From Fitness to Relationships, Your Virgo Full Moon Horoscope Calls For A Clean-Up | Astrostyle
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From Fitness to Relationships, Your Virgo Full Moon Horoscope Calls For A Clean-Up

Spring is officially around the corner, and the March full moon calls in the cosmic cleaning crew. Here’s where to start, according to your Virgo full moon horoscope.

On Tuesday, March 7, the March full moon in Virgo (at 7:40AM EST) calls in the cosmic cleaning crew.

From your fitness to your food to your favorite spaces, you’ll get a glimpse of where things have gotten messy or disorderly over the winter. Tear a page from the zodiac’s practical planner and write down absolutely everything on your to-do list. Then, sort through that brain dump and develop a plan of action.

Before you get too focused on checking off boxes, think about how to optimize your time and work smarter instead of harder.
– If hiring a housecleaner twice a month will reduce your inner and outer chaos, build it into the budget.
– Try project management or productivity apps to streamline the load.
– This applies to your health and wellness, too; consider changing up your treadmill workout for a swim session.

Astrology coloring your Virgo Full moon horoscope

With the full moon in Virgo forming a helpful trine to disruptor Uranus, a radical departure from “business as usual” could be in order. But patience! La luna is also embroiled in a tense square to hasty Mars, and rushing could lead to a careless error.

And here’s a cosmic riddle for you: What happens when the planet of visibility tucks into the zodiac sign of invisibility? We’re about to find out also March 7 as clear-eyed Saturn gets enveloped in Pisces’ fog. This three-year Saturn in Pisces cycle, which lasts until February 13, 2026, will melt tangible reality into virtual reality.

Virgo full moon horoscope for every zodiac sign

Aries (March 21-April 19) Virgo full moon horoscope

You know what they say about your body being your soul’s address here on Earth, don’t you, Aries? Well, on Tuesday, March 7, when the year’s only Virgo full moon activates your sixth house of wellness, organization and self-care, it’s time to take your own well-being very seriously!

For some Rams, that might mean getting physical once again. Your sign is ruled by competitive Mars, so training for a race or joining a dance group might be the perfect way to motivate yourself. Bottom line: Do something that will pump up your heart rate, cause you to break a sweat—AND be fun.

The other half of the healthy equation in your Virgo full moon horoscope involves what you put into your body, so start powering your body with clean, green fuel. Since this realm is your industrious and hard-working zone, you may be inspired to kick off a spate of new projects (which would be very Aries of you), but rather than racing off in a dozen directions, stop and get a handle on all the unfinished current projects.

Full moons bring completion energy, so tie up loose ends BEFORE you start sourcing all those shiny new supplies. Tap into the power of this lunar lift and muscle your way to clearing the decks. If necessary, hire someone for a few hours in the name of getting ‘er done.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Virgo full moon horoscope

Get yourself red-carpet ready, Bull, because, why not? On Tuesday, March 7, the year’s only Virgo full moon turns on the spotlight in your fifth house of glamour, romance and fame. And when all eyes are trained on you, don’t demur: Take a bow!

Your efforts of the past six months could finally come together and strike a resonant chord with your fanbase. If the time has come for your big reveal, seize the moment. Line up some auditions or pitch meetings, get your name on the right lists for launch parties and open houses. If your masterpiece is still “in development,” organize a focus group to elicit authentic feedback from talented folks. Who’d say no to reviewing a few pages of your screenplay or your business plan in exchange for a home-cooked dinner? Ask!

If you are ready to start a buzz, be subtle about piquing interest but don’t give too much away. Post a few work-in-progress “teasers” on your social media. Who knows? You might connect with others who are working toward similar goals. Because this full moon arrives in perfection-seeking Virgo, you may need to gag that inner voice that says, “It’s not good enough.” Few ever believe they’re “there,” so set a deadline and stick to it.

Romantically, this full moon could trigger a case of early spring fever. If things are solid with bae, you may want to “officialize” it, perhaps with a ceremony or shopping for special pieces of jewelry. Are babies part of your 2023 plans? This lunation in your fertile sector could be accompanied by pregnancy news over the next couple of weeks or at least set the stage for discussing it.

Single? The right-swiping gods are on your cheer squad for a few weeks following this full moon (peak manifesting time). Of course, if you’re one of the many sensual Tauruses who prefer an old-fashioned face-to-face meetup, your Virgo full moon horoscope calls for squeezing in as many IRL events as you can for the rest of March!

