In this Article
Aries (March 21-April 19) Spring eclipse season horoscope
Aries solar eclipse: Hello, dynamo! The first eclipse in Aries since 2015 arrives with the new moon and brings a major power surge on April 20. Even more special? It’s an ultra-rare hybrid solar eclipse, meaning it begins as an annular ring of fire eclipse and transforms into a total solar eclipse for part of its path.
Where can you shine your light into dark spaces during the Spring eclipse season, Aries? You’re no stranger to being the lone wolf, self-starter and igniter of trends. As this eclipse series wages on for the next two years, stepping into your power as a leader could feel like a calling. Simultaneously, you’ll discover new passions, slumbering talents and even a fresh life direction. Forget about waiting for others’ permission or validation. This exciting quest is all about celebrating your independence.
Scorpio lunar eclipse: Letting go can be liberating, Aries, and this lunar eclipse in Scorpio and your eighth house of transformations helps you do just that. Is a financial obligation pointing you away from the profit zone and down into debt? Time to disentangle yourself.
On the flip side, investment capital could flow in for one of your genius ideas as someone could step forth to put dollars behind your dreams. (Make sure you retain majority ownership!) On a personal note, this May 5 eclipse brings sexy back in a major way. A relationship could hit a milestone moment as the rubber meets the road. You might just put a ring on it—or set yourself free from a bad romance.
Taurus (April 20-May 20) Spring eclipse season horoscope
Aries solar eclipse: If you’re struggling to find answers, there’s only one thing to do during the April 20 solar eclipse in your spiritual twelfth house: stop looking! Counterintuitive as it seems, the solution may appear the moment you relax your mind and create the space for new thoughts to arise. This is a rare and special hybrid solar eclipse, meaning it begins as an annular “ring of fire” eclipse then shifts into a total eclipse as the moon blocks out the Sun completely.
During Spring eclipse season, You may see the light of promise in a situation that you were ready to ditch for good. Before you close the door completely, Bull, make sure you aren’t stubbornly barricading yourself from future opportunities. How can you devise an exit strategy that leaves room for powerful possibilities to arise down the road? Take your time! Since this is the first eclipse in a new Aries-Libra series, you have two whole years to map it out.
Scorpio lunar eclipse: Should you stay or should you go? The rubber meets the road under the intensity of the year’s only lunar (full moon) eclipse in Scorpio on May 5. A decision must be made: Will you become a formal duo or go your separate ways? Use the next couple weeks to make your final choice.
Single? This eclipse could reveal a shockingly unexpected (but kind of perfect) candidate for a portmanteau. Yes, things CAN develop fast under the light of the eclipse. Just don’t get hung up on knowing exactly what you want. If you’re willing to be open, the universe may deliver something even better than what you pictured.
Gemini (May 21-June 20) Spring eclipse season horoscope
Aries solar eclipse: Your desire for stimulating interactivity heats up as the April 20 solar (new moon) eclipse lands in Aries and your eleventh house of friendship and groups—the first in this zodiac sign since 2015. It’s also an ultra-rare hybrid eclipse, beginning as a ring of fire annular eclipse and moving into totality for part of its journey.
While you may be ready to revamp your entire social structure during Spring eclipse season, don’t throw out the babies with the bathwater. Some members of the Gemini Squad can evolve with you, even if you’ve fully outgrown others. If you’ve been hovering on the periphery of a like-minded entourage, step in as a card-carrying member. (Commit, Gemini…you can do it!)
Eclipses bring sudden developments and this one governs your technology zone. The two weeks following this eclipse could bring a fateful connection. Slide into those DMs, Tweet your needs—your social network will come through for you.
Scorpio lunar eclipse: Old habits die hard, but it’s time to stick a fork in one of them, Gemini. The year’s only lunar (full moon) eclipse in Scorpio and your house of healthy living helps you face down a toxic vice for good. Still refusing to budge? Uh-oh. Don’t provoke a mini crisis in your life by ignoring the problem!
Your work is also governed by this May 5 eclipse. A project you’ve been laboring away at since the solar eclipse in Scorpio on October 25, 2022, could hit a high note, bringing a fresh wave of prosperity your way. Ready to change jobs or try for a new position at your current gig? Keep your antennas up for opportunity over the coming two weeks.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) Spring eclipse season horoscope
Aries solar eclipse:Illuminating insights roll in as the year’s only new moon in Aries arrives as a rare hybrid solar eclipse on April 20. This is the first eclipse to land in your professional zone since 2015 and for some Crabs, it could bring a shakeup, along with exciting developments that you need to move on at lightning speed.
