A Valentine's Day Poem for you | AstroStyole
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A Valentine’s Day Poem For You

Happy Valentine’s Day beloved readers! With the moon in decadent Taurus today we hope you’re steeped in sensuality and treating yourself to pleasures at every turn. Our poet laureate Myke Kofi penned a Valentine’s Day ode that is pure perfection, drawing on themes of Aquarius season and making us swoon. Read on and please know that we love you! And don’t forget to check your daily horoscope for your V-Day forecast.
-Tali & Ophira

The Valentine Aquarian 2016
(Awakening the animal within).

The Valentine Aquarian:
“To know you, is to love you”
Awakening the animal within.

Carefully curated and bespoke,
Off-beat and quirky like the journals in a vintage print-magazine store.

As rare as the metals
(indium, gallium, niobium, tantalum, rhenium and titanium)*
as precious as unscratched vinyl
where the “groove is in the heart” awakening the animal within.

Your fake-fur-lined winter coat beguilingly unbuttoned,
momentarily reveals peek-a-boo knitwear,
invoking a lingering glance  – when you’re not looking.

Deliciously edible like piping-hot veg soup on a cold February day.
So huggable and so goddam f***able
if only
you’d allow equal aliquots (portions) of pleasure and vulnerability
to wash right through your inner sanctum –  awakening the animal within.

The Valentine, Aquarian:
Moon-faced, framed with an asymmetric bob of copper-red hair-dye
highlights the windows of your soul.

Like two heart-warming beacons beckoning me forward (tentatively)
emanating as kaleidoscopic patterns
hand-stitched and hand-crafted,
collared like lipstick on my double-cuff shirt
complemented by your throaty velvety-green scarf.

Fiercely individual: an untamed artisan of undiscovered womanity
perhaps like a forgotten Pre-Raphaelite
bursting at the seams with potential and profundity
clearly intent on the Truth and authenticity; honesty and integrity
because “a spade is a spade”

Detached and non-commital, lest your voice betrays your feelings;
At once non-judgemental but all-knowing
I’ve been practising
the three words I’ve hesitated to proclaim
unmistakably slowly and meaningfully  in your ears.

Like a reverberation that awakens the animals within us
and the known cosmos, the expansive Universe and Einstein’s “gravitational waves”
until the very end of our lifetimes –  awakening the animal with.

(c) Myke Kofi 2016 for Valentine’s day 2016. 
Reference sources:
* rare metals quoted from: “The power of elements” by David Abraham [Reviewed by Rupert Edis in the Saturday Review, The Times. Saturday February 6, 2016 page 15].


The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of Astrostyle.com and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.