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Virgo full moon horoscope

The Virgo full moon on Tuesday, March 7, shines a bright lunar spotlight on Chez Gemini. So if you’re not loving your abode, hop on the decluttering and beautifying bandwagon! This is the only Virgo full moon of the year, so plan to squeeze every drop of meticulous cleaning and organizing energy from it.

One caveat: These Virgo-infused moonbeams can make you a bit obsessive, moving from origami-inspired clothes-folding to color-coding your books and files. Know where to draw the line! This is a rabbit hole without clearly marked exits, and “just one more thing” can make you late for real-life activities with friends. So before you dive into any involved projects, take a minute to think about your top priorities for your home space this year.

Are you working from home, working OUT there, entertaining? You want a functional space for your current lifestyle, so if you’re not going to be sewing or making another vision board, pack up the arts and crafts supplies and create a container for what you do plan to throw yourself into.

Thinking of relocating? Set up alerts so you’re one of the first to see a hot lead. Start surveying friends who have the lowdown on neighborhoods with all the cultural amenities a Gemini needs to have—within walking distance! Some Twins may be on a search for a roommate or would love to be closer to your family. Whatever your heart is craving, connect to it and then start your hunt. You might be amazed at the power of your attraction skills when you’re in alignment with your vision.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) Virgo full moon horoscope

The world’s your oyster this week, but you might prefer to stay very close to home. On Tuesday, March 7, the year’s only Virgo full moon illuminates your third house of friends, neighbors and local adventures.

If you’re not already, become a devotee of cultural activities guides and blogs. What live music is on tap at nearby music venues? Are any new restaurants or bistros opening up with creative menus? You don’t have to abandon your favorite eateries or watering holes, but mix it up! Patronizing small indie businesses isn’t just fun for you—it keeps them afloat and helps them realize THEIR vision. It may be more convenient to have online purchases dropped off at your front door, but when you do that, you miss out on the human connection as well as opportunities to contribute to the vibrancy of your own community.

This third-house full moon shines a light on like-minded folks, giving you more incentive to get out and talk to “strangers” or solidify newish friendships by making fun plans. Budding connections could blossom into legit relationships under this lunation, anything from collaborating on a short-term project to finding a new festival-loving travel buddy.

Virgo is the sign of service, and under these moonbeams, you will earn loyalty points within your circle by offering support for one of their projects. Got a message of your own to share with the world? Your Virgo full moon horoscope says this lunar lift is ideal for authentic communication. Find your platform, Cancer, and be an inspirational presence there. The world needs to hear what you have to say!

Leo (July 23-August 22) Virgo full moon horoscope

Has your hard-earned cash been slipping through your fingers over the past half-year or so? Then you’ll greet Tuesday, March 7’s Virgo full moon with wide-open arms. This lunation will turn your attention back to earthly concerns as it powers up your pragmatic second house.

Sure, you COULD continue stressing—or you could calmly and mindfully craft a plan to balance your books, reconfigure your budget and get yourself back in the black. The only potential catch? Self-denial and belt-tightening aren’t exactly your hedonistic sign’s stock in trade, so you’re going to have to be your own coach, therapist AND self-appointed financial adviser. Before you slash any budget lines, create one just for personal pleasures—like a dedicated entertainment fund—so you can enjoy those fancy meals or splurge on great concert seats without guilt.

Are you job-hunting? Inquiries, offers and proposals may start flooding in over the two weeks following this full moon (peak manifesting time). While you’re out and about, network strategically. Start thinking like a “brand” and market yourself accordingly. Maybe it’s time to invest in the services of a designer or copywriter to upgrade your Facebook business page or help you build a website. Don’t forget to solicit testimonials from satisfied colleagues and clients.

Already gainfully employed? Your Virgo full moon horoscope brings attention to your hard work of the past six months. You might receive public kudos, a promotion or perks like a work-from-home day each week. But don’t rest on your laurels waiting for praise—or a raise—to fall out of the sky. Volunteer for projects with more responsibility and position yourself as the rising star.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) Virgo full moon horoscope

Welcome to your own cosmic ribbon-cutting ceremony! On Tuesday, March 7, the year’s only Virgo full moon illuminates your first house of self, appearance, identity—and pretty much anything and everything that reflects YOU!

Your sign prefers modesty to showboating, but under this once-per-annum lunation, it behooves you to take a stand for yourself, your values, your work and your message. And yes, Virgo, it’s possible to do that without it turning into an ego trip! This lunar lift gives you the nerve to captivate crowds—without even trying. That’s the power of your persuasion. All week—and for the two following this full moon (peak manifesting time)—you’ll be in your element, so schedule any big reveals or announcements.