For others, this tide-turner can bring the realization that you’re ready to move on up the ladder or make some life-enhancing shifts to the way you do your work. Be it an impressive new title, a job that lets you travel abroad, a WFH gig or the start of your own business, you’ll develop in this direction quickly during this series of Aries eclipses which last until March 2025.
Scorpio lunar eclipse: The sparks could erupt in a full-on fireworks display as the May 5 lunar (full moon) eclipse arrives in sexy Scorpio and sets it off in your fifth house of true romance. At last! Someone worthy of your precious heart could be revealed—or maybe you’ll get clarity around next steps with the person you’ve already given it to. With so much fertile energy afoot, you might catch a case of baby fever or get to work on your creative brainchild.
Have you been caught in a bad romance? This eclipse hands you the keys to those self-imposed shackles and commands you to break free. With the extreme energy of this eclipse, forget about trying to be friends with anyone who torments you so. Moving on means cutting ties—at least while your heart is healing.
Leo (July 23-August 22) Spring eclipse season horoscope
Aries solar eclipse: Your passion will be uncontainable during the April 20 energizing solar (new moon) eclipse in Aries—the first to activate your ninth house of expansion and wanderlust since 2015! What’s next for you, Leo? Take copious notes! All kinds of ideas stream in under this ultra-rare hybrid solar eclipse, which begins as an annular ring of fire eclipse and transforms into a total eclipse for part of its path.
The only “rule” during Spring eclipse season? Look in a new direction! Whether that means exploring different philosophies or pondering travel to an unexplored part of the globe, this new, two-year eclipse series awakens you to a brand new set of possibilities. Self-employed Leos could hit the jackpot when a passion project or entrepreneurial venture reaches a milestone moment by March 2025. Stay with it: You’re still building momentum, and embracing the learning curve is what will create the miraculous outcome.
Scorpio lunar eclipse: The sparks could erupt in a full-on fireworks display as the May 5 lunar (full moon) eclipse arrives in sexy Scorpio and sets it off in your fifth house of true romance. At last! Someone worthy of your precious heart could be revealed—or maybe you’ll get clarity around “next steps” with the person you’ve already given it to.
With so much fertile energy afoot, you might catch a case of baby fever or get to work on your creative brainchild. Have you been caught in a bad romance? This eclipse hands you the keys to those self-imposed shackles and commands you to break free. With the extreme energy of this eclipse, forget about trying to be friends with anyone who torments you so. Moving on means cutting ties—at least while your heart is healing.
Virgo (August 23-September 22) Spring eclipse season horoscope
Aries solar eclipse: A relationship could reach a turning point—or get an exciting jumpstart—thanks to an ultra-rare hybrid solar eclipse in Aries, the sign of new beginnings. This is the first eclipse to activate your eighth house of seduction, joint ventures and investments since 2015, and because it begins as an annular ring of fire eclipse and evolves into a sky- darkening total eclipse, you may see
a glimmer of possibility in a formerly hopeless place.
But only you can say which side of the fence you’ll land on during Spring eclipse season. Is it time to get engaged…or call the whole thing off? The April 20 eclipse is the first in a two-year series so you may be uncertain about which direction you’ll take. What can you do now? Begin a fearless deep-dive to figure that out, searching your soul while also scouring for real-deal facts and figures. This lunation can also bring sweeping financial change, especially of shared resources. It’s a good time to explore opportunities in real estate, raise venture capital (or take out a business loan) or look for a way to earn passive income.
Scorpio lunar eclipse: Who are the people in your neighborhood? As the May 5 lunar (full moon) eclipse in Scorpio electrifies your third house of local activity, it reveals hidden opportunities that have been sitting right under your nose. Take a moment to read the community blogs and analog bulletin boards at your neighborhood coffee shop. You could spy the very opening you’ve been waiting for. A platonic partnership that’s been percolating since the corresponding solar eclipse in Scorpio on October 25, 2022 could hit a pivotal point now. Time to make that joint venture official and get the creative braintrust in gear!
Libra (September 23-October 22) Spring eclipse season horoscope
Aries solar eclipse: When you compare you despair, Libra, and that goes for your closest relationships, too! So stop following other people’s scripts, okay? The April 20 new moon solar eclipse in Aries—the first eclipse in a game-changing, two-year series on the Aries-Libra axis!—can bring illuminating insights about how you’d like to do partnerships. Not only is this the first eclipse to hit Aries since 2015, but it’s also a super- rare hybrid solar eclipse, beginning as a “ring of fire” (annular) eclipse and transforming into a sky-darkening total eclipse along its path.
