Uranus Enters Aries: 7 Years of Change| Astrostyle: Astrology and Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscopes by The AstroTwins
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Uranus Enters Aries: 7 Years of Change

Hold on to your hat! Today, change-maker Uranus moves from Pisces into Aries — its first move in seven years. Radical Uranus entered Pisces in March 2003. Pisces is a Water sign that rules the seas, and indeed we’ve seen Uranus bring its revolutionary and “awakening” touch here. Oil spills and clean-water campaigns have definitely made news in the past seven years. We also saw devastating hurricanes, including Katrina’s devastation of New Orleans in 2005. Tsunamis, like the one that struck Thailand in 2004, have become a more frequent natural disaster, too. Just today, a massive earthquake and tsunami struck Japan and raced across the Pacific. Its impact has even triggered a tsunami alert on the Pacific coast of the United States, forcing Oregon residents to move inland. Let’s hope this signals the end of a turbulent cycle. Our thoughts are with the people of Japan.

Since futuristic Uranus governs electricity and technology, the watery, mystical vibes of “old soul” Pisces was a strange brew. However, the Uranian influence brought spirituality onto the Internet. We’ve been publishing horoscopes online since this transit began, and the world has definitely become more open to the unexplainable during this cycle. One example: the popularity of “The Secret.” What started as a groundbreaking notion — that you can attract prosperity by changing your thoughts! — has now become almost a cliché.That kind of society-wide shift is definitely the work of Uranus.

Even celebs are unwittingly tuned in to this transit. Today, Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel announced a breakup after dating since 2007. Justin is an Aquarius, and Uranus is his ruling planet. Jessica is a Pisces, and her time with Justin has been characteristically unpredictable. Both traveled often and had an on-and-off relationship, typical of the erratic Uranus pattern.

Today, Uranus moves into Aries, staying until 2018. Aries is a Fire sign, known for both leadership and hotheadedness. Expansive Jupiter is also in Aries from January 22 through June 4, 2011, building the energy. The uprisings in the Middle East are definitely being spurred on by this transit, and with freedom-fighter Uranus now here, we can expect to see those coming faster and fiercer. However, Aries can also create dictatorships, so we may see political extremes, with the masses clamoring for independence and democracy while the leadership takes a more Fascist bent. Uranus rules anything broadcast over the airwaves, from radio to the Internet. In fact, the last time Uranus was in Aries was in the 1930s, when the radio was invented. We can expect to see innovations in video technology and television, or perhaps a whole new way of communicating that even replaces the telephone!

Because Aries is the pioneer and the solo star, we’ll see a lot more self-made acts too. Uranus made its first brief visit to Aries last summer, from May 27 through August 14. That cycle spawned YouTube sensation Antoine Dodson, whose auto-tuned “Bed Intruder” rant became a chart- topping single on iTunes. Who needs an agent when you have an HD camera on your smartphone? People will definitely take technology into their hands to spread a message of freedom. One of our favorite examples is Iran-based rapper YAS, whose outspoken hip-hop tracks and videos have spread like wildfire through the Middle East and worldwide, through the underground use of MySpace. Inspiring … and a sign of things to come!

Here’s where Uranus will touch your sign specifically, bringing bouts of unexpected change, but also teaching you to be flexible, creative and downright revolutionary. You may use technology, scientific developments or unorthodox approaches to this area of your life, too. Life can take on a stop-start feel as you learn to hit those curveballs. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger and more self- aware.

Aries: Identity, appearance, standing up for your beliefs

Taurus: Spirituality, healing, closure

Gemini: Friends, groups, society

Cancer: Career, goals, relationships with fathers/men

Leo: Travel, study, life expansion

Virgo: Intimacy, sex, shared property and finance

Libra: Relationships, commitment

Scorpio: Health, work, organization

Sagittarius: Romance, creativity, fertility

Capricorn: Home, family, relationships with mothers/children/women

Aquarius: Communication, local events, technology

Pisces: Work, money, daily routines


The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of Astrostyle.com and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.