Are you trying to wrap up a long-running project? Make it your mission to complete it by the end of the month, even if you have to burn the midnight oil or hire an assistant to bring it to the finish line. Then be prepared to do the very un-Virgo-like thing of promoting your work so you get it in front of the right people. One short-and-sweet livestream on social media can create major buzz. People are thirsty for your wisdom, Virgo, so let them drink it up!

If you’re ready to launch a new chapter in your life, this full moon is an ideal moment to dive right in, even if everything isn’t detailed to perfection yet. Letting people see your secret messy side is a small trade-off for all the love and support you’ll garner in the process.

Libra (September 23-October 22) Virgo full moon horoscope

Are you ready—or nearly ready—to close a chapter of your life, Libra? You’ll have ample opportunities to launch into that starting Tuesday, March 7, when the year’s only Virgo full moon lands in your twelfth house of closure and transitions.

Whether a certain phase is officially coming to an end or you’re arriving at a critical crossroads, circumstances are probably shifting. But before you can seamlessly move on to the next stage of the game, you’re probably going to have to drop some of the baggage that’s been weighing you down or holding you back.

And as someone who has a hard time saying goodbye to people—or to comfortable habits—you might not be clear about what, exactly, it means to “let go.” It always starts with a choice that supports a grander vision. You have to desire something different more than the status quo to even consider making the shift.

Once you do, look at what blocks or obstacles seem to be in the way. THOSE, Libra, are the things that will likely need to be transformed in some way. Maybe you initiate a conversation that either mends a rift—or brings closure with dignity. You might have to forgive someone and move on—or possibly ask them for forgiveness. For a truly stuck situation, the only option may be to surrender to the fact that you have no clue how to resolve it and acknowledge that you need expert support—and then seek it out.

If you’re determined to move on, your Virgo full moon horoscope says this lunation can strengthen your resolve. And remember: When you clear out something that’s taking up psychic bandwidth, you create the space for something new and miraculous to flow in.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) Virgo full moon horoscope

You may not THINK you’re ready to emerge from the hibernation station, but on Tuesday, March 7, the year’s only Virgo full moon sounds the “come out wherever you are” alert as it beams into your eleventh house of technology, teamwork and all kinds of collaboration. We know you love your privacy, Scorpio, but this lunar lift can make you feel suddenly social! Make it your business to seek out groups and organizations, both online and IRL, that revolve around some of your current interests.

You don’t have to go all in and become a lifetime member to reap the benefits of community. Even if you’re just trading encouraging tips and supporting each other’s efforts, interacting with kindred spirits will put some serious wind in your sails.

Since full moons signal completions, it’s also possible that a team effort you’ve been a part of over the past six months could come to an impressive conclusion on or near March 7. Once you’ve made the requisite champagne toasts and taken your victory lap, your next move should be—no, not resting on your laurels, but asking yourself, “Now what?”

And don’t succumb to peer pressure or groupthink. What do YOU want, Scorp? If you wish to stay involved—and can—think about the role you’d like to play. And if you’re ready to move on, do so with respect and humility—but zero regrets.

And since the eleventh house is your digital domain, this can be a great couple of weeks to research and then purchase a new device or launch an online project. Even if you just debut the beta version, at least you’ll have something out there!

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Virgo full moon horoscope

Do you even own a “power suit,” Sag? If so, you might want to pull it out of the recesses of your closet—or drop it off at the cleaner’s—ASAP. You may have been literally dialing it in for some time thanks to #WFH Zoomathons. The Virgo full moon—the only one of the year—arrives to some fanfare on Tuesday, March 7, and powers up your tenth house of professional ambition and success.

Immediately or over the coming several weeks, you could hit a major career milestone, or a rich opportunity could pop up so suddenly that you don’t even have time for a wardrobe change. (Hence the “ready the power suit” advance warning.) But as out of the blue as this might initially strike you, Archer, when you stop and think about it, you may realize that you’ve actually been striving toward this for many months and possibly years! This isn’t a fluke; you’ve EARNED it with all your recent hustling.

Still, you don’t want to sit around waiting for your next gig to find you. During the two weeks that follow this full moon, get proactive. Any marketing and promotion you do could get your toe in the right doors. Send out pitch decks, go live on your social media platforms, start showing up at networking events.

