Queen of Wands Tarot Card Meaning | Astrostyle
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Queen of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

Tarot, like astrology, has long been one of our favorite divination systems. Interpreting either takes practice. As you learn, we wanted to help you to quickly connect to the cards and use them in ways that are actionable and practical in every area of life. xoxo, Tali & Ophira

Co-authored by James Kerti

What does the Queen of Wands tarot card mean?

The Queen of Wands is passionate, ambitious and courageous in the pursuit of her dreams. Her unflappable spirit is one to admire.

When this court card shows up, you are ready, willing and able to take charge of your life.

The Queen of Wands is a sign that you can move mountains—and look good while you do! Summon your moxie because you have the capacity to embody this energy, even if you’ve never tackled a challenge like this one before.

Like other court cards, the Queen of Wands may represent a person in your life. This individual may be a mature parental (maternal) person who is outgoing, a natural leader who you can count on to have your back.

What is the Queen of Wands zodiac sign?

The zodiac sign of the Queen of Wands is Sagittarius

Queen of Wands Tarot Guide

Keywords for the Queen of Wands: Passionate, determined, vivacious, strong, outgoing

Yes or No: Yes

Planet of the Queen of Wands: Jupiter

Element of the Queen of Wands: Fire

What does the Queen of Wands card mean in a love reading?

The energy of the Queen of Wands is strong and independent. Whether this court card represents a specific person or the characteristics of a particular relationship, it can be a good signal for healthy, supportive dynamics.

If you’re in a relationship, the Queen of Wands’ vitality is probably a core feature of this connection. You feel inspired and alive when in the company of this person and vice versa. (Hot!) Strength and optimism flow between you. But where is it all heading? The appearance of this can-do queen may be a sign to take charge of your love life’s direction. While you don’t have to clarify a 20-year plan, figure out where your dreams and goals align. There may be rich opportunities to support each other—or even collaborate on a project or business idea.

For singles, this court card urges you to keep your eyes open for someone who lights your fire. Passion is an essential quality to seek at this stage of your romantic development. Don’t settle for comfortable and boring; instead, look for someone who brings the Queen of Wand’s heady mix of stability and excitement. You may need to put yourself out there more and deliberately seek connection. The Queen of Wands is a go-getter, so be proactive.

The Queen of Wands is one of the “fertility and motherhood” cards in the tarot deck. If you want to have a child in the near future, this card’s appearance is a positive sign!

What does the Queen of Wands tarot card mean for career, money and finance?

When the Queen of Wands regales a career and money reading, it’s a summons to rise into your power. Your passion and skill both are shining through and you have the capacity to be a major force. And as the Queen of Wands has a commanding presence, you’re positioned to take on more of a leadership or managerial role.

This court card encourages you to bring your full self to what you’re doing. Don’t shy away from taking on more responsibility or promoting your talents. The Queen of Wands is a reminder that you can handle the pressure of fame and visibility.

Financially, the Queen of Wands also brings a message of proactive empowerment. Don’t wait for an opportunity to find you. Generate new income by sharing about your offerings, applying for a promotion or higher-paying job or selling goods online. An enterprising spirit will get you far. Don’t be shy about making that cold-call or sending the first DM.

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What does the Queen of Wands tarot card mean for health?

As the Queen of Wands is a spirited card, it’s a positive indication when it appears in a health reading. You can expect to feel its radiant energy in your life, even if you’ve been dealing with some recent health challenges.

The Queen of Wands takes charge and this is a message to get in the driver’s seat around your health in a way that feels right for you. Consult Eastern and Western practitioners, for example, or design a regimen that is customized to your body’s needs. You know yourself better than anyone.

This court card connects with motherhood and fertility. You may consider it an encouraging sign if you want to have a child.

Queen of Wands Tarot Card in Reverse Meaning

When the Queen of Wands shows up reversed, the shadow side of this card’s personality comes through more strongly.

This court card’s commanding presence can come across as controlling and volatile at times. When you see the Queen of Wands in reverse, look for areas where you might be bringing “too much”—both in terms of personality and energy.

Is it possible that you’re being domineering in some of your connections? Although it’s important to show up for the people you care about, you also need to give them space to be themselves and grow on their own terms.

The Queen of Wands reversed can also be a sign of unhealthy codependent relationships. Is one person over-functioning and over-giving to sustain the connection? If this might be your situation, you’re encouraged to consider whether this dynamic is serving a higher good for either of you.

Is the Queen of Wands tarot card a yes or no?

The Queen of Wands comes through as a resounding yes in this context. The more you can lean into the spirit of this card, the better positioned you’ll be.

What does the Suit of Wands mean?

Wands are associated with fire signs, which ignite action. Fire signs carry an excitable, creative and visionary energy, and people with those signs love to jump right in.

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Feature art by Diana Hlevnja