You may have a lightbulb moment about the rules of engagement you’d like to play by with a particular person in your life. Will they be aligned during Spring eclipse season? That part requires conversations and, in some cases, contract negotiations. You have two years to ride the waves of this new eclipse cycle so don’t be too quick to bail on a situation that still holds a glimmer of promise. (Just make sure there’s more than just potential to work with here!)
Scorpio lunar eclipse: You’re a money magnet this May 5, as the brilliant lunar eclipse in Scorpio lights up your second house of income. Since eclipses reveal shadows, hidden sources of revenue could crop up out of the blue. This could span the range from a 9-5 job offer to a steady client who fills your coffers on a regular basis. Cha-ching!
Luxe-loving Libra, have you been overdoing it on the high-end purchases? Overspending could catch up with you starting May 5, forcing you to lock your wallet shut. Some extreme budgeting measures may be required for the next couple weeks to help you bounce back. Rolled up sleeves and a tightened belt is a good look for you.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21) Spring eclipse season horoscope
Aries solar eclipse: The first eclipse of 2023 arrives in Aries and your sixth house of healthy routines. Because it kicks off a new, two-year series across your healing axis, you may get a wakeup call to manage stress and take better care of your body. Or maybe just a giant burst of motivation! This is a super-rare hybrid solar eclipse— beginning as an annular ring of fire eclipse and evolving into a sun-blocking total solar eclipse—that shifts your attention to new modalities. For some Scorpios, this may be the first time you try acupuncture or colon hydrotherapy.
Others among you may need to mix some modern medicine in with the natural healing, so look for a Functional MD who blends both. During Spring eclipse season, you’ll benefit from a more structured routine: nutritious meals and daily meditation will go a long way toward helping you feel more balanced and peaceful. Get ready for big news on the work front. You may be offered an opportunity that really lets you shine. You’re poised to make a name for yourself between now and March 2025!
Scorpio lunar eclipse: Feel this moment, Scorpio. May 5 marks a stunning lunar eclipse in your sign, a day for letting your full-bodied personality out to play. Your efforts of the past six months (since the corresponding solar eclipse in Scorpio on October 25, 2022) could come to a magnificent milestone, helping you put your name on the map in the days and weeks ahead. Get yourself camera ready because the media could knock!
While your secretive sign tends to have mixed feelings about being in the public eye, accept your role as the reluctant superstar. Life is too short to hide your light under a bushel. And once you start promoting yourself and what you have to offer, you’ll quickly see what an incredible difference you make for others.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Spring eclipse season horoscope
Aries solar eclipse: Make way for another archer—Cupid, that is! The first Aries eclipse since 2015 shoots a quiver full of arrows into your fifth house of romance, fame and creative expression, waking up your slumbering passion. Eclipses bring swift and sudden opportunities and this one could reveal a heaven-sent romantic click.
Since it’s a super-rare hybrid solar eclipse—starting off as an annular ring of fire eclipse and transforming into a sun-blotting total eclipse midway—you can’t ignore fluctuating feelings. Wondering where a love interest stands during the Spring eclipse season? You’re going to need answers soon—and so will they! Which means if you’ve been wavering about your own affections, lovers may hold your hands to the fire. Choose or lose, Sagittarius. The fifth house also rules fertility, which might even herald a pregnancy. And make sure you’re camera ready as a glamorous and star-powered opportunity could come out of the blue.
Scorpio lunar eclipse: Forget about going gently into any goodnights. The game-changing lunar eclipse in Scorpio and your twelfth house of completions wants you to celebrate an important passage in your life. Be proud of the threshold you’ve crossed; celebrate with friends. Helpful guides may come out of the woodwork, opening doors and helping you circumvent any barriers to success. Although you could feel a little overwhelmed by it all, surrender to the growth opportunities that crop up over the coming two weeks. You’ll figure out how to handle it all, Sagittarius, just like you always do.
Capricorn (December 22-January 19) Spring eclipse season horoscope
Aries solar eclipse: All is not quiet on the Capricorn homefront as the first Aries eclipse since 2015 lands in your fourth house of kinfolk and roots. Because it’s also a super-rare hybrid solar eclipse, beginning as a ring of fire (annular) eclipse and transforming into a sky- darkening total eclipse along its path, you may only see a glimmer of possibility about what’s ahead. That can be frustrating for a sign that loves to plan the way you do, but here’s a message: Embrace the process!