If you’re two steps away from that, then waste no time setting up meetings and lunches with the movers and shakers in your industry. They might be in a position to introduce you to the right people, like your future boss or an angel investor who LOVES what you’re doing.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) Virgo full moon horoscope

The Virgo full moon on Tuesday, March 7, is the only one of the year AND it heralds a major moment of truth. You pride yourself on your pragmatic, logical nature, but sometimes even you, Capricorn, can’t ignore that inner knowing, even after you’ve analyzed the situation from a dozen different angles.

The message: Stop justifying and just tune in. Your intuition is trying to get your attention, and it behooves you to listen up! Next step: Once you hear it (and you will), don’t waste any more time trying to rationalize it to yourself or convince others it’s right. (They might not have that in them.)

But if this vision resonates deeply for YOU, that’s good enough. Just take it on faith that it’s right for you, now, and plot out some action steps—or at least devise a fact-finding inquiry. The most important tool you’ll need is an open mind because your exploration may lead you on an unorthodox journey. And should you find yourself chanting or meditating near a sacred site or doing ecstatic dance under the stars, roll with it!

This Virgo full moon falls in your ninth house of travel, adventure and cross-cultural connections, so wherever you land, plan to mingle multiculturally. Home or away, you could form an important alliance within two weeks of the full moon (peak manifesting time). A long-distance opportunity may also land in your lap, which could be great news since, in 2023, geography isn’t necessarily a barrier to business partnerships.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) Virgo full moon horoscope

The concept of “permabonding” might be a bit foreign to some Aquarians, but get ready to have your world rocked! The year’s only Virgo full moon, on Tuesday, March 7, powers up your eighth house of strong emotions, seduction and intimacy, which might melt your cool.

As an air sign, you’re usually more comfortable being in your head than your heart, but TRY to resist the feelings and desires that well up now and over the coming two weeks (peak manifesting time for this lusty lunation). Whether you’re single, casually dating, solidly ensconced in a union—or developing a serious business partnership—you may suddenly feel ready to make a deeper commitment. Chances are, there’s SOME kind of significant “next step” looming, from something as trivial seeming as sharing office space to an action with far greater ramifications, like moving in together or merging financial assets.

Since the eighth house rules all things erotic, your Virgo full moon horoscope calls for possibility a sultry disclosure (from you or another person). Don’t keep your seductive powers a secret, Water Bearer. There are people—or at least one person—who would love to be the recipient of your passionate attention. Haven’t been feeling like THAT in a while? Tuesday’s lunar lift could jump-start your mojo.

Then it’s up you to keep it revving, which doesn’t have to be in the boudoir! Book a massage, update your lingerie drawer, take a dance-based cardio class. Moving your body appreciatively is a great way to revive your slumbering libido and ignite your lit-from-within glow. Who knows? You might wind up exchanging digits with someone in your Spin class this week.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) Virgo full moon horoscope

Are you still looking for your missing puzzle piece, Pisces? The search might be over SOON thanks to the arrival of the Virgo full moon on Tuesday, March 7.

This once-a-year lunation will illuminate your seventh house of committed partnerships and shine the kind of focused bright light you need on your quest. But for your part, you have to resist making snap judgments about prospects (Virgo energy at work!). Stay open to the mysterious force of amour and see who you can attract. Pursue casual connections by smiling, chatting and engaging, but keep expectations realistic. Someone surprising could become a real-deal person of interest over the coming two weeks.

If you’ve benched yourself from the game, find the inspiration to get back in it, even if you have to give yourself a strongly worded pep talk. As the lottery slogan goes, you gotta play to win! And when you do meet someone with potential, be patient and enjoy the getting-to-know-you phase. Relax into it and allow yourself to feel the excitement of not knowing what’s coming next. Dating someone casually? This could escalate quickly over the coming two weeks, with one of you possibly broaching the subject of exclusivity. But if one of you has been ambivalent, the other may decide to cut bait and fish in richer waters.

If you’re in a solid union, your Virgo full moon horoscope reminds you to show your appreciation for your S.O. Even if you’re currently locking horns, get over your petty grievances and tune in to their most wonderful qualities. (If your complaints aren’t “petty,” this lunation can help you get them out in the open and work to resolve them one way or another.)

Business partnerships also benefit from this full moon. Is it time to join forces? Keep the searchlight on for a complementary force instead of a clone. And if you and this person have collaborated successfully in the past, the full moon may evolve your connection into something more official.

Where will your sign be lucky in 2023?

Find out in The AstroTwins 2023 Horoscope — and plan it by the planets all year long!

The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.