For Sea Goats who are ready to make some changes during Spring eclipse season, this will be refreshing news! Whether it’s a roommate swap, kitchen remodel or a full-on relocation plan, eclipses speed along developments. There could be news about a family member that prompts you into action. For some Caps this may simply be a realization that you’d like to spend a lot more time with your loved ones and a little less time with your nose buried in work. Plug those playful moments into your calendar right away.
Scorpio lunar eclipse: Where do you belong, Capricorn? The year’s only lunar eclipse in Scorpio charges up your eleventh house of collaborations, bringing all sorts of insights about who deserves inner circle status—and who does not. It’s possible that you’ve been casually interacting with a group since the corresponding solar eclipse on October 25, 2022.
Starting May 5, your role within the collective may become crystal clear. Perhaps you’ll take on a leadership role—or at the very least, become a card-carrying member, devoting yourself wholeheartedly to the mission. Still haven’t found your kindred spirits? The eclipse could bring a meant-to-be meeting of the minds over the coming two weeks. Stay open.
Aquarius (January 20-February 18) Spring eclipse season horoscope
Aries solar eclipse: The friend zone is teeming with possibilities as this solar (new moon) eclipse activates your third house of peer-based partnerships. You haven’t had an eclipse here since 2015—and since it’s an ultra-rare hybrid solar eclipse (beginning as a ring of fire annular eclipse and transitioning into a sun-blotting total eclipse) you may get a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to buddy up on a project that puts your name on the map. Should such an opportunity appear, leap on it! But if not, no sweat. This eclipse series lasts for two full years.
During Spring eclipse season, your pioneering ideas draw major attention. So pull out your half-finished projects and get ‘em done. If you’ve been searching for a collaborator for a project, the perfect candidate could be revealed. This may even be someone you’ve known for months, but under the spell of this eclipse, their fullest potential is revealed. Bursting at the seams to express yourself? This eclipse falls in your third house of communication giving you a way with words. Time to write the book, start that podcast or become a more vocal member of every team you play on.
Scorpio lunar eclipse: Your career is spotlighted by the year’s only lunar (full moon) eclipse in Scorpio, which could bring unexpected openings for growth. A grand goal that you’ve been pursuing since the corresponding solar eclipse on October 25, 2002 could hit a milestone mark. Two words: strategic promotion. You don’t need to be everywhere, Aquarius, just in front of the right people.
Since eclipses tend to reveal hidden information, this lunar lift may mark a turning point. Some Aquarians could have the realization that it’s time to shift in a totally different direction. Follow the path the universe is lighting for you instead of stubbornly pressing forward on a course that is not yielding the results you hoped it would.
Pisces (February 19-March 20) Spring eclipse season horoscope
Aries solar eclipse: Hello abundance! April 20 marks the first eclipse in a two-year series across your financial axis (Aries-Libra) and could bring a whole new approach to earning and investing between now and March 2025. It’s also an ultra-rare hybrid solar eclipse (beginning as a ring of fire annular eclipse and transitioning into a sun-blotting total eclipse) so don’t scour for opportunity in the same old places.
Are you ready to make a dramatic pivot? Spring eclipse season is the time to hit the gas on that. You could be offered a new position or have that long-awaited inspiration for a profitable business idea. If you need training or updated skills to make that bank, invest in your development now. And while you’re at it, speak up for yourself. Your hard work could be recognized (at last!) by the movers-and-shakers at your job and any self-promotion can expedite that. Consider this the start of an upward trend in your financial life. It’s not just how you earn it, it’s how you burn it as well. Budget, please!
Scorpio lunar eclipse: Should you stay or should you go? The lunar (full moon) eclipse in Scorpio could bring a travel opportunity completely out of the blue, one worth scrambling to pack and, if necessary, get your 24-hour passport handled. A long-distance connection that’s been percolating since the corresponding solar eclipse on October 25, 2022, reaches a pivotal moment on May 5, too.
Something’s gotta give here, Pisces…and that might just mean giving up hope if you can’t figure out the logistics of seeing each other face to face more often. On the other hand, a powerful partnership may emerge with someone in another part of the world. Thank goodness for that little thing called the Internet.
Feature art by Rosie Dienhart
What zodiac sign is your relationship?
What zodiac sign is your relationship?
Learn the secrets of the composite (blended) chart in SuperCouple, a cosmic care and feeding manual for any relationship. Written by The AstroTwins, astrologers and matchmakers for Amazon Prime Video's Cosmic Love.